Race Schedule and Results

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Q and A with moi

I'm totally at a lost for a blog post these days.  I feel like it's always about training and racing.  And since there aren't any of those "here are 8 bajillion facts about me" posts going around, I thought that I'd open it up to you guys.

Anything you want to know about yours truly?  Leave me a question in my comment section and I'll write a post answering your questions.  It can be about anything...

Have fun and be creative!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

This might become a habit...

The whole racing naked thing is going to be a craze... you just wait and see.  All the cool kids are going to be doing it soon. 

I want to write a race report from yesterday's Olympic tri, but I worry that people don't really want to hear the details.  But my mom did a great job taking pictures, and well, it was a great race, so I'm going to.  Skim it if you want, just look at the pictures, or sit back with a drink and enjoy.

So yesterday was the Tri-Tech International Tri in Columbus.  Again, it was in our backyard so I was super comfortable with the course.  I was slightly worried about the run because it was a lot of trail running, but not nice trails.  More of grassy-area-that-is-sometimes-mowed-and-because-of-the-rain-here-in-Ohio-lately-more-mushy-muddy-and-uneven-than-anything trails.  I loves me some of those... let me tell you.  I didn't really talk much about the race - chalk it up to being a little nervous or the fact that I was super busy last week. Ehhhh

So Sunday we get up (like how I forged right ahead of all the prep??? I'm trying to make this easier for your reading pleasure) and it's kind of gloomy.  Not raining, but I look at the radar and it's coming.  But it's calm, and cool so I don't mind.  We load up the car and make our 15 minute commute to the park (have I mentioned that I love local races???).  I know it's a small race (um... there were 300 people total) so transition is tiny and the parking lot is fairly empty.  They had given Tom the wrong bib when we checked in on Friday (call it women's intuition or whatever, but I just had this sneaking suspicion that it wasn't right, even though the guy checked the list and marked us off) so we took care of that, got our timing chips, swim caps and transition set up.  We had primo spots in transition - SCORE!  Hit the potties one more time, met up with my mom and dad to give them our camera (they are the best sherpa's!) and then saw BDD who came to spectate!!!  YAY!

Wetsuit is going on easier and easier each time I wear it!  :)  The process is so less painful than it was in Knoxville.  Here's my obligatory wetsuit and swim cap picture.  And Tracy, you can't tell me that I look cute in a swim cap.  Totally unflattering.  Tom and I were ready to roll.
My wave was the Clydes, Athenas, relays, and anyone under 34 (although they did have a collegiate division and they weren't included in my wave) and with all these people, there were maybe 65 people in my wave.  Small.  It was an out and back course and let me just tell you - our water is not deep enough to do this.  And a note to race directors, please don't use orange and yellow swim caps when the buoys are orange and yellow.  The horn went off and I felt great, but my site buoys keep moving.  :)  I swam wide, because it was deeper, but people were walking on the way out which is a bad sign, as the way back, we'd be swimming closer to the shore.  It felt like forever to the turn around and then I had the pleasure of swimming into the oncoming waves.  Total cluster.  I loved the guy walking in the middle of the swimmers... the entire second lap.  He made good time for being in waist deep water. Ugh.  Anyway, I'm slow as always. 29:12, but comfortable so that's alright.  And I always smile running to transition.  I think it's still some of the "thank God I survived" mentality that hasn't left since I taught myself how to swim!
T1 - 1:15  Same as Tom.  Dang... didn't beat him.

The bike was one big loop and literally went 5 miles from our house so I know the roads.  I wanted to race naked again (no watch you crazy people... swimming, riding a bike and running with no clothes would be so so gross), but I planned on having my bike computer.  Buuuuuut, the hubby took it off my bike when he was cleaning it Saturday.  Sneaky little bugger.  So I had no data.  A little harder with an Olympic race.  I just hunkered down and went as fast as my legs would take me.  I felt sluggish at times, and really powerful at times.  Tom passed me at one point and told me I was going 25mph at that point.  I smiled... I felt like I was totally doing 25.  Heck, I could have been going 15 and I wouldn't have known. The bike was uneventful, until I had to turn.  No breaks.  For some reason the breaks on Kestrel are all messed up with my race wheels (the wheel seems true, but I can't go back and forth between my Ovals and my Flashpoints and it's really frustrating).  Anyone else have this?  In any event, I didn't feel it so much during the race because I wasn't breaking much, but I get to the dismount line and  in typical Colleen fashion gracefully try to stop, but my breaks barely slow me and then must have dried and I almost went flying. Awesome. I ended up doing the 24.8 miles (I hear it was a little longer than that... I don't know because someone stole my computer) in 1:10:09  (21.2mph).  I'm happy with that.  My mother captured this beautiful picture of me as I nearly face planted.  Ha! 

T2 - in and out 0:53.  Tom beat me again.  Dagnabbit

Like I said before, I knew that the 6.2 mile run was going to be a lot of trail (like 5 miles of it).  We run the trails all the time, but they just kind of suck.  They are bumpy and uneven and haven't been mowed lately.  It was drizzling all morning (which was great for the race, but not for the mud).  I just tried to not think about it.  I told Tom before the race to run in the mud and puddles and pretend you are a kid.  We can always wash our running shoes.  I forgot to tighten my speedlaces, but my shoes fit like gloves so I was fine.  I found a groove and stayed there.  It wasn't terribly fast or hard, but what I thought I could maintain.  I saw Zach and Jim and Tracey and Tom all ahead of me, looking strong and we exchanged our "good lucks" and "looking strongs".  It's so nice to have familiar faces on the course.  In a cruel and totally uncool fashion, we had to run past the finish line to finish another out and back before the end of the run.  By about mile 5, I felt like I was laboring.  I hadn't seen anyone in my age group (like all day), but there were two girls gaining some ground on me.  As I saw the mile 6 sign, and the finish line, I decided they would not pass me.  I had another gear.  Coach Tracy yelled and yelled for me to find that next gear and I gave it all I had. I probably looked like a total tool.  But those girls didn't get me!  6.2 miles in 49:45 (8:01's).  So close to sub 8's

Since I didn't start my watch, I had no clue what my finish time was.  My mom thought that she had calculated it around 2:38 which would have been super close to a PR.  We changed, loaded our gear in the car and went to look at the results.
Wait, did I read that right? A freaking 2:31:13?  I was so stinking excited. (and if you look closely, Tom's AG is listed below me.  He PRed by 11 minutes.  The kid is pretty badass right?).  They didn't have the awards ready to handout (we have to pick them up in a week), but I ended up nabbing 1st in my AG.  I was the 5th woman (not including the collegiate girls, but they didn't list them with our results).  I'm liking that.  It makes me feel like my hard work and struggles are paying off.  I'm still middle of the pack overall, which is fine (okay, maybe slightly better in this race), but I feel like I'm making some significant progress.  Who knows how that will equate to the long distance stuff, but I'm hoping it bodes well for me.

Thanks again so much to my mom and dad for capturing our day in pictures, enduring the drizzle, and cheering louder than anyone.  Tom and I are super lucky to have you!!!
And thanks BDD for coming out and cheering for us.  I know you had a looming 12 mile run and a crappy day on Saturday.  Hopefully hanging out with my mom and dad, cheering us on at the race helped take your mind off of things for a while!

Congrats to everyone who raced.  Tracy took first overall woman, Jim was first in his AG, Zack was first in his AG.  Tom kicked butt with an 11 minute PR.  I PRed by about 7.5 minutes.  I'd say it was a successful day.
I then proceeded to stuff my face at Bob Evans with all of these fabulous people and my parents and sister, then drive to the casino to drink away any post race soreness that I might feel.  I didn't hit the jackpot (sorry Jason... maybe next time because Tom and I would TOTALLY love a personal chef).  But it was the perfect end to a perfect Sunday!

Jump on the bandwagon kiddos... racing naked  is as cool as peeing on your bike. Right Triathlon Rocks??? :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Oh why not

Why not post another random blog day with lots of bullets??? :)  You know you love them
  • Today is my fabulous mom's birthday.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA!  As far as mom's go, I hit the jackpot with mine... not only has she been a fabulous mom, she's a great friend and for a girl, that's an amazing thing to share with your mom.  I'm very fortunate to live nearby, talk to her once, twice, multiple times a day, laugh with her, cry with her, and share life with her.  Hope the anniversary of your 29th birthday was a good one (and look at what a great daughter I am... didn't even type what anniversary it is!)
  • My sister, who also happens to be one of my very best friends (I'm a lucky girl) and her husband are starting a very exciting journey in their lives.  They are starting the process of adoption.  I don't talk about my family's personal stuff much on my blog, but if you can do me a favor and just keep them in your thoughts, I'd be forever grateful.  It's going to be a long process, with lots of i's to dot and t's to cross.  And their success in being matched with a birth mother will be very much in their own hands.  If you know of ANYONE who might be looking for an adoptive parent for their child or someone else's, please let me know.  They are going to be amazing parents (and I'm a little biased when I think I'll rock at being an Aunt!)
  • My twin from another mother and I were texting the other day and she totally cracked me up.  I was telling her that I needed to find the motivation to get out for my 11 mile run.  Her response was "Just think of it as a date with your husband and you iPod.  Time to perfect you ability to memorize and repeat lyrics".  Great advice.  But her follow up was even better "I like to break out in song and dance while running.  Makes me feel like I'm part of a musical staring ME!!!".  Oh my gosh... this is why I love you!
  • I made it through that run, albeit without an iPod, but I can't confirm or deny that I didn't sing to myself at some point throughout the run.
  • My Ironman Cycle post (found here) seems to have hit the right chord with a lot of people at just the right time.  I hope that it helps some of you.  I know that I'll go back and re-read a lot of my own advice as my journey continues.
  • Tom and I (okay, maybe it's just me, but whatever) are obsessed with the Race Across America.  Last year at this time, I was propping my eyelids open in Annapolis, waiting to Team Type 1 to come in.  It was an exciting time, and although they didn't break their own record, it was exciting seeing the guys come across the finish line in first again.  Although they don't have a team in the race this year, I've been stalking the results to see if any of the 8-man teams would be able to break the record.  It's going to be close... but I think TT1 will keep it. Awesome... especially knowing the tail winds that these guys might have had propelling them through, oh, I don't know, the WHOLE state of Kansas.  Tell me that diabetics can't do something...
  • Speaking of diabetics, did I tell you the guys are running across the country? Just because they can?  10 guys from Team Type 1 will be starting the trek in October.  I can't wait to tell you more about it.  15 days of running, starting in California, ending in NYC on World Diabetes Day.  It's not a death sentence in our family... it's opportunity!
  • I'm racing again this weekend.  So excited... a local Olympic.  And I'm racing naked again.  What do I have to lose?
  • And then we're heading to the casino.  We might have a gambling problem (although to my defense, I spend like $50 all night playing penny slots and am giddy like a school girl).  Oh... and we booked a trip to Vegas in September.  Post REV3 Full / Interbike.  Loving it!
Happy weekend everyone! I'm off to stalk check on the RAAM results.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Ironman Cycle

So many people I know are doing their first Ironman distance race this year.  And although I'm training for my 4th, it's funny how each training cycle has been somewhat similar for me.  And then hearing from all of the first timers (who for some reason think I am an expert... ha!  I have them fooled) it makes me smile to think about the process of Ironman training.

I think everyone starts out gungho.  It's a little frightening at first, thinking about the daunting task of training ahead.  No one really thinks about how daunting the race will be, just how great the finish line and party will be.  But it's a year or so out so you don't really have to think about that yet.  Then a few months go by.  Training finally starts increasing. You are feeling good.  Getting fit.

And the WHAM!

You hit the training wall.  The "holy hell this sucks right now" wall.  It might be that you are fatigued.  Or that you feel like there aren't enough hours in the day.  Maybe it's that you usually run x:xx miles and now it's xx:xx minute miles, no matter how hard you try. You might hear that someone else training for the same race as you did a million hours of training this week and felt great and you've done what your schedule calls for... but it's not a million hours and you didn't feel so great.  Are you doing enough? Is your plan right?

Then you get a second wind.  Someone reminds you that you are on track.  You might have a breakthrough workout.  You are gaining strength, speed, confidence.  The race is only a few weeks out and now you are thinking about it... what will the swim be like, how fast can you transition, what will you eat and drink on the bike, can you run the run.  And still, how great the finish line and party will be!

Then it might happen again. Another wall. But it's closer to the race so you really freak out. You can't make up the fitness that you feel like you don't have.  You're crappy and sleepy and hungry all the time.  You snap at people, but they don't get it.  They aren't going through what you are putting your body through.

Race day comes and for the first time in MANY MANY months, you are fresh.  Your legs are ready.  You're rested.  You are nervous because, the thought of 140.6 miles in one day is in fact daunting (and you didn't really think of that a year ago when you signed up).  But as you stand at the start line, you know that in less than 17 hours, you will be part of an elite group of crazy amazing people who have done so much more than just finished an Ironman.

You've swam, you've biked, you've run.  You've been down.  You've been up.  You've questioned your own sanity, you're own abilities, you're own reason for doing this.  You've conquered your inner demons.  You've proven what you are made of to yourself and anyone that cares to listen.

I wrote this email in response to a few friends the other day that are at the first and second wall and were asking for some insight.  I think it's a perfect bit of advice from someone who's been through it a time or two.  And if you are training for an IM... know that this letter is to you too.

"I wish I had a magical answer, but I'm training for my 4th and just yesterday, I got 2.25 miles into a 10 mile run, walked home (only after getting in a huge fight with Tom), then decided that I wasn't into Ironman training, it was defining me instead of being part of me, and that ultimately I didn't know why I keep putting myself through this.  I decided I was going to switch my registration to the half.  I simply had nothing in the tank.

Let me just tell you that it happens.  IM training is like nothing else that you've ever put your body through.  You are never "fresh".  Not until race day.  The fatigue, both mentally and physically just builds and builds.  Yes, you take a rest week, but that only means that your workouts are only an hour or two a day and at a lower intensity instead of 3-4 hours, going long and hard.

I personally think that another rest week isn't going to do anything but good things for you.  Ramp it up this weekend... if you feel like it.  You aren't going to lose any of the fitness that you built.  If you don't feel like you are ready at the end of the week, keep the full week a rest week and start fresh next week.  Burnout is so easy in IM training.

You have to realize that you have the fitness right now to get through the race.  All 5 of us do.  It would hurt some of us more than others at this exact moment and it wouldn't be pretty, but we could get through it.  Don't get discouraged by a bad workout, or a bad week, or even two.  It happens to all of us and we just need to regroup.

You'll think back on these weeks when you are racing.  I told Jeff many times that you earn the title of an Ironman much before the race... that day you just go pick up the hat, tee shirt and medal that shows everyone else what you are made of.  If it was easy, more than 1/10th of 1% of world would attempt it.  You are in a league of your own. You are a badass!

You aren't doing anything wrong.  And it will get better.  And it'll probably get bad again.  This is where mental toughness is built.  Be smart.  If your body is slugging through, ask yourself if you are getting better with each workout or do you need the rest.

And just so you know, after telling Tom that I wouldn't do Cedar Point, he looked at me, said "you aren't a quitter" and we went off to run 5.5 miles at an 8:20 pace (which is really fast for me).  I'll be there on September 11th, to pick up my medal, hat and tee shirt. :) "

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday Ramblings...

First, I want to welcome some new followers.  I love seeing my follower number go up.  One of those weird little things that makes my day. :)  I guess my ramblings are making it out there!

Speaking of ramblings...

I'm tired.  I feel like I just can't get caught up.  I don't think it's lack of sleep because, let's face it, I sleep like 9.5 hours a night.  I take a vitamin.  I eat fruits and veggies.  Training is just starting to get long and I'll be the first to admit that I'm pushing it a little more than I have in the past.  After our race Sunday, we busted out with a 9 mile run later in the afternoon.  Tuesday was a 1:45/:15 bike run brick.  Yesterday, we powered through some strong winds for a solid 3:30 ride (by far my strongest training ride ever) and then immediately covered a 5 mile run.  By this morning, my knees were a little achy, my body a little sluggish.  We took off for a 13 mile run, but I just didn't have anything in my tank.  (the stupid high school parks guys that took out water bottle and sugar and threw it in the trash didn't help.  Yes, I know I put it on a post at the trail head, but we were doing three laps and didn't want to carry it. You are doing your job, I get it.  But then pulling the sugar out of your pocket (were you going to eat it?) and the bottle out of the trash, didn't make me happy).  10 miles later, we were home and I was beat.  A good ole' First Endurance Cap Ultragen makes everything a little better.  Luckily, our long workouts have been done for the week... for the most part and I can catch up.  I hope.  Ahhhh I love Ironman Training.

Speaking of Ironman - I was gungho all in for IM Mont Tremblant.  Even had the condo booked.  But after much talking to Tom, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.  It's just too hilly for a flat lander like me.  Sure, I can learn to ride and run hills, but there just aren't hills like that around here.  We'd have to drive at least an hour to get anything that resembles a hill (and they don't match IMMT's profile at all).  I just felt like I would be going into the race unprepared and I've done enough Ironman races to know that's not smart.  You can't go into a race like that behind the 8 ball.  I just wouldn't have enjoyed myself.  So I back out. Chickened out.  Whatever you want to call it.  I'm totally going to miss being part of the League of Extraordinary Tri Geeks that will be representing up there, but I know I made the right decision.  Plus it opens up my schedule a little more for some local stuff during the summer and maybe a late season Ironman.  Florida?  Arizona?  We'll see.

So OutsidePR sent me a package a while back with some pretty cool stuff to test out for them.  I wrote a review about the Ryders Sunglasses (here).  I still can't get over how much I love those babies.  I just need to get the Hex Photochromic lenses in pink... that would make my day.  Anyway, one other thing that they sent me were a pair of Pearl Izumi isoTransition tri running shoes to test out.  They are a new shoe, especially made for triathletes.  I will be honest... I totally put them on the back burner because I've been running all of my speed work and training runs in my Avia Bolt 3's.  But, they are starting to show a lot of wear (they are racers after all and I've put a lot of miles on them) and I can't run in them sockless, so the other day I pulled the Peal Izumi's out of the box and gave them a try.  They are definitely a tri shoe - (from their site) "Designed and developed with 2x IronMan® World Champion Tim DeBoom, the new isoTransition was built to perform when it counts - on race day. The quick-pull lacing system and self-draining midsole are designed to help you shave valuable minutes for your next PR. The breathable, Seamless Upper provides such amazing out-of-the-box barefoot comfort, you'll swear that someone is tickling your little piggies. Amen." (cute, right?).  The first time that I wore them, I went sockless and one of the little slits in the bottom totally rubbed my foot.  Instant blister.  Ugh... I didn't wear them again for a few days and then tried them one more time.  This time, no blister.  Maybe they needed to be broken into or something.  I am worried that a little pebble or something will get into one of those slits though (we run along a beach and beaches in Ohio aren't sand... they are totally rocks).  I could see how something like that could get lodged in the shoe.  I did like the lace system a lot (super fast foot just slide right in) and they weighed nothing - felt like a slipper in that they were snug, but not too tight.  No rubbing at all with bare feet either... simply because there are no seams in them! I did notice that after only two or three runs in them, they are already showing wear and there isn't much room for them to wear.  At $115 a pop, they would definitely be race shoes for someone and not training shoes.  Overall, I think they look great and they are comfortable for short runs (I'm not used a minimal shoe so I haven't run anything over 4 miles in them). Overall, I give them a 4.5 out of 5. :) Thanks OutsidePR. (** please note that these shoes were sent to me at no cost for review purposes only.  I was not told what to say in my review and it's simply my honest opinion about the product).

One last thing... can I just say a big ole' thanks to Ms. Mother Nature.  While I find that 99% of the time you hate me for whatever reason, I have really appreciated a few things the last few days.  Race day last Sunday was a tad chilly and overcast.  Perfect race weather.  Temps this week have been in the 70's, max.  Yesterday I needed sleeves for my ride. Sure it was windy, but at the turn around point of my out and back, you kept blowing the same direction and let me have some tail wind.  I appreciate that.  And right now, after the rain we just had (which my plants are loving... my hanging baskets have lasted more than a few days), it's in the upper 60's.  We've been sleeping at night with the window open and I've needed blankets.  While I don't think our love affair will last forever, I really am growing fond of you.

Told you I had some ramblings...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My naked race report

So I did it.  I raced naked.  It was joyous and liberating and I'll probably do it again.  I loved every one's comments about it and have a lot to say about it if you are interested.  More than anything, I loved not knowing how fast I was going.  I wore my watch (cause it's a habit), but didn't start it and didn't know what time we started (the waves were all late anyway).  My bike computer (which I thought I would still use) read "0" all day - something wasn't working.  And it was awesome!  I went by feel alone.  I pushed harder than I think I usually do.   And you know what???

I freaking PRed by a lot!

Here's the race report... I'll try to keep it short, but I do have pictures so YAY!

Overall Stats:
Swim (.5 miles) - 14:24
T1 - 1:21
Bike (17 miles) - 48:08 (21.2mph)
T2 - 1:04
Run (3.1 miles) - 24:07 (7:47's)
Overall time - 1:29:01
2nd out of 31 in Age Group
68 out of 500 Overall

So Saturday, I totally just chilled. Tom signed up for his first ever bike race so I was his cheering squad.  It was a 9 mile, 3 loop course and he was entered as a Cat 5.  Poor guy was so nervous.  He did great, until he got a flat with 3 miles to the finish.  Dang it.  But he's addicted so he'll be out there again.  I counted a lot of bikes, and 3 horse and buggy's.  We weren't in Delaware, anymore. :) See the buggy in the back???

This morning I woke up ready to race.  I love that feeling.  Stomach was a little sloshy, but nothing unusual.  The race site is only 15 minutes from our house, at most, so we didn't have to leave super early.  I love local races.  Got to the race site, got everything checked in, and met my parents who were unbelievable in coming out to see us race at an ungodly time on a Sunday morning.  I'm so blessed to have them both.  Plus, my mom played photographer for the day so we were able to get pictures!  Always a plus! (Thanks mom...)

Around 7, we started to put on our wetsuits.  Does this ever get easier?  Seriously, this is not an easy feet.  Thankfully the TRISLIDE works wonders and the baby, for the most part, slide right up.  I love my Hurricane 5 from TYR.  I feel like a poser in it since I'm so stinking slow, but looking good is half the battle, right?

The swim was fine.  I positioned myself waaaaaay outside because the water is deeper and because there was no one there.  I swam with all of the 30-34 year olds (guys and girls) and only groped one girl's butt so all in all, a successful swim.  14:24, I'll take that - I haven't been working on the swim too much so I can't expect anything amazing here.

T1 was nice and zippy, but the run to the mount line was loooooong.

The bike was awesome.  Without a computer, I just went by feel and I felt great.  I was passing a crapton of people and only counted three people who passed me - they were from the wave after me and were smoking.  Tom was one of them, but I was proud that it took probably 16.25 miles for him to catch me... it's usually way faster than that.  I did find myself looking at my computer a lot.  Like I said, it always read "0" so I didn't get any data from it.  Bad habits are hard to break I guess!  But I just felt like my Kestrel was floating... the fit is so perfect and it's a fast bike! Tom and I made it into transition together which was fun.  I ended up averaging 21.2mph which was awesome.  Tom thought that the course was a little long so it might have been faster.  Who knows, who cares!  I was the 5th fastest woman on the bike out of 172.  And I was the 47th fastest overall out of 500.  That's pretty cool!

T2 I just did my thing and ran out with Tom.  He said "let's run this together". Ha... well, it was good to start together.

The run was a familiar course, and although it's a simple 3.1 miles, the course is kind of wacky as it's part on a gravel path (which happened to be super muddy and filled with puddles) and then part on a grass trail over a dam.  It's really hard to pass people up there though so I honestly had no clue what I was running.  Tom had taken off about .5 mile into the run and that was fine.  I needed to go by feel.  I passed a few people and found a groove.  It was great not constantly looking to see my pace.  I thought I was sluggish, but looking at the results, I finally put a run together, averaging 7:47's for the 5k!

I got to the finish line, super happy with things.  My dad had started his watch when my wave went off and told me he thought that I was somewhere around 1:29.  I had two goals for this race which I hadn't told anyone.  For one, I wanted to run sub-8's.  And the other... to finish under 1:30.  Last year on this course, I did a 1:33:59!

I checked the standings after everyone was finish.  I finished in 1:29:01 and came in 2nd out of 31 girls.  That amazed me.  I couldn't wipe the smile off my face!

It was fantastic seeing so many of our friends there.  Jim, Tracy and Zach Aust were there and kicked major butt (as always) coming in 1st, 1st and 2nd in their age groups (Oh... and Jim was 5th overall, Zach in 9th and Tracy in 19th and the 2nd female!!!)  They are my adopted family and we love them so much!  Tom had an amazing race, especially after hearing him tell me that he had nothing in his legs from the bike race the day before.  He finished in 1:23, 7th out of 50 in his AG, and 27th overall.  Oh... and he had the 9th fastest bike of the day out of 500!  Scary to think what he could have done without racing the day before.  We also got to see Dave and Meredith too which was fun.  Dave raced and although I know he said he didn't hit his goals, he looked strong on the course!  It's so fun seeing friends out there! Here's a picture with us and team Austome! :)
ULTRAFIT-USA did a great job with the race.  We love the Wendy's International Tri.  Great competition, surrounded by a bunch of people we know, on our home turf.  Doesn't get better than that!

So the question is this - I have an Olympic in two weeks.  Virtually the same course.  Should I run naked again??? :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Taking a risk

I'm thinking of doing something this weekend that's totally unlike me.  It's not in my nature at all.  It involves the race that I'm doing and I'm sure I'll be one of the only ones there on Sunday to do it.  I bet most of you don't do it.  I know the cardinal rule of triathlon is don't try something new on race day.  But I don't know - I'm feel like taking the risk.  I'm thinking of...

Are you ready for it???

Racing naked.

No you perves... I'll wear clothes (trust me on this one, the other races, spectators and volunteers can't thank me enough because it would not be a pretty site for more reasons that I wish to list here if I didn't wear clothes.  That my friends would take big time kahonas, and quite frankly, why would anyone even consider that.  Ugh... can you even imagine? Mental images are starting to creep into my mind and my brain is screaming "my eyes! my eyes!".  I bet my splits would be wicked fast though without the wind resistance...)

Holy tangent...

Anyway, back to racing naked.  By that, I mean no electronics.  Obviously I don't race with an iPod.  As a matter of fact, I don't own an iPod (Kim, you aren't alone).  I have an MP3 player but quite honestly I couldn't locate it at this point in my house if I was being forced.  I use it that infrequently.  But the thought of racing without a watch, Garmin, bike computer, heart rate monitor or anything else telling me how fast (or slow) I'm going intrigues me.

I'm a typical Type A triathlete.  It's funny, because I don't think I'm like this in life (I guess I should ask those that know me best to see if I really am).  But when it comes to training and racing, I can't get enough of the data.  I want to know distance, pace, and time, on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. I compare it to last year, and the year before. I have charts people.  I have an uncanny ability to memorize a course and know exactly where every turn, climb, mile marker is after just one run or ride, thus "checking" my progress throughout each training session (and comparing it to what, the last?) is a given. 

And I wonder why I get so frustrated if something isn't going right.

On Sunday, I'm racing a local race.  It's on my stomping grounds and yes, I know it like the back of my hand.  I've raced there for years.  What if I "unplug" for the race and just go by feel?  Looking at my watch isn't going to make me faster.  If anything, it'll just make me frustrated if I'm not hitting my mark at any given point.  Maybe this will help me focus on each discipline as I'm in it... live in the moment if I want to be real cheesy.  I won't know how long I've been out there.  Or how fast I have to go to make up the time I've lost.  I won't be able to back off a little because I've banked time either. Maybe my mind will just let me push my body because it feels good, not because the seconds are ticking away.

It's a risk I'm seriously considering.  What's the worst that can happen - I do exactly what I'm capable of on that given day and I'm not stressed while doing it?

This might be the best decision I've ever made...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Where am I?

Maybe that's what you're asking.  Maybe not... it's alright. :)  I've been so busy lately that I haven't blogged much and I'm slowly getting caught up on reading all of your blogs.  I know I sound like a broken record (is there any new technology analogy that works other than the whole broken record thing???), but I'm trying! :)

The last week was a bit of a blur.  After coming home from California and our nightmare of a century on Monday, the week kicked my butt full force on Tuesday.  Work was busy, and training started.  Not that I haven't been training a ton the last 5 months, but I finally felt like training started.  It's like June 1st hit and a light switched on. I can pinpoint why. Do you ever have that?

We finally went to the state park to swim... and bike... and run.  That's a sure sign that it's tri season.  And you know what, I loved every minute of it!  We did multiple bricks this week, some speed, some long stuff.  200 miles in biking and nearly 30 miles of running (we won't talk about swimming, but I did swim so that counts).  It was the first week that it was hot, and I was tired.  And hungry.  Holy appetite!  But like I said, I'm loving it. The countdown to REV3 Cedar Point is at 99 days.  Say what?

We're racing this weekend and I'm looking forward to it.  So many people raced this weekend (huge congrats to Kevin, Jon, Kim, Jeff, Annie, Mandy, Kristin, Matty-O, Heather, BDD, Meredith, Melissa, all of my Trakkers teammates and Team Type 1 peeps in Quassy and everyone else that raced this weekend... I know there were more of you!) - I'll be honest... I felt like I wasn't one of the cool kids! :)  But next weekend is my time. Great local race, lots of competition, many of my friends - it should be a good time!

Totally random (I'm all over the place with this post aren't I?).  I just saw this on a blog I read and I love it especially for someone who struggles with self image a lot (like me):
If you can't read it, it says "I have thunder thighs.  And that's a compliment.  Because they are strong and toned and muscular. And though they are unwelcome in the petite section, they are cheered on in marathons. Fifty years from now I'll bounce a grandchild on my thunder thighs, and then I'll go for a run."

I love this one too:

it says "My Butt is Big and round like the letter C and ten thousand lunges have made it rounder but not smaller and that’s just fine. It’s a space heater for my side of the bed. It’s my ambassador to those who walk behind me. It’s a border collie that herds skinny women away from the best deals at clothing sales. My butt is big and that’s just fine and those who might scorn it are invited to kiss it."

I'm working on the self image thing... and the confidence thing.  that's for another post though...

One more thing - TAAN: Team Angels and Ninjas.  Heard of it?  If not, you are totally missing out. Check out this post on Jason's blog.  Very cool group of people, very cool mission. 

Have a great week and who knows... I might break records by blogging more than once this week.  :)