Race Schedule and Results

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oh the burn...

Okay so I know I've said it a hundred times, but I'm beginning to hate Ohio more and more. After Tom got back from California, and watching the tour of California on TV, I want to live somewhere nice... somewhere warm with sun... a lot of sun. Ohio is so blah - it's gray today, and raining. Tonight it's supposed to get windy and then it's going to be cold, gray and probably snowing. Not like pretty snow that you can play in... it's like mushy crappy snow that just sticks to your car. It's gross.

Makes training for a spring marathon loads of fun, let me tell you. Especially for this chick - because if you haven't noticed ...


We went for a run yesterday. It was warm by Ohio February means - 42 degrees with a slight 5-10 MPH wind. Fine. I bundle up and run. And since my arse is cold, I run fast (the faster I get home, the quicker I'm warm). Good theory, makes me a better runner, but OH MY GAWD...

My lungs were on FIRE!

We ended up running 5 miles in about 43 minutes - yeah, that's super fast for this pleasantly fluffy chick. Like a 8:39 average super fast. And our second mile was uphill at 9:05, meaning that we ran 3 REALLY fast miles to make up the time (our last mile was a 8:13 thanks to the hubster dragging my rear home). I feel good, but I haven't adjusted to the burn yet.

I know I'll have the burn in nice sunny moderately warm weather as well, I just know that I would have a better attitude about it all if I didn't cringe at the sight of the gray sky. A girl can dream right...


Liz said...

I really don't understand why you don't enjoy the armpit of the nation. It's a *terrific* state to live in.....

Emily said...

Having lived in California for a few years, sometimes I wonder why the hell I moved back! LOL!!

Rachel said...

I'm very spoiled. I bike all winter long and complain that I have to wear a jacket and freeze in "58" degree weather. But we're all wimps here so you can relish in that.

Jumper 2.0 said...

I'll take cold weather for a few months of the year over the risk of cataclysmic earthquakes (or fires) any time.

That said, I've had enough of sub 20 weather. I want snow for skiing and then warmer weather in April.

You are so sweet about your response on my blog. Unfortunately there is a difference between fast and faster and although I have obtained faster, fast still alludes me. I did have a good 1/4 mile interval workout today though. 10 intervals at @7:20 pace. I will attain fastness! ;-)

PS: Are you on facebook? (everybody is ;-)

We are the Ferrari's said...

But you could never leave me, so you have to stay, unless of course, Gabe and I are going wih you!!!! :)