Friday, March 27, 2009
I Will Survive
Thursday, March 26, 2009
March 26th
Enough of the mushy gushy stuff though. Tomorrow is a big test for me and quite frankly, I feel like I want to puke. :) I'm running 16 miles, my longest run of the season. I've run this distance (or longer) at least a dozen times. Why am I so petrified of it? It's supposed to be a beautiful day tomorrow - perfect for a run actually. I've seen such great progress in every run leading up to this so it should be a walk in the park, at least that's what I'm hoping. There's something exciting about the fact that I only have 3 more long runs until I get to show off how far I've come since my last marathon. Now if I can only get through those runs without crapping myself before hand! :) Wish me luck... I'll post my results tomorrow!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
New Camera
Sunday, we went for another great run, did some work on my MIL's pond, hopped on Flicka and Boom for a short bike and then plopped ourselves on the couch with some great food (umm... pretzel bites and pizza) and basketball.
Tom and I always fill out brackets for the NCAA tournament. I am in charge of highlighting the ones that I get right and the ones he gets right. After round 2, I'm up by about 10 points! :) The winner will owe the loser dinner or something. We haven't decided yet.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My funk
Got outside on the bike on Tuesday for the first time since the Ironman. Tom told me I looked like a rookie on a really nice bike. Lovely - it's weird how strange I felt and that I needed to relearn my bike handling skills. I have to get used to the ungodly noise my wheels make when I'm not pedaling - it's like they know that I'm coasting and are bitching at me to get moving. If being yelled at is a reason that I don't have a coach, why did I pay money for these wheels? :) They look good, I'll give them that, but I think they are going to make me work this year! By the end of the 2.5 hours, I felt like myself again, bitching about the wind and all. :)
Yesterday I got annoyed about something stupid and went out for a sluggish 5 miler. 52 minutes later (yeah, that's 8:35's again) I was home. I don't think that Tom likes running with me anymore. He said that I didn't give him fair warning that I was going out for a speed workout... sorry to bust your bubble honey, but I didn't feel like it was a speed workout! Hehehe... I'm just getting better.
I'm super excited for my weekend. Of course b-ball is on so we'll watch that. Tomorrow night we're meeting friends at a new restaurant called The Pub. It looks awesome and the menu... let's just say I better be motivated to work out tomorrow because I could eat everything and I'm sure the drinks will compliment the meal well. Then 2 easy workouts this weekend, some relaxing, hopefully a visit to my mom and dad's and nothing else! Gotta love weekends like that!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Changes come...
Oh and other exciting news... Tom and I got certificates for a free pair of New Balance running shoes for winning the tri last weekend. We went to the local running store yesterday and both we're pleasantly surprised when Jerry, the store owner said that we could have any pair of shoes we wanted, not limited to NB. Truthfully, I just bought a brand new pair of Brooks that are still in the box which I'll probably bring into circulation right after the marathon so I didn't need a new pair of shoes, so I broke a cardinal rule of running and went with looks. These shoes were bright pink... I couldn't pass them up. They are going to be my new kick around shoes. I'm a bit smitten...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday I ran 8 miles outside (in 1:08 by the way, but who's counting) in shorts and a short sleeve shirt. I overheated a little because it was 75 degrees! We went for a walk that night with the dogs and I work shorts and crocks with a tee shirt and a hoodie.
Right now as I look out my window, it's snowing.
Really Mother Nature? What did I ever do to you?
Sunday, March 8, 2009
A family of winners...
I had 10 minutes between the bike and swim which went surprisingly fast. Got to the gym where the bikes where (which was a different building) and had to wait. They didn't expect mountain bikes to be there and they bike store didn't have enough of the right skewers or something. Anyhoo, my 10 minute rest ended up being 17 minutes which was fine. I had brought my Orbea down because that's really my only bike and I get a few comments on how nice of a bike it was. (One guy commented later as I was sitting by my bike something to the effect of "oh, he has you watching his bike now". I mumbled that it was mine and the guy walked away. As we were riding home, he pulled up next to me, rolled down his window and with a look of shock, said "that's your bike?". Yeah dude, girls can have kick ass bikes too you know!) I digress...This was a very beginner friendly tri and I think I might have stuck out a bit. Anyway, the 6 of us mounted our bikes and were off. I covered 5.7 miles in 15 minutes so that was 22.8 mph. I knew that I would probably win that by a pretty large gap, but it's hard to tell when you are not covering any distance.
Off to the run - it was an 1/8 of a mile track so I hoped to go 15 laps in 15 minutes, which was an 8:00 mile. That would be good for me. We toed the line and this is where I got a little arse kicking.I did just as planned 15 in 15:00, but 3 different girls lapped me, 2 of them lapping me twice. DAMN... they were zippy little things! I felt good about my run though and was happy overall with how it went.
Tom started right after me. He swam 17.25 laps in 15 minutes, biked 6.5 miles in 15 minutes (the fastest biker of the day 26 mph) and then cranked out 16.3 laps on the track. A few guys came up to him and told him what a stud he was... he secretly loved it I think! He did have the funniest newbie comment of the day though. A guy next to him on the bike said "how far did you go?" Tom told him 6.5 and the guy's response was "well that's weird. I only went 3.5 miles and my legs were going as fast as yours." Dude... there's these things on your bike called gears. We chuckled. Here are the guys in his heat getting ready to swim (Tom's in lane 1):
My mother in law did great in her du (came in 1st in her AG)and my father in law did great in his tri. We waited around for awards and guess what???
THE KINGERYS CAME IN 1st OVERALL!!! Tom won the overall male and I won the overall female. It was totally fun being winners together and they called us up as a couple to get our awards (free shoes from the local running store... NICE!) We've never outright won a race so it was pretty cool and we enjoyed talking about it the rest of the day! :) That will probably never happen again! (Notice Tom decked out in his new Team Type 1 gear!!!)
Friday, March 6, 2009
It's race time
I think I'm going to sleep well tomorrow night.
Will post pictures and a review of the race later in the weekend!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Slow and sick...
Yesterday I started feeling a little more like myself. My head wasn't in a bubble and I felt like I had enough energy to bike with Tom during his interval session. NOT A GOOD IDEA! I warmed up for 20 minutes then went into 2 sets of 4 reps of 3:00 hard and 3:00 active recovery. He does this every Tuesday and Thursday as part of his RAAM training. My legs were burning. I felt good when I was done, had a great dinner and didn't think much of it.
This morning... the semi hit! WOWZERS! I had an 8 miler planned and dragged my arse (and Tom's) out the door. I felt good for about the first 10 steps and it went downhill very fast. I was snotty again, choking, wheezing, gasping, hurting, whining. You know... all the things that a person who is either a. out of shape running for the first time or b. still sick and trying to get over a cold would be doing. Now my throat is scratchy again and I'm super sleepy. Ug... not fun!
I'm hoping I feel better by the weekend. Not only is it supposed to be in the 60's here in Ohio the next few days, but Tom and I are doing an indoor tri sponsored by our local hospital and the university here in town. Word has it that we've been outed as having tri experience and that people are slating us to win. Yikes... and I was thinking that I'll be happy to live through it!
PS - I bought a new camera yippie and hopefully will be able to upload a bunch more pictures soon. My blogs have been boring lately and I apologize for that! :)