Get comfy. Grab a drink. Ignore the fact that I don't have pictures (they are coming!!!). I'll try to keep this short and sweet (unlike my day on Sunday!)
So Friday we get to Louisville. It was going to be a busy day and we knew that ahead of time. So different from the atmosphere in Florida. I was excited though. Got all checked in (laughed that my weight was 140.6 when I checked in... about 4 pounds higher than normal, but a good sign nonetheless!). Walked through the expo and bought two pilsner glasses and an emblem for our car. :) Oh and I got some really cute K-Swiss Ironman flip flops. But that was it. I was fairly disappointed with the gear. Anyway, left there, relaxed and bit, went to the iAmTri banquet and then hit up the Louisville Bats game versus the Columbus Clippers. We had amazing seats (about 5 rows up, directly behind home plate - it's nice to know people!) and had a great time with some of the drug reps that work for Tom's sponsor.
Saturday we went to the practice swim. One word... chaos! We waited in line for a long time before they would let us in. Again, I compared this to Florida because of being free to swim in the ocean at any time and here having to check in before and after the swim (I'm assuming so that they didn't lose anyone in the sludge of the Ohio River!). Grabbed some lunch with our dear friends Matt and Steph and then met up with my family to check our bikes and bags. It was hot - noticeable hot as a matter of fact and the worries of what was to come started to creep in. Grabbed a great dinner and was in bed by 8. I was feeling good though - calm and excited!
Sunday's wake up call came early - 4:00 wake up, out the door by 4:40. My parents, sister and I walked to the swim start while Tom went to transition to pump our tires, fill water bottles, etc. I got a place in line (probably about 500 people back) and just parked it for the next 2 hours. Tom wasn't far behind. It was weird to stand in line for an Ironman start, but since they do it time trail style and it's first come, first serve, we did what we had to do. :) People had been camped out (literally on blow up mattresses) since around 4am from what I was told. As we got closer and closer to 7, the line started moving and we were told that once the canon went off, it would go really fast. I said goodbye to my family and smiled... I was in a good place and ready to race!!! The canon sounded and they were right - it went fast. The line started moving and before I knew it, I was running toward the dock that I was going to jump off of. One after another, we piled in. As soon as I jumped in, my left eye filled with water. Shit. I popped up and found Tom and told him. He told me to keep calm and just swim to the side to fix it. There were people jumping off behind me every second so I panicked a little, but got it clear. Put my head in and it started leaking again, although nothing that I would stop for again. I lost Tom immediately.
Now, I'll say this - the Ohio River isn't clean. You couldn't see anything within 2 inches from your face. BUT, it wasn't horrible. It's not anything worse than what I swim in. Besides the log that hit me on the side of the head. And the random sticks. I felt like I was able to stay calm the whole time and find clear water. Everyone had a strategy to swim left or right. I stayed right in the center. I got hit and kicked here and there, but nothing that stopped me from moving forward. I hit the turn around buoy and knew that I was a third of the way there. I felt good. As we started swimming back to transition, it seemed like it was so far away. I sighted as best I could, stayed in the center and just kind of zoned out. The bridges took forever to get to me. I heard my watch beep 8:00 so I knew that I had been swimming for 50 minutes. I looked up for the green Tumbleweed roof, where I knew I'd be exciting and I felt like I couldn't have been more than 1/2 way through the race. Humph... I felt like I was swimming well.
I reached the stairs and was conceived that I'd see about 1:40 on my watch. To my surprise, I got out and hit the mat in 1:23:57. That's a big ole' PR for me which made me smile. Felt great going to transition, grabbed my stuff, was pokey as always (I did fully change though) and crossed the mat again in 6:09.
Got on my bike and felt good right off the bat. Was maintaining about 20mph and it was effortless. I didn't want to push it, knowing that the day was going to get hot fast, and the hills would get me if I wasn't smart. I hunkered down and just rode. I ate. I took my endurolytes. I drank. Things were going good. Saw my family in La Grange at mile 35 and that was awesome. Around mile 50, I started getting hot. The sun was out and I was just at a point where the course starts getting tough on the mind. I knew I'd see my family again at mile 66 or so. That got me through some mentally tough times. But I was getting tired. And I was so thirsty. And I started to get the chills. And then it happened...
I saw people laying on the sides of the road everywhere. There had been a lot of flats up to this point, but this was different. People were laying under trees with their bikes propped against fences. I got to one section and there were probably 20 people laying on the side of the road. I've literally never seen anything like it in my life. I got to mile 80 where there was a water stop and I hear "we're out of water". What? They only had warm perform which my stomach was not liking. I took it anyway. My body felt like it was on fire. I kept riding, but found that mentally I was hurting. My speed slowed considerably. I got to the next water stop and I heard the dreaded words again "we're out of water". People were laying everywhere. The volunteers were filling used water bottles with water from a baby pool. I took some. I needed it. Filled my aerodrink and took a sip. It literally tasted like sweat. I think the baby pool had been used earlier to chill water bottles and now the water they were using was the dirty water from every one's hands in it grabbing bottles. I started to shut down.
I made it to the water stop at 106 and took two bottles of water. Downed one immediately and poured another over my head. I was dry by the time I hit mile 108! Still people were on the roads everywhere. Pickup trucks were passing left and right with bikes in the back. I heard the sirens of the ambulances constantly from about mile 75 on. I got to transition and handed over my bike. Just a run left, but I didn't know if I could do that!
I bent over to take my shoes off and stood up, only to have my world spin. I walked down the shoot to transition, holding the railing. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I thought about asking if I could take a nap. I was so hot. I got to transition and just told the volunteer that I was spinning. I sat down and just dropped my head back. All I could think about is how I'd give anything to be able to lay down. I drank some cola, slowly changed and decided to give the run a shot. Stood up and literally felt the blood drain from my head.
I found my dad waiting along the transition area and just told him how dizzy I was. I must have looked like it because a few people asked me if I was alright. But I did what far too many people did... I kept going. I decided I would walk and try to stop the spins and hopefully work up to a run. I hit the first mile marker in 19 minutes. Oh boy... it was going to be a long day. I knew that I had about 8 hours to finish this race. I could do it. I started jogging at mile two and made it a whole 3 minutes. The dizziness just wouldn't go away. I drank at every water stop, although even the ice water turned my stomach. I just walked. And it gradually got slower and slower. I saw Tom at mile 5 and lost it. I sat down in the middle of the road, sobbing, and told him that I couldn't do it. My eyes felt like they couldn't catch up with my head. I wanted to just lay down and go to sleep. I was being passed by walkers left and right. My stomach and back were cramping. I had cramps right above my ankles. I was in a bad way. He told me to keep pushing and see if it got any better. I agreed - I mean, this is an Ironman after all. It's not supposed to be easy is it?
I sat down around mile 7 at the side of the road and put my head between my legs. I couldn't keep walking. The nicest spectator came and sat with me and asked if I was alright. I was dizzy and shaking. I wasn't sweating anymore. He gave me a bottle of water and told me to try to not sit too long and asked if I needed medical. I said no, stood up and kept walking. I hit the 9 mile mark a little after 3 hours. I'm not kidding. At this rate, I'd miss the midnight cutoff by about 24 minutes. I was defeated. I saw Tom again and told him that I had stopped being able to drink, I was still dizzy and that I knew I wouldn't make the cut off. I decided to pull myself out of the race. He knew that this wasn't an easy decision, but I think he saw in my eyes that it was the right one. I found a medical van and they called me in.
We picked up 3 other people on the way to the medical tent. A van arrived before mine while my mom was waiting for me that had 10 people in it. She said that the medical building was the scariest thing that she had every seen - people throwing up, passing out, being wheeled in on stretchers. She said it reminded her of something out of a movie. When she found me, I just cried. I couldn't do anything else. She held me as we walked to the finish to see Tom who did amazing despite wanting to fall asleep on the bike, considering dropping out after the bike and then shuffling through a miserable run. He finished in 13:02 and I knew that was the biggest accomplishment of his life. It was brutal.
So there you have it. I got a big fat DNF in the biggest race of my year. Me and about 840 other people. But you know what... I honestly don't think that I could have done anything different. I was trained for the distance. I was trained for the heat. I wasn't trained to run out of water. I wasn't trained to push through dizziness that impeded my safety. I didn't need to be rushed off the course in an ambulance like so many others, but I feel like I was smart enough to not push it to that point - tI honestly feel like I was on my way there far too quickly. Looking back, I hadn't pee'd since mile 30 of the bike. That was around 10am and I didn't pee again until nearly 10 at night. I hadn't been able to eat anything since mile 70 of the bike. I had stopped sweating to the point the my clothes were virtually dry on a 96 degree day with 90% humidity My body was fighting me. And I let it win
Ironman teaches you a lot. You learn about how strong you really are. You learn what your limits are and what limits you can push. I know that I made the right choice and although I'm a bit heartbroken, I have nothing to prove to this distance. I've done it twice and I'm forever going to be an Ironman. I'm already starting to look forward. Ironman isn't in the cards for me at this point. I have some new goals... some exciting things. I take what happened on Sunday for what it was. I played the cards I was dealt and unfortunately I didn't win the hand, but I know I'll come out stronger and wiser in the end.
Thank you again so much for all of your support. You don't know how amazing it is to have such an encouraging group of people (many of whom I only know from the Internet) that I can call friends! I'm a lucky girl!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
The short version is I did what ever athlete hates to do...
A big fat DNF.
BUT, there's a lot to the long story. Like the 96 degree high. Or the 90% humidity. Or running out of water at the 80 and 95 mile aid stations (meaning we got some around 65 and then again at 106). Or the shortage of sag vehicles and ambulances because there were mounds (and I'm not exaggerating here) of people laying all over the roads.
Oh, and the fact that 28% of the other participants DNF'ed. Yep, you read that right - 838 people started the race and didn't finish.
To put it lightly, it sucked and was BY FAR the worst day of my life athletically.
But I'm strong and am slowly accepting the cards that I was handed.
I'll write a huge long report with the gory details in the next few days. Thanks for following me and all the support! You guys are awesome! :)
A big fat DNF.
BUT, there's a lot to the long story. Like the 96 degree high. Or the 90% humidity. Or running out of water at the 80 and 95 mile aid stations (meaning we got some around 65 and then again at 106). Or the shortage of sag vehicles and ambulances because there were mounds (and I'm not exaggerating here) of people laying all over the roads.
Oh, and the fact that 28% of the other participants DNF'ed. Yep, you read that right - 838 people started the race and didn't finish.
To put it lightly, it sucked and was BY FAR the worst day of my life athletically.
But I'm strong and am slowly accepting the cards that I was handed.
I'll write a huge long report with the gory details in the next few days. Thanks for following me and all the support! You guys are awesome! :)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Stalking me
I've never wanted to be stalked, but I guess I can make an exception for this once! :)
Sunday is Ironman Louisville. I can't believe that it's already here. Yikes... If you have absolutely nothing better to do on Sunday (or if you are like me and get addicted to athlete tracker at like I do), then you can check in on us. The race starts at 7am, but since it's a time trial start, we'll probably enter the water around 7:20 (hopefully!). I've heard that there's about a 20 minute delay.
My bib number is #296
Tom's bib number is #1628
No time goals. I mean, obviously I'd like to finish under 17 hours (isn't that a given in an Ironman). We'll see what this body is capable of. I feel good. I feel rested. I know I did the training. Sunday I get the medal, the tee shirt and the hat (this is really a lot of work for those three things...)
Thanks for all of your support... I'll be in touch!
Third time's a charm...
Sunday is Ironman Louisville. I can't believe that it's already here. Yikes... If you have absolutely nothing better to do on Sunday (or if you are like me and get addicted to athlete tracker at like I do), then you can check in on us. The race starts at 7am, but since it's a time trial start, we'll probably enter the water around 7:20 (hopefully!). I've heard that there's about a 20 minute delay.
My bib number is #296
Tom's bib number is #1628
No time goals. I mean, obviously I'd like to finish under 17 hours (isn't that a given in an Ironman). We'll see what this body is capable of. I feel good. I feel rested. I know I did the training. Sunday I get the medal, the tee shirt and the hat (this is really a lot of work for those three things...)
Thanks for all of your support... I'll be in touch!
Third time's a charm...
Monday, August 23, 2010
6 days out and I am getting sick. Slept horribly last night because I couldn't swallow - felt like razor blades cutting into my throat every time I tried. Whined like a baby to the hubster who thought it was cute (I did not at 3 in the morning). Ichy eyes, sneezing, tired today.
Please oh please let this be the 2 or 3 day cold that I'm praying for and not the week and a half energy drainer that Tom just got over.
Maybe a swim in the e-coli infested waters of the lake nearby will help.
Can't hurt...
Please oh please let this be the 2 or 3 day cold that I'm praying for and not the week and a half energy drainer that Tom just got over.
Maybe a swim in the e-coli infested waters of the lake nearby will help.
Can't hurt...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Laying low...
It's a week and a half until the Ironman. I've kind of been laying low. Taper is in full effect. I'm getting nervous and excited and all that stuff. Third time isn't easier than the first two, but it's different. I know what to expect (kind of), but the emotions are still there. I guess that's a given with an event this big.
Here's an awesome video which I feel is EXACTLY how every conversation goes that I have with someone who hears I'm doing an Ironman. Enjoy...
Here's an awesome video which I feel is EXACTLY how every conversation goes that I have with someone who hears I'm doing an Ironman. Enjoy...
Monday, August 9, 2010
It's time for a random's update
I do this a lot lately...
Oh well...
Oh well...
- The countdown is on - 19 days. Really? Where did days 60-20 go?
- I'm like a kid at Christmas when it comes to waiting for my bib number. Does that make me an uber dork? Probably... like it matters what the numbers on my arm are?
- Even funnier is that I secretly hope that there is a 5 in my number. I'd probably keel over if I ever got #555. Better yet, #549 or #2580 would make my day too. :)
- We did a long brick yesterday - 80 mile bike and 10 mile run. It's funny how it's not the longest I've gone, but I feel like it was the hardest. I have a 2.4 swim tomorrow and then the taper begins.
- A while ago I won a contest on the definition of Taper Crazy on Jon's blog. I wrote "Going Taper Crazy is the time between your hardest training weeks and your race when you totally doubt everything that you've done leading up to the race, you feel fat and lazy, you get bored easily, you eat a lot, you question your reasoning for thinking you can do a race, you feel like you'll have to start all over and that you'll never be able to race. But you do. And you kick ass. And you forget about the taper tantrums until the next race. :)"
- I have a feeling I'm going to go taper crazy in t-minus a week.
- Last year at Ironman Florida, we saw people buying ZENSAH sleeves like they were rare pieces of gold and everyone wearing aerohelments. I swore I'd never be that triathlete.
- 9 months later, I love my pink ZENSAH sleeves and yep, I have an aerohelmet.
- My mom calls my aerohelmet a sperm helmet. :) She's funny!
- I'm totally buying an Ironman finisher coat this year if everything goes well at IMLOU. I've done the Ironman 2 times already, finished both of them, yet have always been too cheap to buy the $180 jacket that proclaims to the world that I have issues.
- I need a new bathing suit. Mine are so big and non-swim-suit-like due to the chlorine (or algae at the lake) that has eaten the material. I want something cute though... any suggestions. Oh, and I don't want to pay an arm and a leg. No one sees me in it as no one swims at the lake or the pool. It's totally just for my enjoyment.
- My parents celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary this past weekend. They have a great marriage and I hope that after 39 years of marriage, I still love Tom as much as my parents love each other (I'm sure I will).
- My friend Rhiannon had her baby, Harper Quinn on Sunday. She called me in November squealing when she got pregnant. Hard to believe that 9 months have already passed!
- I get to see these cuties in just a few weeks - my niece Emily and my nephew Spencer.
It's been nearly 2.5 years since we've seen them. They are like little people now. Too cute! I'm trying to think of something fun to do with them - maybe the zoo, maybe COSI, maybe just lunch and the park. I'm thinking lots of spoiling and things that mommy doesn't let them do or have all the time. That's what aunts and uncles are for right? :)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Punched my ticket
I rode 110 miles of the Louisville course yesterday. Would have been the whole thing (what's 2 miles?) but we parked a mile from transition. :) I feel like I punched my ticket to the race. I can do this. The ride went well and I feel strong and confident. There was some pack riding because we were with a group and of course the clock stopped when I had to use the potty or fill bottles, but I rode it in 6:11. If I can finish the 112 miles in 6:45 or under, I'd be good with that. I think that would give me a cushion for a good run. Of course I'd love to finish in under 6:30, but I had a lot of knee pain from miles 80 on yesterday and I think that could have been from pushing a gear on some of those hills that I shouldn't have. I have some things to figure out in the next 4 weeks, but I was happy with how it went.
Today, I can barely keep my eyes open. That's hell week 3 for ya! One more week of intense long training and the taper can begin. It doesn't seem possible!
July was a good month in terms of training totals. I'm a bit bummed with the swim totals, but I know I'll be alright. I have 4 weeks to get 2 more full 2.4's in and I think my confidence will be higher. I jumped in the Ohio river yesterday from the boat dock behind the Tumbleweed (yep, it's the hillbilly Ironman start). The water was warm. And green. Humph...
Anyway, totals for the month are:
Swim - 13,846 meters
Bike - 630.33 miles
Run - 101.4 miles
I had 6 rest days in there too.
I think I can do this...
Today, I can barely keep my eyes open. That's hell week 3 for ya! One more week of intense long training and the taper can begin. It doesn't seem possible!
July was a good month in terms of training totals. I'm a bit bummed with the swim totals, but I know I'll be alright. I have 4 weeks to get 2 more full 2.4's in and I think my confidence will be higher. I jumped in the Ohio river yesterday from the boat dock behind the Tumbleweed (yep, it's the hillbilly Ironman start). The water was warm. And green. Humph...
Anyway, totals for the month are:
Swim - 13,846 meters
Bike - 630.33 miles
Run - 101.4 miles
I had 6 rest days in there too.
I think I can do this...
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