First, as many of you know, my husband Tom is a Type 1 diabetic (I'm sorry... a person with diabetes). Anyhoo... to spare you all the history which I'm sure I've posted a time or two, here's a brief recap:
- He was diagnosed at age 28 - no family history
- At the time he was training for his 8th or 9th marathon and just getting into tri's
- SOOOO many people were quick to tell him that he couldn't work out anymore because of his diagnosis (doctors included)
- He decided to do an Ironman
- And has since completed 4
- He learned quickly that Type 1 Diabetes isn't a death sentence at all!
- He is also a member of Team Type 1 - which consists of 100 athletes who live and race with diabetes... you know, because they can't do things.
- The team consists of a pro team (you might have heard of them racing in races with the likes of ... oh ... all the big name teams (Lance included)), a development team, an elite team, a women's team, a triathlon team and just this year, a running team
- The elite team has won a little race called Race Across America 4 times and currently have the world record for fastest time (5 days, 9 hours and 5 minutes) and speed across the country for an eight man team (my hubby raced two of those years, including the record year - toot toot)
- Not only are they competitive in their chosen sport, they spent a combined 700 days last year speaking to diabetics, doctors and medical professionals on behalf of their diabetes related sponsors.
- These athletes are for real and all amazing people with amazing stories.
Tom's the manager for the triathlon and run team. The run team is new this year and made up of 15 amazing runners (their average marathon time is like a 3:06. One of them came in 4th at the Atlanta marathon. A few of them have won or placed at multiple ultras and when they talk about the races they usually skim over miles 20-60 which always amazes me). Anyway since they have these great runners, Tom and the team founder decided, "why not challenge them a little and have them run across the country instead of sending the bikers out this year". Who in their right mind would volunteer for this?
Well, starting in October, they have 10 Type 1 diabetic runners who will start a relay trek from Oceanside California and end approximately 3,000 miles later in NYC on World Diabetes Day. They think it'll take around 15 days (people... that's averaging 8:15's or something crazy like that and averaging like 20 miles a day). This isn't a formal race. They are simply running to raise awareness for Type 1 diabetes and promote the thing that they all believe...
Diabetes doesn't have to be a limiter and that you can do anything you want with the disease.
So that's my second horn toot.
Since Tom's working on the logistics, we were beyond thrilled when Megan at BuildASign contacted us to see if we wanted to make something free of charge at their website. We jumped at the opportunity and I have to thank Megan from the bottom of my heart. She and the whole gang at BuildASign are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! We decided to make 24x24 car magnets for Team Type 1 to use on their trek across the country. Megan graciously threw in two 12x12 car magnets for them to use as well. They arrived on Friday and turned out incredible.
So thank you Megan and BuildASign! And if any of you need any personalized products made, you can't go wrong with these guys! Quality products and great people to work with! That's my third horn toot.
And don't worry Team Trakkers, Team Type 1 is great, but they ain't got nothing on us! :) Oh... and they are racing the REV3 series so their might be a little show down between us. They will bring their A game for sure, but we aren't a team to mess with.
Nothing like husband and wife gunning for each other!

That is so awesome! Go Team Type 1!!
DEFINITELY brag-worthy!! Thanks for sharing! What an inspiration!
Very cool! Are you joining them for the finish in NYC? I'll be there to watch @ the finish line if you guys do!
Wow, that is absolutely awesome! I wish them all the best of luck and I can't wait for the showdown between the teams.
What a motivating mission! I don't know a whole lot about diabetes, but I think your husband rocks for not letting it stop him!
Hey that is awesome!! Very motivating. My mom has Type 1 Diabetes and I am going to tell her about this just for motivation for her.
Holy cow! What an incredible story for someone who "can't do things" :)
Wow that's amazing! I will be rootin' for both teams =)
Super impressive. Not only is Tom a hunk, he's inspiring.
You have every right to toot that horn loud and proud! Diabetes limits a person only b/c of the boundaries they set and I think that it is awesome that Team Type 1(all of the different teams)are out there proving it day in and day out. Kudos to them and your hubby!
So cool! Keep on tooting your horn. You deserve it!!
Tom's story is a great one. There is a history of diabetes in my family and I am not only doing what I can to stay healthy, but I am trying to work with my father to assist him with living with diabetes. I have been looking into joining team Triabetes to help the cause, and I am glad to hear that there are other organizations such as Team Type 1 that are promoting the awareness of this issue as well as trying help people with Type 1 to live their lives to the fullest. Thanks for sharing the story! Gonna miss the team (Trakkers) in Knoxville this year but I am making up for it by showing up at the new race in SC. Hope your weekend went well!
I saw an article or ad about Team Type 1 somewhere recently, maybe Bicycling Magazine, I cant remember, it was a team shot from up high, I was wondering if Tom was in that pic
Very, very cool!!!
That is worthy of horn tootin'! Very cool and of course very cool that Tom and so many others have been able to continue to be endurance athletes even with diabetes!
That flipping rocks!!!
I can totally relate to the husband/wife duo :) It makes training soooo much easier when you are both out on the run!
Tell him good job and nothing but respect!
Amazing husband and also team type 1!
looking forward to the ShowDown!
just found your blog! I am training for my first Ironman and I loved reading your IMFL race reports...I hope I have a similar experience for my first full IM :)
That is freaking awesome! Good for Tom and the entire organization!
wow that's well worthy of a horn tooten good post for a great cause.
that is fabulous! I'm so surprised the doctor told you husband he shouldn't work out! He showed them huh?
that's pretty dayum awesome. I love it when people tell me I can't do something.
Woooo-hoooo team type 1!!!!!!! Isn't it fun to brag about your hubby??!!! I love it
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