I just pulled up my monthly training log and it made me sad to see my running number for the month. 32 miles. 7 miles being the longest. :( That little ankle pain really was a ... well... pain. I mean I've only run 8 days this month and two of them were less than 2 mile runs. I had a 15 miler that I skipped. I didn't run a few 10's that I wanted. Honestly, I haven't been doing many transition runs. I know it's early in the season and that someday I'll be wishing that I was only running 40ish mile months, but I just feel so behind. Heck, I have a half marathon in 37 days. I have a half Ironman (*gulp*) in 80 days. Luckily the ankle is fine now... just a stupid weird "my sheets were probably tucked too tight a few nights in a row" thing. Not even a real injury! (even more pathetic that I missed runs because of this, huh?)
I don't think it helps that the hubser is running a marathon in 4 weeks. I'm super proud of him for training through this crappy winter, I feel like he's leaps and bounds ahead of me in terms of running this year - endurance, speed, miles. He should be - he's running 30+ mile weeks. But we always train together and now I feel like going to be holding him back if he wants to run with me and which makes me feel like I'm even further behind.
My pace hasn't gotten much below 8:55's this month - well it has on the short stuff, but anything over 6 miles, I'm coming in right under 9's. Speedy to some, but last April I ran a half marathon at 8:22's comfortably. I really wanted to PR in that half marathon... I just don't see it happening.
I don't know why I'm so hard on myself. I literally got into an argument last night with the hubby when he asked me if I wanted to race the marathon relay that we are running on Sunday. He wanted to do 1 mile intervals (since it's a 1 mile loop course, relay teams can run it however they want). He thought it would be fun to each run a mile around 8:00/mile and see what kind of marathon time we could get. I snapped, telling him that I'm in no shape to run fast and that I can't do it. End of discussion. He told me I have a crappy attitude. He's usually right.
I guess I have some pretty lofty goals for myself this year and so far, January and February have been less than stellar in getting me to those goals. I'm seeing improvement in some areas, but it's coming so slow. Maybe March will be better...
Okay, off to sweat out my crappy attitude on the bike for an hour.

Well, Colleen. I think you're pretty awesome, so keep up the good work! 32 miles is still a lot of miles even if it's less than you wanted and planned. Sorry the ankle has you bummed. Isn't it great to have a spouse that trains too? Anyway, best of luck to you.
That sucks ... but it's good to know my wife and I aren't the only one's who argue about workouts & pace. But in my case, she's ususally right (please, don't anyone tell her)
ok, it's unsolicited pep talk time :)
32 miles may not be ideal for you, but it isn't that bad for (a cold/snowy) Feb... at least in my opinion! (If it puts it in perspective, last year my COMBINED running mileage for Jan AND Feb barely topped 30 miles because of a nagging injury!) Resting the ankle is the most important thing now. You gotta keep yourself healthy so that in a few months you can be out there kicking butt on Papa Smurf!
And, I think it's natural to bicker with the s/o with stuff like this... I dated a cyclist for 2 years and if we went at his pace, I got frustrated because I couldn't keep up, and if we went at my pace, I got frustrated because I felt like I was holding him back from having a good workout. I think he told me to lighten up more than once.
I think March will be a good month for you!
I have pissy attitude about people doing what must be done. I wish they'd roll over and die already ;-)
Um we may be long lost twins but dang your fast. 8:22 for a half marathon!!! HOLY MOLY!!! I can barely do that for a 5k!! I have gotten faster but I feel I'm in a stale mate with my pace. I would love to be as fast as my long lost 'twin". Keep your chin up. At some point he has to recover and work his way back up...then you can kick his butt!!!!
It's all perspective. I'd love to run 32 miles in a week. I'm not there yet.
I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling a little whiny today :) You'll bounce back in no time. As stinky as it is, it's a good thing it's not a "real" injury...
Suck it up buttercup!!!
Annie and I get into training fights sometimes too. They are so stupid in hindsight!
You know it is in the 70's right now in Texas, rippin' out 100+mi months already b/c of the weather .. you guys would love it here.
I'm sure you already feel better, now that you've done your bike ride, but I TOTALLY feel ya, sister! My run total this month is a shockingly low 11 miles and it's killing my to watch my husband crank out the fastest 20-milers of his life right now (he's got a marathon in four weeks, too).
You are going to be completely fine. You've had training lulls before, I'm sure, and you lived through them. Chin up!!
Each season comes with frustrations, highs and lows. Just happy to see you venting them out a healthy way - killing yourself on the bike trainer. Ha!
I am with you on having a better March!
Don't be so hard on yourself. We definitely all have rough patches :)
I hear you on the running frustrations! I am currently pool running only, so I am getting 0 miles!! You will be just fine, and you have to trust that you are doing the right thing by listening to your body. Better to let the training suffer a bit now, but still be able to race during the season! Hang in there.
dont beat yourself up sister. there are still 10 more months to get your train on :)
Its the *beep*ing weather, WHO wants to train in THIS!!! We had one nice week, then BAM, mother nature hates Ohio. I dont remember being this stir crazy last year this time, WE WANT SUNSHINE AND 60's!!!
On a side note, your faster then me
wow...seems we have all had our "moments" this week. Hope you sweat it out of you. I know I sure did last night while on the trainer. Being sick has freaked me out but you have to just move forward and focus on the day a head of you.
Relentless Forward Motion
Sometimes the hardest part of running is getting out the door. I'll see you on Sunday. Right now, I'm feeling good enough to run. We'll see what the doctor says....
I am kind of in the same spot where you are right now. I am trying to not let it get to me but I know that it is. All I can say is that we will be just fine. So let's go rock out March!
Hang in there! Looking forward to once again running short on Sunday and cheering you long distance runners. ;)
Everyone's entitled to a little whine now and then and honestly; this post was not that whiny! It sucks that your injury has held you back (and for the record I would kill for your 'slow' times) but you WILL be back at it in no time!
Geebus! Can I get some cheese with that wine! ;)
Hang in there. Sounds like your body and mental state of mind is in a downward part of the cycle right now. I WILL come back up! It always does.
I hear you, I was in the same boat with the last half-marathon. I realized a couple weeks before it takes more energy to beat yourself up about this then to just channel that energy in your workout or other things like life! You had some great things that recently happened to you :)
I know you don't like your mileage, but I think 32 miles is awesome...especially considering it's still winter and it's hard to train now!!
But, I know exactly what you mean about feeling "behind." I'm actually feeling the same way!
Hang in there...it will get better soon!
Cheer up! I haven't run more than 5 miles in the past two months, it's a rough time of year to be training. I'm totally in awe that you're doing a 70.3 in 80 days. That's plenty of time to get out there.
Resting an injury is better than pushing through and risking greater or permanent injury!
Don't get too down on yourself--cheer up!
I didn't know you had an injury. In a couple of months you will look back and be happy you rested it!
Buck up sister. We do this because it is fun, right? :)
Listen, if you have an injury, it is better to rest it now than deal with it the rest of the season. It sucks to feel behind, but thinking about how much further behind you might be if you push that ankle too far early on...it sounds smart to me to do lower mileage...Just saying..
Ha, I wish I could run like you. Anytime I have a run under 9min mile I am ecstatic.
((((HUGS)))) Just now we all think you're amazing. You can't truly appreciate your good runs without having some bad ones, right??
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