The other day, I won a blogger giveaway from Marcia at The Studly Runner (if you haven't gone to her blog, do it. She's great and you'll love reading about her life!) It was for a Zensah Running Bra. Did you know that Zensah made running bras? Yeah, I didn't either. I was super excited.
When Marcia told me that I had won, she told me that I needed to contact Zensah and that they would walk me through what they needed to get my bra. Corey was my contact and was super helpful. I was sent to their site and told to pick any color and size I wanted. So I picked this one:
**HA - you actually thought that I would post a picture of myself in this running bra on my blog. I. Don't. Think. So. My abs don't look like Emz! :)
I was excited that this was a seamless bra. TMI, I'm sure, but I often get really bad chaffing from my sports bra anywhere there is a seam. I usually use the C9 ones from Target and they work great, but sometimes I find that they aren't the best support for a girl like me (aka, I'm a little bigger in the top than most runners/triathletes) and they aren't the best at "wicking" away the sweat. The discription from the Zensah site about their bra is as follows:
Finding a proper fitting running bra is essential. Runners know that many running bras often feature seams or rough fabric that causes chaffing and irritation. We at Zensah understand this have developed the most comfortable running bra within the running market. Each running bra is made our properity Zensah fabric – meaning the running bra is thermal regulating, as well as moisture wicking. The Zensah Running Bra will help to keep dry when you go running.
Unlike a typical running bra, the Zensah running bra is available in 10 colors including yellow, pink, purple, orange, blue, and many more; making it the most colorful running bra on the market. You are now able to add some color to your running apparel!
This high-performance running bra offers unmatched comfort and support.
The Zensah Running Bra fits all body types.
Running Bra Features:
*Seamless design = no chaffing
* Anti-Bacterial
* Superior Comfort from the proprietary Zensah fabric in each Running Bra
* Thermal Regulating
* Moisture Wicking – to prevent the running bra from becoming heavy with perspiration
*Available in 10 colors including pink!
I contacted Corey on Wednesday and the bra arrived on Friday! I took it out and decided to wear it that day for my speed workout at the gym.
Let me just tell you, I freaking love this bra! It was super soft right out of the box (just like my Zensah calf sleeves which I love and the same color!) I ordered a M/L and it fit perfect and was tight enough to offer support without squeezing me to the point of no return. After a hard 5.5 miles of sprinting, it didn't feel soaked (which says a lot because my clothes were drenched, as was the treadmill!) and there was zero chaffing! I was so excited!
I'm telling you ladies, if you are looking for a great bra, check out the Zensah Running Bra. I've been through my fair share of crappy sports bras trying to find something I like. It definitely lived up to the hype from the website! And the 10 color options are great for those of you with bodies that can rock no shirts! :)
Thank you so much Marcia for the blog giveaway and thank you again to Zensah for providing me with a great product! I can't wait to order a few more!

My wife is always looking for a good workout bra - I'll let her know Zensah makes a good one.
I always feel like running bras lag behind everything else in terms of performance, so it's good to hear about this one. Glad you won!
Congrats on win! This bra looks awesome and I do love their calf sleeves (mine are pink too!).
Yay! Glad you got it and are enjoying it!
See my blog - you won on the Virtual 5k. I need your address.
So I read the post. Ummmmm, can't say it does anything for me. My wife played softball at CSU in college and they got free Adidas sports bras.
Before she left they raided the bin and she has like ten of them... well like 2 now. She swears by them, cannot find any other ones that don't chaffe either. I will pass this info on to her!
ooooh!! I usually wear the target ones as well. I am in the same boat as you- a little top heavy for a triathlete...especially a 5 foot tall one. Thanks for the review!!
what? that's not a picture of you? I love blog posts on women's fitness apparrel, especially with pics ;-)
I'm always in need of a good bra. I bought some pretty expensive ones from our local shop but at that rate I'd be broke!!! I'll for sure be checking these out!!! chaffing is the devil and it happens way too often !!
Great review! Might have to branch out & try this one next!
Thanks for sharing! Will definitely have to look into this one!
Ooh it's so fun to win & win something really useful! :) Seamless is important!
Yay for you Colleen! Winning something useful is great! I didn't know that Zensah which make the compression sleeve I wear made bras... pretty neat!
ah, seamless bras that are comfy? Sign me up, except can it make me look like I am C cup too? hehe!
I've seen a lot of guys at my pool lately that could probably benefit from one of these...
And they'd look pretty adorable in pink too.. Haha.
Congrats on the Free Swag! Never a bad thing. Nothing like spreading the good word on quality athletic apparel! And putting up eye candy for the guys on a post like that was mighty nice of you as well ;) Hope you had a good weekend.
Ohhh - I was jealous when I saw you won. It looks so comfy!!!
I will have to check that out!! I have a similar problem with bras - my boobs are kind of large and
Did I really just write that in a comment?
Anyway, I have trouble with control and chafing...will have to check this out.
Congrats on the win! Looks like a great bra. I will keep that one in mind. Ryan washed one of mine the other day and it got all tangled in his clothes, so I told him I think he broke it (stretched it beyond belief), so I should be able to justify a new one.
thanks for posting this! I wear the C9 bras too...but the thermal regulating feature looks cool! (no pun intended) : )
my wife constantly tells me that i need a bra. i think i would have to shave my chest to wear this though, otherwise it would just look really strange.
I read your blog for the content, not the pictures.
i have to admit, I never really thought much about the fit of a sports bra... I am starting to realize however that umm mine might be a tad too lose
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