I'm itching for a new PR.
It's funny because I never really get caught up in my times or my places of races. I mean, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't I think about it, but I'm never like over the top, world's going to end if I don't get better kind of athlete. And beating others - if I do, great. If I don't, great. If it's a guy that I'm passing, BRING IT ON BABY. Wait... did I just type that?
Anyway, I had a great season last year - PR'ed in a half marathon by 2 minutes, a full marathon by 12 minutes, an Olympic tri by nearly 4 minutes and in a half IM by 14 minutes. I even won a race. Overall. Police escort and all. But I never was dying to PR.
For some reason, I can't stop thinking about it now. After the half marathon a few weeks ago, where things didn't quite go great, I was still only a minute and a half off my PR. I walked in that race. I totally had that 1:30 in me. I feel like my fitness is good and getting better. I feel like I could be fast. I feel like I have a sub 1:49:21 half in me.
I signed up for a local half marathon on May 7th. We'll see if the itching stops after that! :)

You're sure it isn't fleas?? haha! Kidding!
You are going to rock this half marathon and get that PR you need. Maybe you can call MattyO to pace you for the first half - he is awesome at that! :)
Good luck!
I love a good PR. Best of luck!
Like how you saved this one for Trash Talk Tuesday!!! Colleen's gonna kick some butt (-:
You've got that PR in you. Go get it!
Go, Colleen, Go! I love the fire you've got for that PR. It's only a minute and a half. You can do it!
By the way, last year's accomplishments rocked. Way to go!
I think I speak for a lot of guys out there when I say, if I see you "chicking" me in a race ... I WILL TRIP YOU!!! Just kidding - you're new PR is right around the corner! Good luck!
youre so close! love the signup
ZOMGYAY! You+me=kicking some Cap City butt :D
Here's to speedy legs on May 7th and a PR!!!!
I know that itching feeling, but realized it wouldn't go away unless I started working on getting faster instead of just going one pace all the time. I'm already feeling faster! Yahoo! I know you have it in you for May 7th - go get it girl!
Chick them like never before, and you'll have the biggest smile of the whole race!
Good luck with the PR quest - I'm still in recovery mode, so I understand your itch. I'm just dying to get back in the game, so it will be fun to eavesdrop on your PRs this season while I get back up to speed.
Best of luck,
(Stares at you while crickets chirp.) I could only ever dream of running like that. I read this Sarah Dessen book once where the main character was a runner and she was really good. So fast, actually, that she made the lead male character embarrassed when he found out her times. I was like, I wanna run like that. I want to embarrass some good looking guy who only thinks he's good until he sees me run. But, no. I'm horrible. I want to be a good runner, but I have a bad history there. One day, though, I will learn how to control my breathing. What really gets me when I try to run is that sharp, cold feeling in my chest. It feels like I've been stabbed in the heart with a knife. That feeling alone is enough to deter me from wanting to run. But, I try not to let it bother me. Key word, there, being "try." But good luck to you in your race coming up next month!
They make medicine for that. I think th epolice escort is a good idea.
We're both signed up for Cap City. The race is on!
Go get it girl!
The theme to Rocky just entered my head right now while reading this post. Fuel up that fire, it's good for the soul! :)
Now I wish I was doing Cap City over the OU tri
Go get it!
Awesome! You'll get that PR!
I totally know that feeling!
Does the May 7 marathon have pace groups? If so - I'd highly recommend it... I largely credit my half marathon PR in March to the pace group!
Also, way jealous of your police escort win! :)
nothing wrong with itching, now on the 7th you can scratch it!
Chasing a PR makes the pain all the more bearable! Go get it!
Yeah sooooooo here is my motivational boost for you to achieve that PR... if you fall behind your pace you have to imagine that I am at that pace and will TALK YOUR EAR OFF the whole race. MOTIVATED NOW??? haha.
You got it, trust me, go out smart and you will crush it!
Love the police escort!!
Go get it - that PR is 100% yours! Run like you have someone from Texas chasing you. ;)
nothing like a good dose of half mary to cure that itch! go get it!
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