- The fact that the chicken story is still making me laugh. I got this in the mail today from a very good friend:
It totally brought a smile to my face! :) I haven't heard the autopsy reports yet, but will let you know if I hear anything.
- Getting a fun package in the mail from Trakkers Teammate Kelly , filled with these goodies:
You rock girl and my lips thank you very much! :)
- We had a little get together on Friday night with some fabulous friends for dinner and a cookie exchange. One of the girls got me this:
If you can't read the bottom, it says "How Naughty can I be and still get what I want?". HA! So perfect!
- I went to spin this morning (it's been like 2 months since I've gone) and convinced Tom to try it out. I knew that he was skeptical about how hard of a workout it would be. I'm sure hearing that it was going to be a "Holiday version" class with all holiday songs made him even more doubtful, but like Mikey, he liked it! And the holiday songs were awesome with the class.
- Speaking of holiday songs... this one was played and always makes me laugh. I think I laughed out loud in class today!
- We are supposed to have a white Christmas. That hasn't happened in a long time here in Delaware. As long as I can get to my mom and dad's to spend the day with them and my sister and brother-in-law on Saturday, I'm thrilled with tons of snow.
- Noodles and Company has everything going right for them. Have you been there? Their mac and cheese is like crack. I'm serious. You have to try it. Yeah, I'm gaining weight and bitch and moan about it every day and then go and eat Noodles and Company. I know. But it's that good. (Plus it's the perfect PMS food...)
Hope you are having a great Tuesday... off to catch up on some blogs - I'm way behind!
My folks are coming out here , I am glad that its going to be a white xmas for them, instead of 80's, shorts and sandals arizona xmas (what was I thinking about hosting xmas here)
loving all your gifts...awesome.
and ---got to love that Adam S song...just too funny.
Great gifts!! Love the chicken!
That is awesome.....and yum that mac and cheese sounds good!
so love fun little gifts from friends!! definitely no white christmas in miami, unless we find some white sand
Fun gifts!
I like Noodles n Company too. My boys get their mac-n-cheese and I always end up eating some of it! But, what I like too is that you can substitute whole wheat pasta for any dish! Awesome!
I love Noodles and Company! Great pasta all the way around!
Great gifts! I hope you get a white Christmas if that is what you want.
The Chicken cracks me up!! WOW you got alot of soft lips there!! You are set for Quite a while!! I don't know what a Noodles and company is. THey do have one here in NY! but pasta..yeah carb heavy!! LOL!
Oh, I NEED that Dear Santa glass!! Too funny.
Love me some Noodles and Company. We just got one in my town recently and I haven't made my way to the Mac and Cheese yet, but everything I've tried has been super yummy!
enjoy your white Christmas, we aren't having any of that this year in CO. And mac n cheese is seriously the best PMS food! love all the gifts.
Merry christmas guys! The chicken is a classic.
"There Mac and Cheese is like crack." Bwaaahahahahaha! You should contact the company and see if they want to use that catch phrase. That is one RINGING endorsement if I've ever heard one. You don't mind if I steal that for a future post?!!
Not sure why I just noticed this but I love the side banner that says "It May Be A Crazy Life, But It's Our Life"
I love that quote and it is so true not only for your relationships but also for this lifestyle we lead.
Love that mac n' cheese and that martini (chocotini?) glass!
mmmm mac and cheese? i want some! that chicken is hilarious, and the martini glass is right up my alley! wish i was there to have a holiday cocktail with you!
ps LOVED your christmas card - thank you ;)
I love Noodles Mac&Cheese. I also get a side of veggies to make myself feel better about it.
Merry Christmas!
Lots of fun gifts! The rubber chicken is esp. great! Your chicken story still cracks me up, too! I am eagerly awaiting the autopsy results :)
I have heard so many people rave about Noodles & Co, but there aren't any around Pittsburgh, so I've never experienced it. Guess I need to look for it when I'm traveling!
Hope you have a great holiday and get some snow! :)
Now that is a martini glass! I am a sucker for penne rosa! When I try to be healthy, the pad Thai is good as well!
Happy Holidays, Colleen!!!
that so reminds me I need to go spin :-)
very cute post! the chicken is hilarious
i love that adam sandler song, makes me crack up every time! Love these happy things. Chapstick is the best!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Hope all your wishes come true.
I LOVE noodles and co! Best ever! I am so glad he like the spin class, I am a big fan:) Love the glass ha and getting packages are the best. I love that you and the hubby do so many of your workouts together...amazing!
I love Noodles and Co, too. I didn't go there for the longest time because I thought I wouldn't like it. Then I went. Thank goodness there isn't one very close to us!
Awesome gifts!! That Adam Sandler song cracks me up every year (the first time I hear it every year anyway)
Have an Happy Merry Holidays!!
Simple things are always the most precious. I wish you Merry Christmas unamuy in the company of your own. Eat a lot, rest a lot and train hard ....
I need that glass! :) My nephew is in love with the Noodles & Co mac and cheese, I'll have to try it next time I'm visiting!
Seriously - i need to know what the chicken had!! yes i have issues
Looks like the kind of holiday break we all wish for. Happy New Year!!!
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