We need some good thoughts sent our way...
Our dog, Buddy, started acting weird on Sunday night. We kind of kept an eye on him, thinking maybe he had a stroke or something and by Tuesday decided he needed to see the vet. Good news, no stroke, but bad news is that he has a back injury. They put him on some meds, told us to keep him inactive and we should be good to go.
Fast forward to yesterday, and he has lost all control of his front legs. He was falling down all over the place and totally out of it. We called the vet and they added a pain medicine and told us it was fairly normal for him to be wobbly.
This morning, we got home from the gym and he fell three times at the front door, before starting to shake as if he was having a seizure. We again called the vet and brought him in right away. It's undetermined if it was a seizure (luckily it hasn't happened since so maybe he was just scared), but he has nerve damage and has no use of his front legs (why he's falling). They want to stop one of his pills and start him on a heavy dose of steroids in hopes that it's a pinched nerve in the shoulders. We start those pills tomorrow and will know in 2-3 days if it will work.
If not, we're going down a road that I'm not ready for. He's only 10 and my first real pet. And my husband's best friend. It's been a rough couple of days to say the least and the road to recovery isn't going to be an easy one...
Please just say a little extra prayer if you get a chance!

How scary! Saying a prayer for you guys and for Buddy!
My thoughts and prayers are with your family and Buddy
col - you, tom and buddy all are in my prayers!
Good luck, hope he pulls through!
OOhhh, very sad. We'll be thinking of you all.
I'm so sorry Colleen, I hope he is OK soon!
Prayers for you guys.
oh how it hurt to read this about your Buddy. Sending healing vibes and prayers your way. I hope the steroids do the trick and he starts getting better real soon.
Ugh. That sucks so much. I know how hard it can be to deal with health issues of close four legged friends. Thinking happy thoughts.
ugh! poor guy. I know everything will work out in the end.
My thoughts are with you guys, I know how important pets are. I hope everything works out to be fine quickly. {hugs}
Thoughts are with you. Hugs.
Dear Lord,
I pray for Colleen and Tom as they are watching their pup go through a hard time. We know that You care about sparrows that fall, so You must care about Buddy. If it is Your will, please help the vet figure out what is going on and restore Buddy back to a healthy dog.
Thank You for hearing our prayers...Amen
Hang in there guys!
Poor Buddy! We'll keep him (and both of you) in our thoughts and prayers!
Definitely thinking good thoughts for you! It's so hard when a pet has troubles like this - if only he could tell you what's going on!! I hope Buddy has a speedy recovery!
Thinking of you guys and Buddy!
Thoughts heading your way!!!!!! Hang in there Buddy!!!!
So sorry you guys are going through this. My furkids and I send our best thoughts, snuffles and ear scritches your way.
Get better soon Buddy!!! x o x o to you and Tom. Call me if you need me!!!
Oh no...I am so sorry. I have a dog and she is 9 and I always worry now. I'll be thinking of you. Hope these meds work for him!
hang in there
Sending prayers your way this morning!
Oh man. I am so sorry. Thinking lots of good thoughts.
thoughts and prayers and good vibes your way I hope he turns the corner soon.
Buddy and you guys will definitely be in my heart and prayers. Keep us updated!
Awww!! Hope everything goes well!! Keep your chin up!!
Sending happy get-well thoughts to Buddy. Love you, Mom xo
OMG Colleen, so sorry you are going through this. I was getting emotional reading because I feel so bad for your puppy and for you and Tom. Praying right now for you guys. Keep me updated.
keeping Buddy and you both in my prayers...Dogs really are our best friends and children, give him a hug :)
Oh no! Poor little guy! I'm sending good vibes your way. My sister had to go down the "not so happy" road and it was such a hard decision for you. Here's hoping you won't have to go down that road too!
Oh no... poor little thing. Sending good thoughts your way Colleen!
Oh no!! It's so hard to watch a pet go through health problems like that :(
Prayers and good thoughts from Pittsburgh!!
I always have extra thoughts/prayers for our furry family members. Thinking of all of you and praying for a positive outcome.
Oh no Colleen! I hope he's doing much better now! Sending you good thoughts...
Colleen, I'm sending good thoughts your way. I just went through a major health scare with my cat Otis last week and at one point the prognosis was so grim. I was devastated. Pets are such an important part of our lives. Nothing but good wishes coming from here!
I'm sending positive thoughts and hugs your way! I'm so sorry to hear - I am wishing him all the best from my husband and I and our two dogs in Ohio! XO
oh colleen, so sorry to hear! That happend to our lab before too! I'll say a prayer for the pups!
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