What was I thinking signing up for a 70.3 in May? I mean, if you live in a warm state, fine. But I've only been on my bike outside three times this year. I'm slowly getting into more consistent runs outside, but it's still not a ton. And swimming outside... That won't happen here until June.
That's AFTER my first 70.3 of the season.
And like it goes every year... The first open water swim of the year is miserable. I get in the water - it's freezing. I can't sight because there aren't pool lines and I forget how to pick my head up in between breaths. I panic because of the fish and grime that I am swimming among. The water can't get in my mouth. The wetsuit usually feels tighter than I remember on my chest and shoulders. I'm gasping for air and all the work that I've done on bilateral breathing - right out the door. I succumb to a float, on my back, questioning why I possibly think I'll ever get through the season. Somehow I roll back over, put my head in, make my way through my swim and remember that it'll be better next swim.
I'm worried that this will all happen in Knoxville though - hopefully during the practice swim on Saturday and not race day on Sunday. Luckily, I have an amazing sponsor in TYR. As a member of Team Trakkers, I was able to pick out my wetsuit of choice for the season. Score! I can use all the help I can get in the swim as it is. The new suit arrived on Monday. Although I won't swim in it until May, I can tell it's amazing. From the TYR website, the Hurricane Category 5 is the highest-end suit in the Hurricane series and created using the finest fabrics available. The suit’s outside is made exclusively of the lightest Yamamoto Nano SCS rubber. The combination of super stretchy rubber with the soft jersey fabric on the interior makes for a superior fit and feel.
I can tell it's going to be awesome.
And luckily for TYR, they will get some great marketing with me in the suit because instead of seeing this view of the wetsuit as I swim,
inevitably they'll get some great pictures of me in Knoxville showing this view of it,
as I floating on my back, questioning my whole tri season.

hahahahaha love the wrap up to the post ;)
Those suits are flipping awesome. Wish I applied to trakkers now :( haha.
Oh well, the suit I chose last year was apparently the "cool" one because every single guy was wearing it at Steelhead.
I agree with you on the early tri deal... we need some decent weather already!
You're going to do awesome in Knoxville. And yes you and I can go swim with the team Saturday to get use to the water and the wetsuits. We;ll work out way through the swim together :-)
Colleen! This post made me feel so much better about my life! My first open water swim ever was this past weekend and I totally freaked out! (and got hit so hard in the face my nose bled but thats another story) I doggie paddled, I back stroked, my wetsuit was making me feel like I was choking. I am very glad to know that an awesome athlete like you has negative feelings about open water. Hopefully my next OW swim will be better :)
oh, and you'll rock the socks off at Knoxville!
How do I get on this team?!! So jealous of your perks.
You will do fine and I imagine you this early tri will really get you kick started for a strong year ahead.
btw - you husband ROCKED Marathon. Unreal. :)
You're gonna do terrific in Knoxville. I used to live an hour and a half away, and that race looks awesome! The swim may be sketchy, but it can't go badly with that sweet wetsuit. I might have to do that one with you next year after we move back to the dirty south!
Love love the new wetsuit - this trakkers thing really has HUGE perks huh? :) I laughed at this post, I feel the same as you --- on the run --- if that is possible. The run is where I always question why the heck I am even competing, so if only you and I could switch our dreaded events, right?
Hilarious post.
Sucks not being able to get into the water here, might be warmish ok on a freak day, but Alum is gonna be cold for awhile
And the first OWS of the season always sucks
As for Knoxville, I am going to share some advice I learned on a 2 recent 2 hour drive "Your gonna do better then you think" Have fun, say Hi to my Grandpa
Yeah some decent weather would be nice one of these days.
Love that suit! You'll be awesome in it!
Yeah you are CRAZY! It rained EVERY SINGLE day of March here and we didn't hit 50 degrees until about two weeks ago. I haven't ridden outside since last september =).
With that being said, I know lots of people that do all their training indoors and have great races. You'll do great and I can't wait to hear how it goes.
BTW, what training plan do you use? Is it something from your team? I'm still contemplating going for a 70.3 in September (I'd have to start training in May)...given what I said in my first paragraph above it'd be a LONG road so I'm still on the fence. Just cruising training plans now.
Alright that was a book!
Love the end of the post! haha
I'm never flipped over during the swim. Not an ego thing, but I feel worse upside down. haha. I'll switch to the breast stroke if I am struggling instead.
I think you need to get as many Trakkers people together and get a picture in the wetsuit. You'd look like a crime fighting team!
This post totally cracked me up!! I can relate to so many things about that first swim!! BUT, you are going to do awesome!!
AND..that wetsuit rocks!
You're too funny. That's an awesome looking wetsuit, though. When you get in the water, stick your head underwater right away to get that quick rush and shortness of breath--gets it over with before you start actually swimming.
I so should have signed up for team trackers!!! You guys are getting all of the best stuff.
Good luck with your final build to Knoxville.
Dude. I have my first 70.3 in 9 days. And it snowed in Minnesota today. I can't wait to compete with all those californians who are able to ride 365. Not gonna be pretty.
I freaked out about doing the HalfRev at Quassy a few years ago as my first race of the season (June).
Turns out, it wasn't that bad at all. As long as you get the volume in on the trainer and in the pool (and don't forget how to ride your bike) you'll do just fine.
Breathe deep CBK. Unless the weather is impacting the VOLUME of your training, I'm sure you'll rock knoxville.
You will be great! With a suit like that how can you not be! ;-)
I'm so sorry for laughing, but...yeah, I hear ya on the free advertising my wetsuit maker gets while I'm "swimming!" You're totally going to kick a$$ and look good doing it!
Hang in there. You'll be ready to rock by Knoxville. Luv the new suit.
hahaha ... nuttin' wrong with some good 'ol backstroke!
Just think, I you guys lived in Texas you'd be already sick of the sun. You could move now but you'd have to get a temporary work visa and stuff since we are now our own country (-:
I am sure you will be ready by May! I will be sending good vibes your way though :)
ps-It is good to know you seasoned triathletes flip over on your backs too.
That suit looks like it was designed by NASA. How can you not smoke this 70.3 in that thing.
LOVE your wrap up. I HEAR you loud and clear on the weather problems.
Also, I spend WAY too much time on my back too. I actually have one completed ONE of my FIVE tris by swimming entirely on my stomach doing what I like to call "real swimming". I am fully expecting to start back over from scratch again this June at my first tri, also a 70.3, and my first.
I actually practice sighting in the pool. I also do some swimming with my eyes closed to simulate not being able to see in the murky water. Maybe those drills can help you.
ha ha that is so funny. That is how I did my first triathlon mostly. I practice sighting in the pool - I put a water bottle at the end of my lane and on the way back sight off of that. Not for the whole swim mind you, just a few sets. It makes it a little better in OWS.
I've biked outside 4 times now. I might get to today, if only I could go right now I definitely would!
wish we were going! looks like its just quassy. Dang it!
yeah, it snowed here yesterday. I've officially had it.
You'll be fabulous this season, I just know it : )
yea, I did Knoxville Rev3 as my first race of last year, and it was the half. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go laugh... :-)
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