It's hard to believe that it's been one year since we became Southerns. This time last year I was making the 500 mile drive with my two dogs in the back of the car, knowing that my final destination would be at a hotel near the new house were Tom was staying with our moving truck. We'd only stay there one night (which thank God because it definitely wasn't the Ritz) and would get the keys in the morning, but the way the moving process had gone, I was super nervous that something was going to happen that would prevent us from getting into our new home.
But alas, everything went smoothly (besides the new neighbor "introducing herself" and all of the neighborhood rules about an hour before closing, which resulted in my sobbing the entire way to closing, asking "what did we get ourselves into").
We love our house. We love the South. We love Suwanee. We love our neighbors (well, most of them). We love our new friends, and the weather (although I did see snow flurries yesterday and that's not cool), and the parks. We love being close to Atlanta, but far enough away. In other words, we made the right choice!!!
And looking back in the last year, so much has happened. Lots of ups and downs. Lots of being tested and being rewarded. And in the end, Tom and I are closer than ever, a true team and that is all that matters.
This next year is going to be amazing - challenging as always, but amazing! We have a baby on the way (you didn't know that, did you??? haha). Tom recently was forced into a career change and although the unknown is a little unsettling (especially with me being 8 months pregnant), we're navigating through some options and ultimately will be working together again which is ideal. We have some racing ahead of us, - new destinations, new courses, new goals. Our sponsorships keep growing which is always fun. I know that I'll see my family more and more this year (even if they are only coming to see Abigail, I will take it). And those friends that I mentioned loving... I know that our relationships will continue to develop and that they will be a huge part of our lives.
Thanks for sticking with me through the transition this year!
Time passes huh?? I can't even believe I've known you for a year. My GOD you are getting old. ;)
Hard to believe it has been a year, but what a year it has been. All I know for sure is that you being far away has made me realize how incredibly important you are to me, how incredibly much I miss you, and how incredibly lucky I am to have you as my sister. It's sad that distance has to do that sometimes...
x o x o to you, Tom, Charlie, and Abigail!
So very happy for you! So many good things happening!
Craziness I tell ya... I was just looking at a picture from Iron girl last year where we all met for lunch. I think that might have been our first in person meet up :) time flies! Good luck to Tom on the career change. Whatever happens I am sure it will be for the best!
Happy first year in Ga!
Miss you guys, maybe I can look into a southern race in 2014
That last year has flown by!!! Wow! Isn't the South awesome! We're so glad y'all decided to move here. I can't think of a better place to raise a little girl!!! :)
Wow it's been a year already?
The most difficult thing for me to accept is that I haven't gotten down there to visit you yet. That will be recified this year.
I can't believe how time flies!! Baby will be here soon!!!!
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