Had a great weekend. Tom and I have been totally fatigued these last few days and are really focusing on our vitamins, diet, sleep, stretching, rolling, icing, etc. in hopes that it's just late training blahs. We cut a few workouts short (which isn't like us) but we both just feel like our bodies are screaming for a break. Plus with the Akron Marathon this weekend, we figure what better time to just take it a little bit easier this week!
This weekend was so fun - it's definitely fall and I love this time of year. Friday night we had a surprise party for one of my friends at Bucca di Bepo. She was completely shocked which is always a good thing! Saturday we found some open water to swim in! YAY! This has been a huge deal of stress for us because we didn't want to have to join the Y until winter. The water was chilly (thank God for the long sleeve wetsuits that we recently purchased!) but it was calm as could be. I swam what I thought was 2.4 miles, although looking at my times, it was probably a bit short. I'll add another lap next time which should even it out. We're going to do this once a week from now until the Ironman and I think it'll definitely prepare me for the race. I'm completely comfortable with the water and swimming, but I'm just slow and methodical. I'm definitely not expecting miracles in Florida though and would love to have a 1:40 swim or so. :) Look how empty the water is around me on Saturday though
- guess people don't swim in Ohio when it's 50 degrees at night and only 70 during the day!
Saturday afternoon, we spent the day doing what we love best - nothing!!! :) Tom watched football. I made a craptastic amount of applesauce (we picked 60 pounds of apples the other day and I'm slowly in the process of making applesauce to freeze for the winter), and we made our favorite cool weather meal - Texas Chili Soup. YUMMO!
By 10pm, I was out cold! Guess I needed it.
This week's it's Tom's birthday and our dog Buddy's birthday (Tom will be 33 and Buddy will be 8) We're not doing a terrible amount of stuff to celebrate - out to dinner with Tom's parents on Wednesday and homemade cake that night for he and the dog (yes, our dog eats cake, among other things!) We're heading to Akron on Friday night for the marathon on Saturday. Anxious to see how that goes. It'll be a busy week!
Yum... homemade applesauce?!?
I agree with kathleen! The applesauce sounds wonderful. Our first graders at school made applesauce last friday and it was sooo good!
race photos!
Happy birthday to Tom and Buddy. You'll both do beautifully, I'm sure, in Akron on Saturday. Wish we could be there to cheer you on. You know the faith we have in you both. Love you, Mom xoxox
40 days!
Holy Shit!!!!
See ya soon I guess ;)
Good luck this weekend. I can't believe you have time to make applesauce from scratch, lol.
OMG the ironman is getting SO close! :) I love homemade applesauce! Thanks for my mganet by the way! :)
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