I mean, I take risks (like quitting my high paying bank job two weeks before my wedding to start a company with my husband or swapping the oil in my brownies with applesauce without knowing if it will taste the same). The risks I do take, well they aren't huge risks - well okay, so that one about the bank was. But I'm not the dare devil type (that brownie one... ask my hubby - that was pretty dare devilish. Won't do that again...) But I don't like being out of control. My husband says that I'm the only person he knows who skis up hill (I do... it's pretty damn funny). Perfect example.
Anyway, I digress.
One thing I'm DEFINITELY a wuss about is the cold weather. I'll admit it. You will too when you read this. Case in point...
Yesterday I woke up and it was 12 degrees according to our thermometer. It was windy - zero degree windchill. And it was snowing. Tom had a twelve mile run on the schedule. I had an eight. I honestly couldn't bring myself to bundle up and run outside. Quite frankly, there aren't enough clothes that I could wear that would make that run enjoyable.
**Insert the definition of wuss here, right folks?**
Instead, I went to the gym (with the gazillion other people because not only was it the first of the year crowd, but it was "bring a friend for free" weekend too...). I had all intentions of running on the dreadmill, but there weren't any
I ran 91 laps around the track. And yes, I kept track with the lap function of my watch.
That's 10.11 miles. Funny thing is that my macho hubby followed in my footsteps and actually ran 109! It really wasn't as horrible as it sounds.
Or as horrible as I think running outside would have been. So, long story short, I may be a wuss, but you run around a 1/9th mile track for ten miles and then tell me how badass you are...
Funny gym observations:
- In the hour and a half that I was running around in circles, 5 people came and went on the step machine. Even if they got on one right after another (which they didn't) they would have averaged 18 minutes a piece on the machine). Not judging... just saying.
- To that one girl that was using the leg stretching machine - you are inside. You don't need the sunglasses.
- And to the other lady on the row machine with the personal trainer - the tights, long sleeve fleece and ski cap were probably a bit much. Unless you were trying to sweat a lot. In which case... well never mind.

I totally agree about training in the cold. It snowed 2 feet at my house this weekend, and I'm not about to run outside! Way to push on through and run at the gym! I'll think about you guys as I'm out in the cold too! :)
Good luck!
Holy smokes, that's not wussy, that's completely determined!! Way to crank out the miles. I think that track would make me dizzy.
And I hear ya on that applesauce thing. Brownies should taste like brownies.
I agree, you are not a wuss - that is hard core! I once ran some crazy number of laps around my hotel to get my long run in while traveling ...
p.s. I hate the cold too!
Absolutely not a wuss! You're awesome to even get to the gym when it's that cold. Way to get it done! :)
Yeah, I'm going to agree that doing 91 laps is definitely hard core. And mind numbing. There is a short lap indoor track here that I run on from time to time (only at the direst of needs) and I hate doing more than 4 miles on it. Way to get it done though, that's the important part :)
91 laps makes you the opposite of a wuss in my book!
Who needs TV when you have people-watching at the gym?!?! :)
I think there is some scientific excuse for not running in 12 degrees... like you can freeze your lungs or something??? I don't know, I'll have to look that up! 91 laps is totally badass and determined! way to go!
I must say... I need the northern blogs to give me a reality check. It makes me feel more like a wuss when it is 42F down here and I am complaining. I don't know how lucky I am..
NOT A WUSS!!! I ran yesterday inside because of the ice, supposed to do 8 on the treadmill - had to break it up - 4miles, do the spin bike for 30 and go back and finish - I just couldn't mentally do all in one shot. You - that was pretty awesome.
91 laps!!!! I am speachless. You are mentally TOUGH!
Funny about the girl on the machine with the sunglasses. Its like that around here. The gyms aren't gyms. They are clubs without the "untz untz untz" and booze.
The hardest part about running in the winter is actually getting your foot out the door. The rest isn't so bad. I promise. Winter is probably my most favorite time of the year to run. It makes me feel like a badass!
running 91 laps, indoors, weaving in and out of traffic is not being a wuss, still very impressed
did the both of you decide if your going to do the Warrior Dash?
Your a badass! 91 laps??? I don't even think I could figure out how to make my watch count that? And now I feel like even more of a wimp - my run yesterday was 40 degrees - I wore tights, gloves, long sleeve compression shirt, and a beanie (-:
91 laps is I think harder than running outside. And LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your gym observations. January at the gym is full of interesting observations.
and you couldn't make it an even 100?? what's up with that?! :)
Hey, a run is a run-better than sitting on the couch
that's even more bad ass than doing it on the treadmill :-) I laughed when I was at the gym the other day and this chica was lifing weights in jeans. bwahahaha... everybody will learn...
Damn! That takes a lot of mental determination to run around a track that many times. Congrats to you and the hubby!
That is so hardcore to run 91 laps around a gym track! Way to go!
I always say I'm too much of a wuss to try mountain biking. And usually the response is 'You did an Ironman, you'd be fine' to which I usually reply something like, "yeah, but, in mountain biking you get all muddy and there are big rocks and very steep decents and stuff..." :)
There are limits to cold weather hard-coreness, and I would say 0 degree windchill with snow is one of them!! You made a wise choice!!
...and with the brownies, if you are going to make brownies, make brownies...that's my rule anyway!
I love this time of year at the gym :)
109 laps?!?! thats awesome. My brain would stop working after 50. And 12 degrees is ARTIC! I would be on the treadmill for sure.
Ok first, anyone who uses a treadmill or runs around in circles 91 times to get their mileage in isn't a wuss. No way.
Both of those things sound like hell to me. I would rather drink bleach, I swear, I dislike those two things that much. I would be out in the cold without a second thought, BUT (big butt) I really LIKE to run in the cold (I am WEIRD) and this is about enjoying what we are doing! You got it done, that is what matters. NOT A WUSS.
Honestly, I think it takes a lot more determination to be on a treadmill for 8-10 miles or run around a track 91 times then it does to go out for a run in the cold. Great job!
OMG! 91 laps on the track is amazing! I don't think I could have done it, especially since my gym only has a 50yard straight track. My husband hates the applesauce swap too.
im a friggin treadmill wuss! i will brave the elements in boston just to avoid the dreadmill! so good for for running all those miles inside on a track! holy smokes hamster!
Haha those are some fantastic fun facts. I dig people watching at the gym when I'm there working out, too. It helps the time go by. And no, you are not a wuss for running inside! You still got your long run in, right?! That's all that matters :)
Definitely a risk taker!! Eight miles out in the snow....that would have been "fun" But look at the story you got out of 91 laps at the track!!
91 times!?!?! Did you get dizzy?
People watching is definitely entertainment. Andree said it- a run is a run. Good for you!
That is awesome. Those are swim lap numbers, not really track number. Way to go girl!
You gotta find something you like about the cold. For me, if its snowing, I am in heaven!
I use to really mind being a wuss, but I have learned as I advance in years, that there is a marked difference between hardcore and stupidity. Take care of that body and it will take care of you.
Case in point—I just arrived back east from Seattle. Lack of proper hydration and rest kept me in bed for 24 hours with a fever upon returning. Yuck.
You may have thin skin, but you are way tougher mentally than me. I could never handle that many laps. That'd drive me nuts! Give me a crowded row of treadmills any day!
I can't even count to 91. I'd have to wear all three of my watches. I hope you switched directions...
I log at least double the season's training time on the trainer or treadmill if the weather isn't just so... Don't feel bad; I'll be a weather wuss right there with you
I hate training in the cold! I am usually running inside if it is below 40. And don't even get me started about riding my bike in the cold:)
There's absolutely no way I'd be outside running if the temps in FL were that low! Nope. Not a chance!
In fact, my workout might have changed from a long run to a long movie marathon ;-)
Ha, you should see the crap I get on my Blog when I complain about weather in the "40's". You are no wuss, you cowboyed up and got it down.
Hey, we don't like running in cold weather. Whatever.
I would call that some dtermination! Our old gym had one of those tracks and I don;t think I ever made it more than 4 miles. I did however pass over the pool, where there was frequently a quy swimming in a thong mooning everyone that was running above him. Carole would love it! Hope it warms up for you so you can run outside.
Can I just say that I have also done the VERY same thing! I hate the dreadmill AND the cold!!!
That is an awful lot of laps! Once you embrace running outside in the cold, you will learn to like it!
OMG, that is sooo many laps. I don't really like to run outside and struggle to do it by myself but if I can drag one more person or a group out, it seems so much easier. That and trails keep me warm!
91 laps around a track? Uh yeah, that's bad ass! If I could run, I'd be right there with ya, sister! Tell me again WHY I live in the midwest?
I've done an 8 mile tempo run on that same track, so I can kinda feel your pain. It's really not that bad though, is it? For me, once I got into a zone the laps started to go a lot faster.
However, I did not do that on Saturday, because SOMEONE sucked it up and got out there with her training group for 8 miles of snowy fun :D
Now that there is funny! I love the observations at the end, that's the best part of the gym... people watching.
Ahhh! And I thought I was hardcore for running my 10m on a treadmill this weekend... I feel like a track would be harder because yes, I had a TV.
But! I once (a couple of years ago, mind you - I won't do this again) ran 20 miles on a treadmill with no music, no TV... just the little clock ticking by.
I think I was insane.
But again - not insane enough to run outside in the winter...
Congrats on getting your run done!
I LOVE THIS! I think about taking notes in my brain all the time at the gym and I never do and I forget when I get home..then again if I had run 10 miles indoors, I probably would've started to come up with some "themes" to keep my mind going.
GOOD ON YOU GIRL! I actually think what you did may not have been as "cold" but, mentally harder...wow! One time I rode my bike 100 miles around a small island in San Diego, it was only 4 miles all around, so boring for some, but it was safe to ride and I got it done!
You do whatever you can!!
Oh and I totally hear you on those cardio machines, most people are on and off before i'm done, not that i'm judging, just saying...but 18 minutes?? =0
I am a total cold wuss too! But, wow..91 laps on the indoor track? That's impressive!
Your comments about what you observed were hilarious!!
My whole thing with gym treadmills is that if there isn't one open, all I have to do is wait less than 5min. and one will open up. The majority of the people using TMs are only on there for short periods of time. I don't get it, but it allows be to basically get a TM at all times!
I could never run that many miles inside!!! That takes a lot of patience and determination. That's no wussy move...can be a smart move :-) Oh and your remarks about your fellow gym goers...hysterical. I have such bad ADD that I couldn't have remembered all those details...too funny
I love running in the cold, it makes me feel alive! Well that and the alternative is the 1/13th miles track at my YMCA. Nothing beats this time of year and having to dodge and weave your way around a tiny track. I'd rather brave the elements. :)
Hmmm... I think I would have taken the treadmill w/ no tv. :) but can't really say until I"m in that situation right? I did run 16 miles on the treadmill the other day.... so I guess we are each our own kind of 'wuss'. :)
PS. you aren't a wuss. below zero w/ wind chill is FREAKIN cold!
Stud!! And great observations! My favorite is the super high incline on the treadmill, then grabbing the top and leaning back to make yourself parallel? WTF???
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