Totals for January:
Swim - 11,000 yards (two tests in which I bettered my 100 average by 8 seconds!)
Bike - 172.1 miles (all indoors, but I feel like I'm getting stronger, at least on the trainer)
Run - 69.6 miles (countless miles running in circles at the gym... can't beat the people watching)
Cross - 1 hour
Kickboxing - 2 hours (I quit after the first two classes of the year)
Total time: 26:17:40
This will probably be my lowest month of the year and I'm totally fine with that. I'm building my base, staying injury free, and enjoying the schedule.
February though, is a little different. With it only being 28 days, Tom and I are revamping our eating and seeing how it goes. Nothing crazy, but I went to the grocery today and bought meals for the next 10 days so that I'm not tempted to eat out (although the exception is Friday when I'll be celebrating my birthday with our dear friends). I'm also going to do a 28 day boot camp including push ups, pull ups and core work. Just a little personal kick start for the next 28 days. I'll let you know how it goes.
How was your January? Any highs and lows?

That is an impressive "low" month. Adding consistent core should be good too. You are kinda studly.
You have tons of time till CP!I envy the fact that you can still take it easy right now, especially with the wonderful weather we have been having!
I don't even want to talk about my January. Considering we are in limbo, homeless and waiting for our flight to Italy, I have only been running outside three times a week .... hoping to get a little better once we get settled!
that was a low month? that is pretty darn awesome colleen!!! way to go on that swim test! my january--- ummmm running. that's about!
Great low month! LIke the others I can't wait to see what a "normal" month looks like!
Fantastic low month! I can totally relate to running in circles and you are right about the people watching!! I did a 31 day challenge in December and it was really a lot of fun!! Good luck with your February challenge as well as your eating!!
It is all about the base - you are doing great! Nice job!
I was a little taken back on my plan, I am in Base 1, I was expecting alot of zone 1/2 LSD, but m-f it has nothing but form, speed, and power drills. and the weekend is long days. Though my running is alot less then yours, but alot on my mine dreadmill 30 min hill work, the weekend is the Blue Ring of Insanity
I need to be keeping up with my totals. I guess I should be able to pull my totals from my Training Peaks program. I need to get my husband on board with an eating plan. I do my thing he does his...then we waver when it comes to dinner. I hate going to the grocery right after work... Curious how you feel after your February boot camp. I can't do a pull up to save my life :-) well maybe to save my life but not very well
Kick boxing??? Oh man. Let me make sure I stay on your good side.... :)
Hi for January was the new year and getting into IMFL training. Low for January was getting a really bad sinus infection lasting two and a half weeks and rounding out the end of the month with food poisoning. Kinda put a damper on my training. Like you though I am building base. I see that you are implementing crossfit/bootcamp into your training regimine, would love to hear how it goes.
Glad January is over!!!!
My low for the month was probably the 1st run where I tried to some race goal pace work and had an epic fail! The high was the 2 workouts I had right before leaving for Miami for my half and then coming out and throwing down a pretty good January race and finding out there's more fitness than the it seemed during all those snowy cold bundled up January runs!
Good luck with the meal challenge! Good job getting a base!
Your low month was very high to me! I did lose over 5 lbs (never mind I gained 7 since Oct) and also revamped my eating. I finally think I have my weekly schedule figured out to get my workouts in, and we are supposed to be snowed in tomorrow so I won't be able to tell if the "new plan" will work any better or not!
wow, your low month still has some great volume. Hope the February food change goes well. I'm down with pre set meals.
I haven't added mine up but those look good to me!! :)
you had a great January, I ran 70 miles, plus several hours of stregnth, so I feel good. When is your bday???
Niceeee! good job! I went to look at my running totals - 117.3. Nice :) Most since October '10. You did great! Happy bday week!
Nice job! My low for January was running. Between sub-zero temperatures and/or snow/ice, running outside just wasn't do-able so I either did shorter treadmill runs or substituted swim/bike/cross workouts.
High = discovering cross-country skiing - AWESOME :) And, hopefully not a bad subsitute for would-be running workouts.
so, I take a short break and I come back and you're signed up for another 140.6? GAH!! :-)
Sounds like you had a lot of fun in Jan! I know we did too.
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