I know that the going green phenomenon is huge right now. And you all know that I'm going green in my own way! I already love being part of Team Trakkers. It's been what, like a month since I was invited to be part of the team and I already feel like I've known some of these people forever. I can't wait to race with them all. My new Kestrel has been ordered (I went with the 4000 Pro and I know it's going to be a beaut). My new Avia Lite III's have been ordered. First Endurance was just announced as our nutrition sponsor. And I signed up for my REV3 races too. I'm excited to be racing at new venues - Knoxville, Portland and Cedar Point. And then I found this little beauty the other day. Can you say perfect pre-race shirt??? :)
It's kind of surreal to be a sponsored athlete. I mean, I'm not out winning races. I've placed a few times here and there, but I'm not what I always visioned the "sponsored athlete" being. It's definitely an honor to have companies believing in our team, knowing that sure, some of the athletes are totally badass (who am I kidding, we're all badasses in our own way!), but there are a lot of us that are doing what we love (be it a little slower than others) and having the time of our lives. We're relateable athletes (yep, that's a word)... we have school and jobs and spouses and kids - just like most triathletes. We work hard to get better, but remember that racing is more than placing (although placing is super fun and we know that too). We all have traits that make us good candidates to represent an amazing organization and some outstanding companies.
Still doesn't mean that I don't pinch myself every now and then to make sure that this isn't all a dream.
Thing #2 -
Okay, so I've been contemplating changing the name of my blog. When I first started this blog it was called "Fighting for 15". It started as a weight loss blog and well, I never lost 15 pounds and quite frankly decided that life was too short to write a blog about my weight loss struggles. Anyone who read it (which was like my mom and my sister) probably thought that I was off my rocker, obsessing with my weight anyhow. Then I signed up for an Ironman. People always asked if I was offended that I was doing a race called an IronMAN and when I finished, if I would call myself an IronWOMAN. Nope. I'd be Ironman. And a damn proud one at that. I considered starting a women's Ironman training site or training community and calling it Irondivas. That's how it started. Yes, I'm an Ironman. But I'm as far as a diva as they come (unless you ask my hubby and yes, some days I do exhibit some diva traits, but really, what woman doesn't???). Honestly, I'm a jeans and tee shirt kind of girl. I never wear heels. Never. I don't wear makeup. And if I blow dry my hair and straightened it, it's probably because I have an important meeting. Otherwise, it's in a pony tail. All. The. Time. Expensive things... not unless I have a coupon or a gift card or it will make me faster. So why is this blog still called Irondiva?
Problem is, I can't think of anything cute, fun, witty. I always read blogs of people with these great titles. Me, yep, not so much. Any suggestions?
Getting sponsored - pretty cool. I like IRONDIVA, pretty catchy. I really enjoy your blog - good reading!
I'm so bad at being creative w/ the name- what are some ideas? Love the green shirt.
I like your blog name, I don't think it implies being a "diva" in the diva-sense but rather being just a badass in the badassery sense =). LOL.
Dude - we are going to look so badass on our matching Kestrels!!!
hmmmm .... Irondiva is pretty cool. My .02 is to keep it but I have zero creative skill so what the heck do I know?
Yeah I am with you - after my race I am going to be an IronMAN too...
Love the blog name Iron Diva...to me, Divas can be 1 of 2 things:
1) high maintence PIA's
2) Badasses.
You my friend are 100% a badass diva for sure! Nothing wrong with that at all!!
OK I just read the other comments and they are all calling you a badass too. I wasn't copying, honest - we all just feel the same way!
Love the go green shirt!
I like Irondiva too!!
And I like the idea of being sponsored, how cool would that be. I'm a dead set back of packer, not going to happen for me any time soon.
As for the Subway here in Aus... my $60 fed 5 people a footlong sub and a drink. So about $9 per sub and $3 for the drinks.
Shit is so expensive here in Australia, seriously. My parents went over to the US and couldn't believe how cheap things were.
I am thinking I should make a trip over while our dollar is so good ;) Maybe I could do a race while I am over there. Hmmm that would be a nice dream!
I love the shirt and I love the name. Keep it!
I like IronDiva. Its catchy! Congrats on your sponsorship!
Just found you and I think your blog name is just fine. A diva is many things. Congrats on the sponsorship!
Love the shirt...and your blog name!
Oh the similarities we have! How i hate heels! :)
Thing one: So dang cool, I am already living vicariously through you.
Thing two: I love the name Irondiva, I agree that I want to be an IronMAN but I love the name of your blog. I agree it makes you sound badass not bitchy. I think you should make an Irondiva t-shirt, I would wear it!
But...I do understand I don't like my blog's name either. It was originally just going to be about me making up my own training plans but really it's just all over the place, is there a name for that?
Hmmm...tough one about the blog name. If you aren't feeling it, you might want to change it. Maybe something like, "yes, this girl's an Ironman"
I'm glad that you and the rest of the newbies are feeling welcomed as a part of the family.
And as far as the name, I'm no help at all. Just think about it for a while and go with your gut.
Its soooo easy being Green!! Go Team Trakkers!!!
See you at Knoxville!!
I like IronDiva, and I want one of those shirts. Where did you get it teamie?
Thing number one: Awesome! Loving having you on the team.
Thing number two: Go with your gut. If you don't feel like the name fits quite right, I say definitely change it. Not because I don't like it, but I think it's important that you feel like it fits you juuuuust right.
I hear ya!! Where did you find said shirt? I think I might have to find and purchase. It certainly is like family!! Can't believe it's been only a month:-) it feels like I've known you forever. Knoxville can't get here fast enough or AtL trip
Irondiva rocks. I don't think anyone takes it literally. It's more cute than anything else. BTW, I love, love, love First Endurance. Optygen HP is the bomb and EFS LS is awesome. I love that I can carry 3 flasks for an entire marathon and don't have to drink the nasty eloctrolyte stuff on the course.
I like Irondiva too. I'm totally not creative with blog titles either. I went with IronmanByThirty so I am kinda screwed once I finish that first Ironman and pass 30. haha
Good luck on Team Trakkers!
Love the green shirt!
As far as the name, I like it. It's interesting that the symbol for iron is "Fe" and another name for man is "male". I guess, then, that fe+male literally equals ironman. :)
You never wear heels? EVER?!? I live in heels! I even have a cartoon my aunt gave me on my fridge of a woman running a race in heels! But....I'm only 5'0. It's the only way I keep my pants from dragging on the ground :)
Stick with the IronDiva - A - it's a cool blog name and you don't want someone else to have it - OWN IT!! Plus you have quite a number of followers... B - you may not be the diva in the Beyonce or Gossip girl way but you have a new word, "Irondiva" which has a whole new definition!!
Diva to Ironman?
I actually like Irondiva!
(Disco is my Captcha word, had no idea it was still around.)
Hmmmm I am no good at coming up with cute names. My husband actually made my titale after my favorite workout!
You are Ironman, Irondiva, and totally bad ass :-)
p.s. Knoxville is REALLY hilly. You're welcome.
Hey... love love the Going Green shirt from your new sponsor!
Lots of racing this season... I know you'll kick butt!
Hugs and Smiles!
I like IronDiva
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