I had two options yesterday - run in the pouring down rain, or hop on my trainer for a little while. All day I went back and forth. I had a funeral in the morning that had my mind racing, then a day consisting of a sick husband and a ton of orders for work. By 3:30, I knew the rain would wash away the stress.
But it was literally pouring. And cold. And getting dark fast. I got dressed, laced up the shoes, put on some reflective gear, came downstairs, stood in front of Tom and said "I'm going to run to your mom's. Pick me up in an hour and fifteen minutes". He thought I was nuts. He has to drag me out to run some days and beg me to run in the rain. But not yesterday.
I opened the door and walked outside. I immediately smiled. Yep, the puddles were calling me.
I had 8.15 glorious miles to myself. My mind wandered through the obstacles of my life right now - the impending move, the holidays, the Goofy Challenge, some new opportunities that I've yet to make public. I sang along to Lady Gaga, Sugarland, Aerosmith and thought about all the songs that need to be added to my MP3 before my next long run. I made sure I hit as many puddles as I could. I smiled the entire way.
You see, running in the rain was just what I needed yesterday to escape. It didn't matter that I was soaking wet. It didn't matter that I was alone. It didn't matter that it was dark and probably a bit dumb of me to be running alone on country roads. I felt invincible, like I could run forever. I just opened up and ran. And the usual hour and fifteen minute run only took me an hour and ten minutes. I ended up with the biggest smile on my face, and my the obstacles in my head figured out.
Today, I'll jump on the bike trainer. But yesterday, I loved every minute of my run in the rain.
**Don't forget to get me questions for Tom's guest post about Run Across America. They are coming in and some good ones!!!**