I got a letter this week that I was selected to be on the 2010 Team Marathon Bar. For those of you that don't know, Marathon Bars are sinful energy bars by Mars. Pretty much they are training candy for athletes. I love them... and now I get to race for them! I'm super excited!!! I'm not really sure what all will be required of me (we have a conference call this week), but I get some gear to train and race in, get some product to eat and share and I just have to tell everyone how awesome they are which won't be hard. Seriously people... if you like candy, you have to give these babies a shot. They have 5 flavors of energy bars and 2 protein bars. Yummo!
Training has been going well. Tom is doing the Race Across America again this year and the race starts a week from Saturday (I'll start my blog updates once they start if you are interested). He's been busy biking an ungodly amount of miles which equates to me riding more than running and swimming. :) It's alright. I don't mind too much! I just looked at my numbers for May and I was pretty happy:
- I biked 438 miles outside. I also took 3 spin classes.
- I ran 80.5 miles which isn't a lot, but I was happy that I averaged 8:35's for the month. I feel like my runs are getting easier at that pace.
- I swam 11,500 meters. I wish that was more, but I didn't do a good job with swimming. I haven't braved the cold OW yet (I'm planning on it this week) so it's been hard to drag myself to the pool. I did swim 1.2 miles today (just a straight pool swim) and did it in 34:09. I was super excited about that!
We rode the Ironman course in Louisville on Thursday ... well most of it. Alright, some of it. We did the out and back twice which was a lot of climbing. We did the loop of the "P" 1.5 times. I think we got 80 miles in. I liked the course - it was hot that day and the course didn't disappoint in terms of hills. I cried once, around 70 miles, but if you know me, that's not bad! :) No, I'm kidding. I think I was just overheating a little and definitely started to doubt my abilities. I turned around and hammered 10 more miles out so I'll be alright! I want to ride the course again in July sometime. We just can't find hills like that here in Columbus!
This week is my 10k. Tom will be home for it so he's going to cheer me on. I'm excited, but it's funny that I'm slightly nervous. I have no clue what I can run it in. I'd like to go around 48 minutes, but who knows...
Oh, and remember how I said that race company went out of business? Well I still haven't heard from them about the race being canceled, but their website is back up but registration for all races this summer are closed. And the courses have been updated. I honestly don't have a clue if I'm racing or not on June 27th. I think a phone call to the race director is in order. If the race is still on, I'll be racing 3 weeks in a row! Yikes!