Speaking of my wedding, Tom and I got married 3 years ago last Thursday. We had a great anniversary - just hung out, made a nice dinner, enjoyed each others company, yada yada yada. Being the little homemaker that I am, I decided to try to recreate our wedding cake for our anniversary. Long story short, for those of you who weren't at our wedding, we didn't do a traditional wedding cake. Instead, we did individual cakes on each table which served as centerpieces, with a knife and cake server so that people could help themselves and have a good size piece of cake. I always find it so disappointing at weddings when the bride and groom have a gorgeous cake and we are served a sliver the thickness of paper. Cake truly is one of the best parts as a wedding guest and they always tempt you and leave you wanting more, but never able to have anything else. I didn't want to do that to my guests... I didn't want them temped by a bite and then yearning for more, only to get the shaft by the servers at the reception who cut the cake in the back so small so that they have huge chunks left over for themselves - and don't tell me that's not what happens... I'm convinced! Anyway, so our actual cakes looked like this
. They came from the local grocery store and when we bought them 3 years ago they were all of $17 a piece. I went to the store to have them recreate it for Thursday and they were going to charge me $45. Right... for a cake. One layer... 8"... I was going to pay for the flowers on top. I decided they sucked for trying to rip me off, left in a huff and went to Michael's, bought an icing bag and basket weave tip and had at it in the privacy of my own kitchen. I also made the cake to my liking, aka weight watcher friendly. It was a diet coke cake (a can of diet coke and a box of devil's food cake mix, baked like a normal cake - you'd never know the difference - let me know if you want more info!), topped with sugar free pudding/cool whip topping so that you don't feel like a boob ruining your diet to splurge (and so the hubby can eat it too and not go into a sugar coma or have to drink a bottle of insulin). I will never eat a Giant Eagle cake again. They suck. That's all there is to it. Mine turned out fairly well if you ask me (and no, there isn't any left!)

Training was good this weekend too. We had such a long week last week - Monday we took the day off, but then had 2 hour workouts almost every day throughout the week. I knew that we had a long weekend ahead of us too but felt like I was rested and ready. Friday we did a 10 miler in the rain. It was a great run - there's something about running in the rain that's just calming... reminds me of childhood or something and helps keep my mind off of the task at hand. I felt great right out of the gate knew the first mile was probably a bit fast. Tom said to me "you aren't going to be able to keep this pace for more than 6 miles, that's my prediction". I proved him wrong, running 10 miles in 1:30:01 and our last mile was an 8:13 to boot. We averaged 9:00/miles and I actually felt like I could run all day. It was a nice change from how I've been feeling lately. Yesterday we biked from Ostrander to Prospect, then to Delaware, then to Gahanna to my mom and dad's. They had come up Friday and took our car home with them so we had to get to their house yesterday. We had a great 65 mile ride, again feeling like I could go forever. I know that my recovery is working well to feel that fresh after a long week. This coming week will be another good test as we have 16 hours and 40 minutes scheduled, and that's without lifting. I am going to be one with the water, my bike and my running shoes this week! :)
The holiday was great. Saw the fam on Friday and Saturday, saw Tom's family for just a bit yesterday and then today relaxed, knowing that it's going to be a busy week ahead of us. Maybe this week won't go by as fast as last week. It's gotta slow down eventually right? Maybe I shouldn't wish that yet...
I think YOUR cake looks great! Glad you had a Happy Anniversary! :)
Happy Anniversary! Cute cake!
The cake looked great!! :-)
Nice cake. I got a big cake and had a chocolate fountain, I understand where you were coming from. The individual cakes is a great idea!...love that the anniversary cake is ww friendly too!
Your workouts continue to impress me...you must rack up about 50 activity points a week!
Take Care
Mmm, the cake looks good!
Great looking cake!
I am on a sugar high just from the picture.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy ANniversary! I can't believe you made that cake. That's amazing. Especially the criss-cross icing on the side.
2hour workouts each day.. wow great going. Wedding cake.. never had a piece of my own. Remember cutting the cake, then the next morning when we came back to pick the left overs up, the staff said it all had been eaten.. i have my doubts it was a massive cake. :-(
Hey thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll be in the women's tent from 3p-6p or something like that. Do you think they'll send us more info or do we just show up? I am driving from Cinti.
I am off to go read your blog now.
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