Our Disney trip was awesome, besides the fact that Tom had a horrible cold for 4 of the 5 days. Poor thing never fails to get sick on vacation and this was no exception. I give him all the credit in the world for toughing out some long days when I know he would have much rather been in bed. I was surprised that Disney wasn't AS decorated as I thought - guess the hype that everyone had been feeding us was a bit too much. The crowds were minimal (although I should say that it seemed like there were billions of people there, all with little kids and strollers, but wait times were only 15 minutes or so and we lucked out by not having to get fast passes, although some people gave us theirs for rides we were just getting ready to stand in line for. We must have looked deserving - or desperate!) Anyway, it was a great trip - got to the 4 parks and had a great time. Here's us outside of the train station at the Magic Kingdom - it was really pretty and definitely the most decorated part of the parks.
And looking down Main Street USAI thought that this was a great picture of us and the castle
We loved Epcot which was probably our favorite park (although I knew it would be before we even stepped for in it)
And then one of my favorite things that we did was go to the German Pavilion and eat at the Biergarten. It was an awesome buffet of all the German favorites, with a live show and well... a lot of beer!
Disney is truly a magical place and even when we got home, Tom said "I didn't even think about all the stuff going on at home when I was there" which is unheard of for him when he's on vacation. There's just something about Disney, I'm telling you.
Hope everyone has a great holiday. Be safe, eat a lot (that's what holidays are for!), enjoy being around family and friends, and remember what the holiday is all about!
We went to Orlando/Epcot at Thanksgiving a couple years ago and I got sick there too! Kind of crappy to get sick on vacation, but that tends to be my luck. I enjoyed Epcot too :-)
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!! Glad you had such a great trip! Looks like fun!
Disney sounds like a lot of fun! I have been to Disney World a couple times, both prior to the age of 18, but I would love to get back there.
Christmas is my favorite as well, especially when I am able to spend it with my family. I hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday as well!
Merry Christmas! :)
Looks like Disney was a magical and fun trip for ya!
Happy Holidays :)
Great pics! I hope you had a good Christmas!
Happy New Year!!
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