There's something weird about my gym. It happened again last night. I took a spin class and some dude (different one this time) was hooting and hollering throughout the whole workout. I DON'T GET IT PEOPLE! He was also the guy that when we were hill climbing was about to spin out of his seat. Resistance dude. This time though, people laughed. The girl next to him had to look away. The instructor laughed every time he did it. Where do these people come from???
Alright, so my trip to Gatlinburg was awesome! We had a great time with Rhiannon and Gabe, ate way too much food that I shouldn't have, saw the Dixie Stampeed, shopped until our hearts were content (although I only bought running socks), the guys skied, we laughed until we almost cried (the victims of Haiti aren't a family down the street unlike the girl we ran into who asked if we'd like to "help the Hati family, you know the earthquake family". I honestly believe that she thought it was a family named "Hati" (pronounced Hat- tea) who needed help. So sad). But in any event, it was awesome!
Our cabin was amazing. I'd stay there again, although I don't know how people get up there when it's snowy or icy. Guess you get there and stay there!
All in all it was perfect... very relaxing. Tom and I did run one day in the mountains and I yes, I can officially call them mountains. :) It was a lung burning workout, but so much fun! I literally couldn't walk for almost 2 days following our measly 1 hour run, but it was worth it! We ended up having rain the whole weekend and came home to Delaware having been dumped on with snow. I think we had 15 inches over the weekend and another 8-10 at the beginning of the week. I think it's supposed to snow again this weekend maybe. It's pretty, but getting old fast. My car doesn't do well in the snow (the truck in the picture below is my mother-in-laws). Plus my puppies can't walk in it because it's taller than they are so potty time is great...
Charlie was happy to have her mom and dad home though!

Oh... and I didn't forget my picture of the b-day gift from my hubby. I don't think I took a picture of it in Gatlinburg and now he has the camera in Atlanta with his TT1 training camp. When he gets back I'll post it! :)
so much fun!!!
i am literally drooling over here at those chocolate treats. mmmmm.
and i wonder why i cant take this post-IM weight off!
i miss the mountains so much. the webcams on really make me want to get back up there. not that gatlinburg is particularly close to boone...
sounds like a good time. hope you had a good birthday!
Looks like you guys had a great trip!!!
Yummie treats!!!
So glad you had so much from with your bestest friends...Dad and I can attest to how wonderful that is for us, as well. I'll be anxious to see your 30th btdy gift from hubby. Love you, honey
I've missed some excellent post on here. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful birthday. It is truly great to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and family. You will have to send me the name of your cabin in Gatlinburg (sp?) I haven't been since I was a kid.
Your workouts have been excellent too. Despite this sucky weather you are stilling hitting then hard. Great job, but seriously what is with the guy at the gym, ugh.
Oh my LORD! You DO look like your 5 in that picture! I guess it could be worse huh? You could look... 30? Bah ha HA!
I completely crack myself of up!
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