Race Schedule and Results

Monday, June 27, 2011

This might become a habit...

The whole racing naked thing is going to be a craze... you just wait and see.  All the cool kids are going to be doing it soon. 

I want to write a race report from yesterday's Olympic tri, but I worry that people don't really want to hear the details.  But my mom did a great job taking pictures, and well, it was a great race, so I'm going to.  Skim it if you want, just look at the pictures, or sit back with a drink and enjoy.

So yesterday was the Tri-Tech International Tri in Columbus.  Again, it was in our backyard so I was super comfortable with the course.  I was slightly worried about the run because it was a lot of trail running, but not nice trails.  More of grassy-area-that-is-sometimes-mowed-and-because-of-the-rain-here-in-Ohio-lately-more-mushy-muddy-and-uneven-than-anything trails.  I loves me some of those... let me tell you.  I didn't really talk much about the race - chalk it up to being a little nervous or the fact that I was super busy last week. Ehhhh

So Sunday we get up (like how I forged right ahead of all the prep??? I'm trying to make this easier for your reading pleasure) and it's kind of gloomy.  Not raining, but I look at the radar and it's coming.  But it's calm, and cool so I don't mind.  We load up the car and make our 15 minute commute to the park (have I mentioned that I love local races???).  I know it's a small race (um... there were 300 people total) so transition is tiny and the parking lot is fairly empty.  They had given Tom the wrong bib when we checked in on Friday (call it women's intuition or whatever, but I just had this sneaking suspicion that it wasn't right, even though the guy checked the list and marked us off) so we took care of that, got our timing chips, swim caps and transition set up.  We had primo spots in transition - SCORE!  Hit the potties one more time, met up with my mom and dad to give them our camera (they are the best sherpa's!) and then saw BDD who came to spectate!!!  YAY!

Wetsuit is going on easier and easier each time I wear it!  :)  The process is so less painful than it was in Knoxville.  Here's my obligatory wetsuit and swim cap picture.  And Tracy, you can't tell me that I look cute in a swim cap.  Totally unflattering.  Tom and I were ready to roll.
My wave was the Clydes, Athenas, relays, and anyone under 34 (although they did have a collegiate division and they weren't included in my wave) and with all these people, there were maybe 65 people in my wave.  Small.  It was an out and back course and let me just tell you - our water is not deep enough to do this.  And a note to race directors, please don't use orange and yellow swim caps when the buoys are orange and yellow.  The horn went off and I felt great, but my site buoys keep moving.  :)  I swam wide, because it was deeper, but people were walking on the way out which is a bad sign, as the way back, we'd be swimming closer to the shore.  It felt like forever to the turn around and then I had the pleasure of swimming into the oncoming waves.  Total cluster.  I loved the guy walking in the middle of the swimmers... the entire second lap.  He made good time for being in waist deep water. Ugh.  Anyway, I'm slow as always. 29:12, but comfortable so that's alright.  And I always smile running to transition.  I think it's still some of the "thank God I survived" mentality that hasn't left since I taught myself how to swim!
T1 - 1:15  Same as Tom.  Dang... didn't beat him.

The bike was one big loop and literally went 5 miles from our house so I know the roads.  I wanted to race naked again (no watch you crazy people... swimming, riding a bike and running with no clothes would be so so gross), but I planned on having my bike computer.  Buuuuuut, the hubby took it off my bike when he was cleaning it Saturday.  Sneaky little bugger.  So I had no data.  A little harder with an Olympic race.  I just hunkered down and went as fast as my legs would take me.  I felt sluggish at times, and really powerful at times.  Tom passed me at one point and told me I was going 25mph at that point.  I smiled... I felt like I was totally doing 25.  Heck, I could have been going 15 and I wouldn't have known. The bike was uneventful, until I had to turn.  No breaks.  For some reason the breaks on Kestrel are all messed up with my race wheels (the wheel seems true, but I can't go back and forth between my Ovals and my Flashpoints and it's really frustrating).  Anyone else have this?  In any event, I didn't feel it so much during the race because I wasn't breaking much, but I get to the dismount line and  in typical Colleen fashion gracefully try to stop, but my breaks barely slow me and then must have dried and I almost went flying. Awesome. I ended up doing the 24.8 miles (I hear it was a little longer than that... I don't know because someone stole my computer) in 1:10:09  (21.2mph).  I'm happy with that.  My mother captured this beautiful picture of me as I nearly face planted.  Ha! 

T2 - in and out 0:53.  Tom beat me again.  Dagnabbit

Like I said before, I knew that the 6.2 mile run was going to be a lot of trail (like 5 miles of it).  We run the trails all the time, but they just kind of suck.  They are bumpy and uneven and haven't been mowed lately.  It was drizzling all morning (which was great for the race, but not for the mud).  I just tried to not think about it.  I told Tom before the race to run in the mud and puddles and pretend you are a kid.  We can always wash our running shoes.  I forgot to tighten my speedlaces, but my shoes fit like gloves so I was fine.  I found a groove and stayed there.  It wasn't terribly fast or hard, but what I thought I could maintain.  I saw Zach and Jim and Tracey and Tom all ahead of me, looking strong and we exchanged our "good lucks" and "looking strongs".  It's so nice to have familiar faces on the course.  In a cruel and totally uncool fashion, we had to run past the finish line to finish another out and back before the end of the run.  By about mile 5, I felt like I was laboring.  I hadn't seen anyone in my age group (like all day), but there were two girls gaining some ground on me.  As I saw the mile 6 sign, and the finish line, I decided they would not pass me.  I had another gear.  Coach Tracy yelled and yelled for me to find that next gear and I gave it all I had. I probably looked like a total tool.  But those girls didn't get me!  6.2 miles in 49:45 (8:01's).  So close to sub 8's

Since I didn't start my watch, I had no clue what my finish time was.  My mom thought that she had calculated it around 2:38 which would have been super close to a PR.  We changed, loaded our gear in the car and went to look at the results.
Wait, did I read that right? A freaking 2:31:13?  I was so stinking excited. (and if you look closely, Tom's AG is listed below me.  He PRed by 11 minutes.  The kid is pretty badass right?).  They didn't have the awards ready to handout (we have to pick them up in a week), but I ended up nabbing 1st in my AG.  I was the 5th woman (not including the collegiate girls, but they didn't list them with our results).  I'm liking that.  It makes me feel like my hard work and struggles are paying off.  I'm still middle of the pack overall, which is fine (okay, maybe slightly better in this race), but I feel like I'm making some significant progress.  Who knows how that will equate to the long distance stuff, but I'm hoping it bodes well for me.

Thanks again so much to my mom and dad for capturing our day in pictures, enduring the drizzle, and cheering louder than anyone.  Tom and I are super lucky to have you!!!
And thanks BDD for coming out and cheering for us.  I know you had a looming 12 mile run and a crappy day on Saturday.  Hopefully hanging out with my mom and dad, cheering us on at the race helped take your mind off of things for a while!

Congrats to everyone who raced.  Tracy took first overall woman, Jim was first in his AG, Zack was first in his AG.  Tom kicked butt with an 11 minute PR.  I PRed by about 7.5 minutes.  I'd say it was a successful day.
I then proceeded to stuff my face at Bob Evans with all of these fabulous people and my parents and sister, then drive to the casino to drink away any post race soreness that I might feel.  I didn't hit the jackpot (sorry Jason... maybe next time because Tom and I would TOTALLY love a personal chef).  But it was the perfect end to a perfect Sunday!

Jump on the bandwagon kiddos... racing naked  is as cool as peeing on your bike. Right Triathlon Rocks??? :)


Unknown said...

Congrats to both of you Colleen and great job on the 1st in AG!

Mandi Runs said...

1st in your age group!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!

That is freaking awesome! Good work pays off :)

Keep it up IronDiva!


Congrats on the win! I got all pumped reading this. Makes me want to race!

Birdie said...

Great race!!! Congrats on the HUGE PR and the 1st place AG!! Whoo hoo!! Way to go fastie!!

tri like mary said...

Great race report - I love reading them, details and all! Congrats on an AG win!

Teamarcia said...

Great job Colleen! way to snag the AG win! So there are tris where you can walk instead of swim?? Need to scope those out! :S

Beal88 said...

Great job!! Enjoyed the race report.

Unknown said...

Great Race Colleen!!! Enjoy that Win!! :)

Shannon (IronTexasMommy) said...

Congrats again! Small race or not, you kicked tail on your own times and that's awesome! I totally agree with racing naked- you stay so much more in tune with your body and effort levels that way!

Lori said...

Not sure how I missed that you were racing yesterday, but congrats on the AG win and awesome race! One of my MiT friends that's training for IMFL did that tri also :)

Rachelle said...

Yay! Congrats on the finish and the win!
I hear ya on the orange swim cap thing. My wave for my most recent half was the orange wave. I'm a slow swimmer so most of my wave was ahead of me. You think you are swimming towards a buoy and its just someone's dome. Ended up not swimming straight for most of the out part, but the back wasn't bad once it thinned out.
And again, congrats! You earned it!

Caratunk Girl said...

WAHOO!! Racing naked rocks!! Holy crap, that is awesome AG winner!!

The Tyr suit is getting easier to put on!!

I am so proud of you, you are such a rock star!!

Molly said...

Holy Cow! Congrats on your Age Group win!!!!

I have to say, you pull off the swim cap/goggle look really nicely.

: )

Jim ... 50after40 said...

CONGRATS!!! Great race! Don't apologize for the report - I loved it - great details! Congrats again!

Alili said...

Great win! And the run picture is fantastic - you look like you're flying.

Heather-O said...

Congrats girl! YOU ROCK!!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! That is a huge PR, and I love that you didn't even know it until after the race was over!!

Lauren said...

way to totally kick ass!

I love that you and the hubs race together. Its so nice to have your significant other out on the course too!

Pahla said...

You are such a ROCK STAR!!! Congrats on a great race, a PR and a podium - it doesn't get better than that!

Matthew Smith said...

You rock! I must say that you're my hero because you blew my time away by 2 minutes! :) Nice work. Way to go. Tom rocked too! What a power couple you two are. Congrates, and enjoy your rest and recovery. Maybe we'll race some race together one day. Have a great week.

Richelle said...

Congrats to you and your hubby and awesome job on the AG win! You ROCK!

Ironman By Thirty said...

Awesome job to both of you! You were flying and looked like you were having a blast. You totally have to keep the racing naked streak going (pun intended). :)

Unknown said...

WOOO HOOO! Congrats on the PR and First in your AG :) That is awesome!! Sounds like a great race-and lucky you having BDD to cheer you on!

maybe Triathlon Rocks can now do a tee shirt that says RACE NAKED!!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

I am glad I got up to watch. I had fun spectating. Congrats to you and Tom, those are HUGE PR's!!!

I remember when you came in on the bike, I was thinking "wow, she isnt slowing down, she is going to do a flying dismount"

I might just be Tom's good luck charm, both races I have been at that he has raced, he got an PR

It was really nice to see both of you again.

Kim said...

holy smokes sister - 1st in age group!!!!! you were FLYING!

Matty O said...

HAHA at BDD's comment. You are going to have to rub his head for good luck now :)

Great job both of you guys! HOLY MOLY you both were flying!

This has to be a big morale booster for you, I know you hit a rough patch a few weeks ago, but things like this do nothing but support your training! Keep this race in the back of your head :)

Keep up the good work!

Christi said...

Congrats to both of you on your fabulous races!

MissFit Island said...

Great race report! Awesome PR! Also - you may not want to hear it - you do look kinda cute in a swim cap :-)

Jason said...

Congrats on the finish and the PR. Tom did wonderful as well. Great weekend all around.

Well keep playing at the casino as I know Boulder is calling us.

Tri4Success said...

Congrats to both of you on the huge PR's and double-congrats for the AG win!

Wes said...

Fantastic, Colleen. You rawked that one! and I'm not so sure racin "nekkid" would be all that bad ;-)

Anne-Marie said...

Congrats on the AG win!!! What a great day for you and Tom - 7.5 & 11 min Oly PR's are fantastic!!

PS. I think your swim cap picture looks cute! I always feel like everyone else looks better in a swim cap than I do!

Heidi Austin, PT, DPT said...

very very impressive! especially because the 30-34 AG is usually the fastest! way to go get em :)

Gotta Run..... said...

S-W-E-E-T!!!!! bet you are still smiling. I know I would be. Great results come from hard work. looks like you are both putting some in. :)

Jon said...

Nice job to both you and Tom! PR's all around and hardware won. You are doing SUPER great this season and it is only beginning. Should be fun seeing what happens @ Cedar Point!

P.S. You bike is totally badass!

Coy Martinez said...

You did great!! Holy cow! I bet you were ear to ear with a smile when you saw you were first in your age division. I'm always stuck 4th or 5th. One of these days when I hit 50 I'll win!! :)