So, for the other tidbits of info...
Today I ran 135 laps around the track at my gym. Ha, talk about monotony... it wasn't too bad, but holy crap, why do the personal trainers have to be such numbnuts? Tom and I were running for a while... you knew that. You saw us. Why did you have to do your boxing lesson on the middle of the track? Really? It's a two story gym and on a Sunday, you couldn't find a single other place to do that? Humph...
I have a girl's trip planned to Panama City Beach with Mandy (Caratunkgirl) and Kristin (Ocular Triathlete). Um...yeah, I'm super excited! We have already had a blast planning it, got a condo on the beach, will be cheering our butts off at IMFL for our friends and all the complete strangers. I'm sure there will be multiple adults beverages consumed and maybe even a trio of airbrushed teeshirts purchased. PCB won't know what hit them when we roll in!
I ordered a new Road ID last week. I needed one and they have so many great designs out now. I decided to go with the Wrist Slim ID and let me tell you, YOU NEED ONE OF THESE! They freaking rock. They are simply those little rubbery bracelets with an id tag on them. Genius. Best part is, the ID tags can be used on any rubbery bracelet that you already wear (this was a great thing for Tom since he wears one that says "Running On Insulin"). Anyway, I ordered both of us one and got them in the mail on Thursday. I love them! Mine is the kids size in pink (don't judge... I have little wrist and I'm damn proud of that). It's way littler than Tom's:
I personalized it to say the following (I know there's a glare, but do you see the "No Quit in This Body"? I love my Trakkers girls... thanks Jill and Andree):
Even at the kids size it's a bit big, but whatever (this is my "don't mess with me, I know taebo" pose!)
And Tom loves his:
So we're happy and now a bit safer on the road. Buy one people. Here, I'll even help. Use the code ThanksColleen8164167 and you can take a dollar off. So it's like $15 shipped. Can't beat that!
I'm all over the place with this post, aren't I? :) You know you love my randomness! Hope everyone had a great weekend!
I am so happy for you that you went with your heart and chose to do the half based on all that you have lined up.
The RoadID is a must people. The only time it leaves my wrist is to sleep otherwise it is always on.
Love the smaller road id! I have mini sized wrists too and damn proud of them too. Very excited about your road trip to sunny florida!
I have the FIXX ID, actually two of them, one is just the original then one that's interactive.
I only take the off to shower, call me paranoid, but Tucson drivers seem to think driving is like bumper cars down here.
Good for you for going with your heart! Love the new Road ID...I don't think they had that option when I got mine last June, but mine is still kinda similar and I love it :)
Glad you made a decision on Rev3. That should be a weight off your shoulders. I didn't realize you were doing both Akron and Chicago. It sounds like you made the right decision.
135 laps on a track!??! Isn't the definition of insanity doing the
same thing over and over and expecting different results??
PCB sounds awesome! I can't wait to read about it although I am sure most of the best stories will be held back from the blog ;)
Those slim RoadIDs are awesome! Have you seen the ScoutIDs for dogs yet? We are totally going to order one for Bailey.
I'm going to have to come back and read the rest of this post tomorrow.. My eyes can't seem to move past the "135 laps around the track..". You.Are.Nuts. And I say that w a smile on my face.. Hope we can bump into each over in Chicago!!
Sounds like a good plan for a happy fall! :) And PCB...just cheering or are you ladies signing up LOL
<3 my RoadID!
I just read your teeter totter post and now this and I can't tell you how much I can relate. I'm doing my 4th IM in 6 weeks and have my 5th on the docket about 10 weeks after that. While riding my bike for 7 hours on Friday it hit me that my heart just isn't in it for #5 this year. I signed up for all the right reasons but when I thought about the Fall and how I'd have to spend it training vs just enjoying, I took pause. So I'm on a teeter totter of my own and I'm pretty far over to the side that says drop out of IMAZ and take a little breather so I can continue to enjoy this sport long-term. I know how hard your decision must have been but it seems like the right one!
You are going to smoke the 1/2 and enjoy every minute of it! So jealous of the GTG ya'all are having at IMFL. Sounds like an absolute blast! Unbelievable track workout... awesome job to both of you! :)
Yeah! So glad your decision is finally made. So glad you've followed your heart. So glad you know where our next vacation spot may be! Love you and support you and Tom 100%. We'll be your biggest fans at Cedar Point. Love you, honey. Mom
135 on a gym track - very zen inspired. love it. Sorry about the trainers, I can send you some from my gym. Wait, they are EXACTLY the same.
I am also glad that you really know YOUR body and your training schedule - so much so that you followed what you think is best, rather than others. :) True athlete.
Cute bracelet. I will think about getting one when we get back to the states... here I carry my military id on me all the time - its kind of a necessity.
135 laps - wow. I can barely make 2... I would rather run on the treadmill and watch a show for that distance.. the monotony kills me.
Thank you Lebron for finally making a decision! (I kid! I kid!)
But seriously glad its a huge weight off ur shoulders. Will be rooting for ya regardless!
Haha Jon ^^
Guessing the final decision was made so you could hang with the Texans (-:
Glad you went with your gut. Listening to your body is the best thing (and often the hardest part).
Cool on the road ID and I'm glad you said you got the kid's size...I have little wrists so I've been worried about getting one that's too big.
I need a new ID.. thanks for the buck.
Someone suggested putting your insurance info on it so they don't debate whether or not to fix you up... kind of like that one.
Well it most def sounds like you made the right decision based off your post and how you are feeling about it
lol@ PCB -- look out!
It sounds like you made the right decision and are happy with it. Very cool. And how much fun are you guys going to have on your IMFL trip! That will be the best!
Gotta love UA trainers *rolling eyes*
a couple weeks ago, all lanes in the pool had 2 swimmers in each lane, and a trainer walked in with a client and told her to just jump in a lane and started to do aqua aerobics in the middle lane against the wall, no room for the swimmers to turn and the trainer just didnt care that he put his client in the way
good call. i do actually need to get a roadid, thanks for the discount!
You are going to ROCK that half! :)
I have a wrist ID and absolutely love it! But, that slim one is pretty cool!
I AM SO EXCITED!!!! EEEKK!!! It is going to be so much freaking FUN
Great choice on the half! I think a lot of times as endurance athletes we try to find the "most impossible" event, and then come away disappointed. Many times a shorter distance is just as fulfilling!
Good job sticking with your gut instinct with the half. I think you made the right choice!
135 laps around an indoor track?! That is hardcore!!
The IMFL trip sounds awesome! Plus it should be a nice warm get-away in the fall when it's starting to get chilly around here.
I have a kid-sized road ID slim and they are great!!
135 laps would absolutely kill me with boredom! That sounds like it was more of mental workout than a physical one!
The IMFL trip is gonna rock! I’m going to be there volunteering so I can sign up next year. Woot woot!!!
Billy Blanks reference in this post??!?!?!? WHAT? yes, you were ALL over pulling that gem back out of the late 90s ;)
Great decision... I fear the cheering stations now haha. We will have dance offs... prepare your best dance moves because I will be covered in skin tight lycra, meaning nothing holding me back on the course to unveil some new dance moves ;)
That trip to FL sounds awesome!!! Super sweet!
I totally love the RoadIDs and think it is time for my husband and I to get some new ones as our old ones seem to pick up the stench as they are not those cute rubbery ones!
See you at Cedar Point and Akron (I will be in for relay). Very exciting fall for you!!!
Definitely sounds like the right decision. I might go up and volunteer. Maybe. :) Wow! What a few months ahead of you you've got! Really loving that Road ID. Have a great rest of your week!
Yay for getting a Road ID... esp a pink one :)
good call on the half! You really REALLY have to have your heart, mind, body into it to go for the full. If that's not how you feel, you'd be upset with the commitment and possibly the results. Have a fun half and marathon season!!!
Just got my RoadID slim in the mail yesterday... had be sporting the big one... this is AWESOME! You are right! :)
good for you deciding. It takes me forever going back and forth :) Only YOU know what is best! Are you kidding on the 135 laps? :)
I finally got a roadid a few weeks's pink too : )
I've got little wrists, too. So glad I can order a kid's size. Must get on that!
I'm planning on spectating IMFL this year too... if all goes as planned. Maybe we'll get a chance to say "hi"! :-)
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