In any event, as I swim and bike and run, I am constantly thinking to myself "I am getting stronger. I'm am getting better". And often during my drills, I think to myself, "wow, I feel so smooth right now". And then it hits me...
It doesn't matter that I'm rocking a sparkly Rev suit that makes me feel like a super hero:
I'm pretty certain I look like this when I'm swimming:
And when I run:
Ah, the power of perception. I guess as long as I think I look good, and fast, and smooth, that's all that matters. Right?
I have this whole post rolling around in my head about what my mind's eye thinks I am versus reality versus others' perceptions, etc. Now that FB is clogged with the "What I think I do..what my mom thinks I do..what society thinks I do...etc", it doesn't seem as original, but really I am amazed at how often I look in the mirror and surprised not to see what I feel like I look like (both the good and bad). How can our own perceptions be so far off? In mind mind, I am younger, fitter, faster, thinner, and better looking than the mirror indicates. That is a tough pill to swallow.
I try not to think about what I might really look like. If I feel fast or feel like I'm looking great, I just go with it. Living in denial is a good place to be LOL.
It's all mental! As long as you rock confidence, you'll look your best and perform just as you see yourself.
I feel ya on this one. I must admit I try not to think about it too often. Although I appreciate photos of me "racing" or doing something athletic most often I do not look like I'm doing either :/ Ah well. Keep on keepin' on!
I always narcissistically catch my reflection in store windows as I pass. For that split second, I think I look pretty fast. But I'm pretty sure I look like that girl in yellow the other 99% of the time.
Hahahaha! I’m right with ya, girl. EXCEPT I’m pretty sure you look like a rockstar triathlete when you are training...and I really do look like a wanna-be. I always cringe when I look at the videos from my swim lessons... SPLASH SPLASH...”why is my elbow there?...where is my foot going??... “ haha.
Your perception is all that matters! Keep up the good work! That swimming suit is sweet! I love it!
well who knows about that. I will have to say I better have coffee in the morning and everything always seems just a little bit better. :)
Glad you are doing good. :)
haha! love this, but I'm pretty darn sure you don't look like a manatee when you are swimming, except maybe to exhibit their graceful flow through the water!
Love your mantras and I know you don't look like a manatee!
Wow!! I never thought about it. I guess I really don't look like Craig Alexander when I run.... damn.
sounds like a great lead into your year w/ a coach and learning new things...should be a good season!
you're so not alone in thinking that way. But I assure you you're nothing short of fabulous. Believe it! : )
You are way faster than you "think you look like"
I think I said this already but I am really digging the new header.
If you don't think you look good then nobody else will.....I think that is a tag line but it is true.
Ummm...I'm pretty sure you do NOT look like that sealion or that little girl running! :)
I think that picture of that little girl running is epic... as is your new Rev3 bathing suit.
March on, soldier.
P.S. Is El Sharpster kicking your butt?
ha ha - love the little running girl! I ahve always said I don't want to see a video tape of me runing, playing tennis, swimming or any of it as I am sure the reality of what I look like will not be pretty :)
Love the sparkly rockstar swimsuit!
if you look like a manatee when you're swimming, then you got it going on. just sayin ;-)
As long as you are happy, who cares how you look. :)
OMG laughed out loud when I saw the "i look like this when I"m swimming'.. feel the same! And you already know how I feel about the runner!
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