Well, just another weekend in the life of Colleen and Tom!
Saturday Tom and I decided to jump into a 10k. We've been poking around the hills of Suwanee for far too long and needed to just open up a bit. There's something about "racing" that just helps us do that and I guess we both signed up in hopes that we'd run faster than the 9:30's we've been clocking lately. So Friday night we drove up to the booming metropolis of Buford to register and get our packets - highlight of the packets??? Mine had TWO free cookie coupons from Chick-fil-a. Tom's only had one. :)
Saturday morning it was chilly... low 50's which is perfect 10k weather. We got to the race site at 7:25. The 5k was starting at 7:30, the 10k at 7:45. I love small races!
We lined up at the tape in the road start line and quickly we were off. The first mile was flat... literally the first flat road that I've run since moving here. Then we turned and well, welcome to Georgia. It wasn't bad. But it wasn't Columbus flat. I knew that there were 4 girls in front of me. But that was it. I had two of them in my sights. I caught one around mile 3.5. We were right on the heels of the other girl. I said "you want to catch her?" to which the girl said "nope, I'm fine". Um... oh... okay. So I passed her and tried to catch the next girl. I couldn't do it. Every time I'd get close, we'd climb a little and I'd lose her. Ugh... so frustrating. I felt like I was running strong though. I had hoped to finish under 55 minutes - probably a bit cushiony, but with how things have been going lately, I didn't know if that was possible. Lo and behold, I came in at 49:33 - 15 seconds behind the girl I couldn't catch who of course happened to be in my age group. Good enough for second in my age group (wahoo) and fourth woman (yeehaw). Not a PR, but I was damn happy with that. Tom smoked it... running a 44:49 and winning his age group. We sat around for awards and then finished off the day with an extra slow 5k more.
And that totally kicked our butts. We literally felt like we had been hit by a truck the rest of the day Saturday and all day yesterday. What the heck? We went for a two hour ride yesterday morning and then I got to spend my evening looking at men in tight jeans.
See, I can bring it all together.
We hit up the Kenny Chesney / Tim McGraw Brothers of the Sun Tour. Awesome. Simply awesome. We had bought the cheap seat tickets, knowing full well that we'd probably be able to move down to better seats once the concert started. As I told Tom, "this ain't my first rodeo". :) I was right.
So this was our view from our first seats in the 352 section of the Georgia Dome:
And this was our "upgraded view" from the 106 section.
Mmmmmm, I love me some Tim-
Kenny was fabulous - definitely a party.
But I think the highlight for my amazing hubby is when Zac Brown Band came out as a surprise and sang two songs with Kenny. Guess he doesn't get as excited for men in tight jeans as I do. :)
It was such a fabulous night. Nothing like a country concert south of the Mason Dixie Line. I'm telling you... the people watching was FAB.U.LOUS! :)
But being with this guy is what made my night complete...
Awesome race! I think there is a 90 day waiting period before you can come down here and start taking our awards :)
Great race & awesome concert! Love me some Kenny!! ;)
Colleen, you freaking rock! I know you haven't really been training all that hard, and then you go out and run 4th overall? That's ridiculously awesome! Way to go! Congrats to Tom too!
That concert looked like some fun! I always like to move down closer. Tom has some sweet glasses! You married a stud!
I hope they come to Australia... I love Tim and Kenny!
great race!!!!
that concert looks like it is so good! I am a Keith Urban gal but I do like both these guys also. and I love Zach Brown Band even more!!!
Congrats on your race, and glad you had a good weekend. :)
Nice race! Love how you worked to pick off people and totally felt you on not being able to get that one last girl--been there! Congrats to Tom too.
Yes! Nice pics!!! Sounded like a blast. Great way to settle in to Atlanta.
Congrats on your first Georgia race! Picking people off is the only way I know how to race, regardless of my overall place. Fun!
That is an awesome 10K in my book. I agree that there is nothing like a race to motivate yourself to push it. Love me some tight jeans too. You two are beyond cute - just not quite fair. LOL
Sounds like a pretty great weekend :) Congrats on the race!
So glad you did well in the race, and that looks like a really fun show! You'll get used to those hills soon enough.
I didn't realize how hilly Georgia is until you started blogging about it, great job in the race! I love Tim & Kenny, and tight jeans of course : )
Awesome race and congrats on your finish and Tom's as well. BUT who enters a 10K and doesn't want to race and says Nope, I'm OK......really? WTF?
What a great weekend! First, congrats to both of you and your great races! Y'all are rock stars!
Second, I am totally jealous that you got to see Kenny and Tim! I bet it was a great concert!
Awesome, congrats to you and Tom!!!
Here I thought it was yoru jeans that were tight...from building the glutes running all those hills. Nice Race!
Holy fast splits Batman! Way to rock those GA hills!!! Love me some Tim, Kenny, and ZBB! We went to the Kenny Chesney/ZBB concert last summer in Pittsburgh. Kenny puts on a great show!
You had me at tight jeans!Nice job on the race!
Tight jeans! hehe I secretly love country music, though my country music knowledge is 90's Garth Brooks and Brooks n Dunn.
Anyhoo...way to go on your 10k girl. I know that may not be your fastest but I'd kill for an age group place. :)
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