I'm having one of those days. Sometimes I just need to remind myself to just breath. I feel like I want to climb the tallest mountain (which would inevitably kill me at this stage in my life, but that's not the point here) and scream "ahhhhhhh". I keep trying to remind myself that in this crazy journey called life, we must not forget that it's more important to live your life the way you want and not let others force you into a life you aren't happy with. That's risky, but with risk comes reward. There will always be pointless drama, things that make you shake your head and wonder "who did I piss off to deserve this", but in the end, there are people who care deeply about you, your passions, your beliefs, and they will make the biggest impact on your life. They will stand behind you, encourage you and lead you on a forward path that will forever change your life. You have to believe in yourself!
There are days when I feel like lately we're getting swept up in the journey that is our life, sometimes forgetting to blink along the way. Sometimes we get so caught up in the pointless crap that we for get that we get one life to live and that this too shall pass, making us better, stronger and happier. And we don't want to look back and miss something, but at the same time, we know we have no control over how fast time flies. In the end, no matter what struggles and challenges we face, we will come out stronger, more loved, and ultimately happier people.
After all, we have each other. And really, that's the greatest gift that we have been given.
Hang in there, friend! It's so, so hard to look beyond the daily crap and be happy with the overall picture. I understand. I'm there now.
I can totally understand everything that you wrote. Hang in there sister!
Well written! It was like a full length blog poem! And, I totally agree that surrounding yourself with people that make the good in life appear bigger and brighter than the bad and ugly is the only way to go! I'm glad I've got you and Tom around to make that happen for me! :)
(That was me who deleted above. Clearly I'm more tired than I thought and couldn't bear to have my horribly written post left for all the world to read...trying this again:)
I know that you and Tom (and Abigail) will weather any storm together, getting through this rough patch with your heads held high and your love for each other stronger than the day before.
Now that I am ALWAYS just a phone call, text message, or skyping session away. And in 50 days (yes, I am counting) I get to HUG you in person!
It goes way too fast! Hard to take a minute and breathe sometimes...
Well written, something I needed to read today
Wait until you have the baby. Then you won't know where time went. seriously, you're pretty much in a clueless sleep deprived haze for the first few months. it's "fun".
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