I've been eying it for a while now and he totally surprised me with it. :) He also bought the baby some stuff which totally made me smile! And he took me to lunch for Chipotle, because I've totally been craving guacamole which I NEVER ate before I was pregnant. I'm full and happy... what more can a pregnant lady want for her birthday???
So this past weekend I went to Ohio to visit the family. Tom hasn't been back since he left in March and I haven't been back since my short trip in September. I knew that the three days were going to fly by, as we had a lot planned, but I was excited.
We landed late Thursday night to a ground filled with white stuff. Ugh... Ohio winters. I'm not a huge fan. It was pretty though, especially knowing that we could enjoy it for a few days and then be back to 60 degree temps. ;) but holy crap my blood has thinned. The frigid temps did me in - Friday I think the high was like 14 with a wind chill warning most of the day. I think the warmest that it got the whole time we were there was in the mid 30's.
Friday, my sister came over (who looks freaking amazing by the way... she's a different person!) and we all trekked up to Noodles and Company. A trip to Ohio wouldn't be complete without this bowl of amazingness.
Yum! From there we went to the new casino for a little penny slot action. The casino God's must have been mad at me as I couldn't win anything. That got frustrating quickly. Tom made out the best, putting $20 in the machines and walking out with over $70! At least one of the 5 of us won. That night we went to my sister's for pizza and for a little love with this guy... I would have puppy-napped him but I'm sure they would have missed him.
(Don't mind the duffus face... that's normal for me.)
Saturday I knew that my mom was hosting a little open house for Tom and I. There are so many friends that I always want to see when I hit up Ohio and there just isn't enough time so she said that she would invite some people over from 2-5 and we could just say hi, they could check out the growing bump, etc. People could come and go as they please. It was a great plan. She had sent out an invite a few weeks ago and sent me a copy. It was cute and I was excited that most everyone could make it. :) Saturday morning we were super lazy and I was downstairs talking to Tom as he was on the treadmill. My dad yelled down that my sister was here. I thought "okay, that's good". I knew she was coming by for the day so I didn't think anything of it. About a minute later, my dad came rushing down and said "I told you your sister was here". Um... yeah, I get it. I guess I didn't think it was a big deal. I looked at Tom like I was confused and said that I better head upstairs and start getting ready for the get together. I walked to the kitchen and my sister was standing there, with my mom, and a full out shower arrangement! They had planned a surprise baby shower for me and all of my friends. I totally lost it... like sobbing uncontrollably. I'm not one for surprises usually (it might have something to do with me not being able to keep a secret), but I had no clue. I guess my mom had actually sent out a different invite than what she showed me. It was still going to be an open house, but they were all coming for our sweet little girl. I literally cried for the next hour, getting ready. I was shocked.
My friends started coming at 2 and I wish I had been better about getting pictures. I know my sister did so hopefully I will get them from her soon. We ended up having around 30 people there (hubbies and kids were invited too). It was funny to see people's reaction to my bump as I haven't been posting pictures of it and all of these people knew that I was kind of anti-having-kids for much of my marriage thus far (getting pregnant was planned though... we had a change of heart this past summer about wanting a family). I had people there that I grew up with, friends that I've made through volunteering, blogging friends, triathlon friends, old neighbors, family. It was awesome. And everyone was so stinking generous... my little girl will never need to worry about not having clothes, that's for sure. Everyone says it's too fun to buy baby girl clothes and I'll have to agree. We got a few things from our registry which was awesome too... we're on our way to getting more prepared for this little one. I literally had a permanent smile on my face the rest of the weekend.
One funny side story... I haven't told a ton of people our daughter's name. We've had it chosen for a while and I was going to keep it a secret, but yeah, that didn't happen. It wasn't that I wasn't telling people, I just hadn't really told a lot of people. I knew that no one coming to the party had been told. My mom put the cake on the table for the party and it was this:
I loved that this was kind of the way that my friends would find out her name. So yes, our little girl's name will be Abigail and yes, we'll call her Abby. :) Here are a few other pictures from the day before everyone got there.
Sunday we visited with Tom's mom and step dad, then left and caught up with his dad and step mom. It was a busy day. Sunday night came too fast, as it was the last night with my family, but we just hung out watching the Superbowl, still in awe of every one's generosity from the weekend.
I can't thank my mom and sister enough for doing this for me. They have both been so amazingly excited to meet Abigail and they pulled off a surprise that I never thought was possible. I'm sure it's a little surreal to see their daughter/sister sporting a baby bump and I hope that they both know how incredibly blown away I was by what they did for us. And my friends... it was great to see all of them and their little kiddos and I can't thank them enough for the thoughtful gifts that they bought for Abby. She might have 4 more months to go before she blesses this world with her presence, but she's incredibly loved already! That's a pretty cool feeling.
Finally, just because I haven't posted any bump pictures, I'll post one. I've heard everything from "how many are in there" to "you are way bigger than I thought you would be" to "your doctors must be so happy with your weight gain because you look amazing". I'm big. I feel it. But I'm happy. This little girl is moving a shaking like crazy and I know that she's growing big and strong so that's all that matters. This picture was taken today... 23 weeks. I'm up 14 pounds total.
awwwww I love that ring! So much better than some running shirt ;) Glad you are having such an awesome guacamole filled day!
You are so stinking cute!!! Tom did well with the ring. Give him a high five for me :-) Sounds like Ohio was amazing. Glad you got to spend some time with your family.
He went to Jared!!
(my best imitation of a commercial)
Um.....so this is crazy....but it's my birthday too! :) Happy birthday to you.
I'm hoping we all get better too...a birthday with sick kids is not fun.
Ahhhh he went to Jared! LOL
I never ate Guacamole prior to my first pg, then I couldn't get enough. Give me a bag of chips and a bowl of guac and I was happy! I also became addicted to PB and still love both. This time around I am drinking Chocolate milk like crazy - can't get enough. I have to limit my intake.
Soulds like you had a great birthday!! Happy Birthday.
I can't wait to meet Abby! She's going to be such an incredible little girl and an awesome daughter-in-law. :)
Tom is such a stud! Not only can he surprise his wife with perfect birthday gifts, but he can pull of the collared shirt and sweater combo like no other. My hero! :)
I'm glad you guys had a good trip and made it back safely. Isn't Georgia awesome?
Happy Birthday! Glad your weekend was better than you imagined it could be!
Can't wait for 118 days from today...when Abby is due! x o x o
Happy Birthday again! There was so much joy in this post! I am so happy for you! What a wonderful trip to Ohio with your family and baby shower! OMG, what does it say about me that I totally recognized that mac n cheese as being from Noodles & Co? LOVE it and Chipotle.
So many wonderful things to smile about in this post. Happy birthday. Lovely ring. Awesome trip home/baby shower. Love the baby bump pic. I don't have many pics from either of my pgs and I somewhat regret it.
Awwww.... He went to Jared ;)
You have been missing out on the guacamole! That is a weekly (or sometimes multiple times a week) staple around here.
Absolutely love the name. Can't wait for her and Nate to meet up and become friends!
Totally amazing that you had a surprise shower! You are one lucky girl.
You look amazing by the way!
Kevin beat me to it "He went to Jared"
I love the name!!
Glad you enjoyed your time in Ohio, minus the nasty freezing weather
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!!!! Very nice ring & what a great surprise your shower was!!!!!
Happy birthday. Sounds like you had a great one
So much excitement going on! Love the name you've chosen.
And you should always make a big deal about birthdays, you are a big deal and thus the day you were brought into the world should be too!
Beautiful ring, and what a beautiful name!! What a nice surprise, the shower sounds like a perfect afternoon. you look fantastic, Happy Birthday again!
Sparkles for your birthday.
Cute baby shower too.
Also, more pictures, you are looking like a super fit momma!
Happy Birthday!
Love the ring! Love the baby shower!! xoxo
Love all of this!!! Your present is gorgeous! Love the name and you look fabulous!
What an awesome fun weekend - the surprise baby shower must've been such fun!
Happy Birthday!!
You look fantastic!!!! I cannot freaking believe people are saying that shit to you!!!!
I am so mad about that I forgot what the rest of your blog was about!! Oh. You got a very pretty ring!!! Good one Tom!!! :)
Colleen, you look awesome! And what a beautiful ring!
Wow, nice ring! Tom knows good stuff when you see it. {insert manly fist bump here}
So wonderful. Happy belated!
Wow..... Very Nice.........
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