Since Sunday, I haven't really been feeling like myself. Tom noticed. I've been down, tired,
nauseous sore. We've talked a lot about it and I think I'm just coming off an emotional hang over. Really... I've cried a lot, been happy, been sad, been scared, been proud, etc. Quite frankly, I've been all over the place. I've taken 3 days off from working out - probably the most that I've taken in a long time, but I think I needed it! Although the scale proves that even three days off can throw me into a loop. I'm up this week - 147.0 to be exact. I'm a little bummed, but I know I'm an emotional
eater and well... I've been emotional! :) That's just a fact of life. But like my title to this post says, I feel like myself again and am looking forward to my workout today which will get me back on track!
Oh, and I heard a great quote today that I'm going to remember... NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS SKINNY FEELS
On an unrelated note, here are a few pictures from Sunday's race-
Tom and I before the race, just heading to the water.
Janet and Jay came to the race, but kept busy on their bikes. Mom, dad, and Kristen were awesome enough to just sit and wait for us to come by. I know they were bored, but we really appreciated them being there.
This is me at T2. Isn't she a beauty (my bike... not me!)
rockstar hubby finishing with a PR and a 1st place!
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