I don't write TOO often about the deals that I get shopping. But, around the holidays, I want to pass along a website that pays you to shop. How great is that? If you buy ANYTHING on line around the holidays, take a look at ebates.com. It costs nothing to be a member, and as long as you go there and click through to the website that you are looking for (no ads or anything crazy like that), they will pay you a percentage back. My latest check is in the mail now and should be $116. And that's cash back on stuff I was already going to buy. Anyway, if you aren't signed up, again, it costs nothing. And if you use this link http://www.ebates.com/refer-a-friend/amb1114.htm?referrerid=UYJaNbFkmEH0%2B5Zi3x4Cuw%3D%3D , you'll get an extra $10 just for making your first purchase. That's not a bad deal.
Things are busy. I can't walk still from the lunges and squats that I did on Friday. Tomorrow's workout should be interesting to say the least. Saturday night Tom and I went to the "Fur Ball", a fundraiser for the Delaware County Humane Society. I was proud of myself for not walking out with a new little furry friend (I'm a sucker for saving dogs). Until we get a bigger house, and a better vacuum, we're stuck with just 2! :)
Oh, and totally exciting news... I just ordered a set of Flash Point 80's for my bike. They are sweeeeeeet and will definitely make my bike look complete. I will post pictures on Flicka when they come. In the meantime, here's a little teaser...

Oooh, thanks for the info on ebates! I will definitely have to check it out!
Nice wheels, chica! Sweet!
Sweet wheels :)
Sweet wheels...I have the same ones! And I LOVE them!!!
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