Speaking of ramblings...
I'm tired. I feel like I just can't get caught up. I don't think it's lack of sleep because, let's face it, I sleep like 9.5 hours a night. I take a vitamin. I eat fruits and veggies. Training is just starting to get long and I'll be the first to admit that I'm pushing it a little more than I have in the past. After our race Sunday, we busted out with a 9 mile run later in the afternoon. Tuesday was a 1:45/:15 bike run brick. Yesterday, we powered through some strong winds for a solid 3:30 ride (by far my strongest training ride ever) and then immediately covered a 5 mile run. By this morning, my knees were a little achy, my body a little sluggish. We took off for a 13 mile run, but I just didn't have anything in my tank. (the stupid high school parks guys that took out water bottle and sugar and threw it in the trash didn't help. Yes, I know I put it on a post at the trail head, but we were doing three laps and didn't want to carry it. You are doing your job, I get it. But then pulling the sugar out of your pocket (were you going to eat it?) and the bottle out of the trash, didn't make me happy). 10 miles later, we were home and I was beat. A good ole' First Endurance Cap Ultragen makes everything a little better. Luckily, our long workouts have been done for the week... for the most part and I can catch up. I hope. Ahhhh I love Ironman Training.
Speaking of Ironman - I was gungho all in for IM Mont Tremblant. Even had the condo booked. But after much talking to Tom, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It's just too hilly for a flat lander like me. Sure, I can learn to ride and run hills, but there just aren't hills like that around here. We'd have to drive at least an hour to get anything that resembles a hill (and they don't match IMMT's profile at all). I just felt like I would be going into the race unprepared and I've done enough Ironman races to know that's not smart. You can't go into a race like that behind the 8 ball. I just wouldn't have enjoyed myself. So I back out. Chickened out. Whatever you want to call it. I'm totally going to miss being part of the League of Extraordinary Tri Geeks that will be representing up there, but I know I made the right decision. Plus it opens up my schedule a little more for some local stuff during the summer and maybe a late season Ironman. Florida? Arizona? We'll see.
So OutsidePR sent me a package a while back with some pretty cool stuff to test out for them. I wrote a review about the Ryders Sunglasses (here). I still can't get over how much I love those babies. I just need to get the Hex Photochromic lenses in pink... that would make my day. Anyway, one other thing that they sent me were a pair of Pearl Izumi isoTransition tri running shoes to test out. They are a new shoe, especially made for triathletes. I will be honest... I totally put them on the back burner because I've been running all of my speed work and training runs in my Avia Bolt 3's. But, they are starting to show a lot of wear (they are racers after all and I've put a lot of miles on them) and I can't run in them sockless, so the other day I pulled the Peal Izumi's out of the box and gave them a try. They are definitely a tri shoe - (from their site) "Designed and developed with 2x IronMan® World Champion Tim DeBoom, the new isoTransition was built to perform when it counts - on race day. The quick-pull lacing system and self-draining midsole are designed to help you shave valuable minutes for your next PR. The breathable, Seamless Upper provides such amazing out-of-the-box barefoot comfort, you'll swear that someone is tickling your little piggies. Amen." (cute, right?). The first time that I wore them, I went sockless and one of the little slits in the bottom totally rubbed my foot. Instant blister. Ugh... I didn't wear them again for a few days and then tried them one more time. This time, no blister. Maybe they needed to be broken into or something. I am worried that a little pebble or something will get into one of those slits though (we run along a beach and beaches in Ohio aren't sand... they are totally rocks). I could see how something like that could get lodged in the shoe. I did like the lace system a lot (super fast foot just slide right in) and they weighed nothing - felt like a slipper in that they were snug, but not too tight. No rubbing at all with bare feet either... simply because there are no seams in them! I did notice that after only two or three runs in them, they are already showing wear and there isn't much room for them to wear. At $115 a pop, they would definitely be race shoes for someone and not training shoes. Overall, I think they look great and they are comfortable for short runs (I'm not used a minimal shoe so I haven't run anything over 4 miles in them). Overall, I give them a 4.5 out of 5. :) Thanks OutsidePR. (** please note that these shoes were sent to me at no cost for review purposes only. I was not told what to say in my review and it's simply my honest opinion about the product).
One last thing... can I just say a big ole' thanks to Ms. Mother Nature. While I find that 99% of the time you hate me for whatever reason, I have really appreciated a few things the last few days. Race day last Sunday was a tad chilly and overcast. Perfect race weather. Temps this week have been in the 70's, max. Yesterday I needed sleeves for my ride. Sure it was windy, but at the turn around point of my out and back, you kept blowing the same direction and let me have some tail wind. I appreciate that. And right now, after the rain we just had (which my plants are loving... my hanging baskets have lasted more than a few days), it's in the upper 60's. We've been sleeping at night with the window open and I've needed blankets. While I don't think our love affair will last forever, I really am growing fond of you.
Told you I had some ramblings...
I'm really tempted by IM Mont Tremblant for 2013 but it'll be good to see how the first year goes and get some reports on the climbing. And to get stronger at hills myself :)
Still really hoping that you and Tom can come join the festivities in IMMT. With all the people going, I'm sure you and Tom can find a place to crash :) You, Tom, BDD, and MattyO should all tag team the driving. We'll make sure the beer is cold and the wine is corked.
I am digging the weather her as well. Had a little rain yesterday, but overall it has been fantastic.
I am really feeling this ironman training, never done anything like this before, but your volume is so much higher then mine, worries me
Ya I saw the IMMT bike profile, I don't want to drive to Logan every weekend to kill myself.
Keep your mind open for Arizona, might be there at that time, parents can provide some free home cook meals for you guys
You're really cranking on the training. Way to go! IMMT would have been fun, but it sounds like you thought it through. I'm loving the weather too!!!
Wow..it sounds like you are doing awesome with your training! Woohoo!
I thought about IMMT too, but it's just too far out to register for it-ya know? Plus, I think I need to have atleast one IM under my belt before I register for another one! :)
I love your ramblings. I know you made the right decision about IMMT but I can see how you would be disappointed. I would love to catch up with all you super tri-peeps but I just don't have the body to keep up at this point.
I hope Mother Nature keeps smiling on your throughout your IM training! You are a rock star!
FLORIDA! please!!!!!!!
yay for your great training as of late! boo for blisters :(
Well, if you can't race, at least lead up the cheering squad @ MT! We will miss ya out there on the course with us.
I want to try out sockless shoes, especially if I do sprints next year. But! I am afraid of getting a blister. I HATE getting blisters. Thanks for the review. One of these days I am just gonna go for a sockless shoe.
sounds like a wise decision! at the end of the day, your opinion is the only one that matters. I really like my Pearl Izumi shoes they sent me for free. They were nice. But heck, I like all my free shoes :-)
your workouts are amazing, I read your fb status the other day about the training day you had planned, truly amazing.
I go back and forth about liking hilly races to hating them with a firey passion. Flat races allow an even effort (for me on the bike) but they also don't allow for any rest for the weary (aka downhill). I think if I were EVER to attempt a full IM I would need the flat to build my confidence, I think going into a race scared about the course profile would not work for me.
I've never tried minimalist shoes either, Justin has some vibram's but I feel like I already have enough problems with my feet I don't need anything else ;).
You are getting strong girlfriend! You'll rock your IM this year. And I respect you for not signing up for Mount T. You know what you have to work with and it won't get you where you want to be, so good move!
Sounds like you made the right decision for you regarding IMMT and that's great about the weather. Hope the temps continue to cooperate!
phew, you were all over there haha.
Agree with the IMMT decision. If I didn't have hills, I WOULD NEVER sign up for a race with hills. That would be pure punishment for a week after the race.
Yeah, Mother Nature has pissed me off royally this summer. I finally enjoy biking and she takes the heat away and threatens us with rain next week. GRRRRR!
I'm impressed with your training thus far! No wonder you're tired! Glad mother nature has been on your side. She's been treating me pretty well too, but I'd still like a little warmer temps.
I really wanted to do IMMT too! Looks like it will be amazing - the pictures on the website look gorgeous. It was the 12+ hour drive (or expensive flight/bike shipping) combo that threw me off... plus the price (I didn't realize the USD-Canadian $ exchange rate was what it is!)
Flat lander, you're so luck. We hardly have any flat land around here.
I know this is your post and your ramblings but all I can think about is ME(i know shocker) live in MN (flatflatflat) and signed up for IMLP (not so flat) UGH!
You totally made the right decision on IMMT - I will miss you suffering with me though :)
I was going to say something else but forgot.... DOH
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