Race Schedule and Results

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"Georgia On My Mind"

So, what do the following things have in common???

  • 71 streets with the name "Peachtree" in it
  • The largest 10k race in the world
  • Headquarters to The Coca-Cola Company, The Home Depot, and Delta Air Lines  
  • Birthplace of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Home of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games
  • Home of the Braves, Falcons and Hawks
If you guessed Atlanta, you are right.  And if you guessed that we are moving there, bonus points to you!!!

So that's why I've been a little M.I.A lately in bloggy land (okay, one of the reasons).  Our house is for sale and as soon as it sells, we're relocated.  I'm so freaking excited!!!!

Tom got offered a new job with his team, a job that fits him perfect, but one stipulation was that they needed him to be at the team headquarters.  So, Atlanta it is.

I've always wanted to live in the south but never really had a reason (or the guts) to move.  I mean, my my family is here, my friends are here, I love my house, my business is settled here, it's flat, etc.  So to up and relocate with no real reason other than it's gotta be better weather than Ohio from November to May couldn't really be justified. 

Now we have a good reason... a very good reason!

I'm excited, albeit a bit overwhelmed with everything.  We spent Friday and Saturday of this past weekend in Atlanta, just driving around, looking at different areas, houses for sale, commute times for Tom, etc.  It definitely helped with my comfort in the fact that I'm moving.

Now we just need good vibes that we sell this house in Delaware before the winter hits!!!  We have two showings tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed!!!

Oh... and Run Across America starts on Thursday - I'll get more information about that this week.  My hubby is leaving for 20 days to run across the USA.  And I wonder why I keep having little freak outs. :)


Caroline said...

A new adventure!
I hope you will be happy there.
I know about leaving friends and family behind. I did it.
I miss them still after 11 yrs but I have zero regrets!

I hope you will sell your house super quick! I bet this is overwhelming!

As long as you have each other and that you are happy you will be ok.

Betsy said...

From someone who just relocated & is living outside of mn for the first time I wish you the best! It's a fun new adventure! I'm loving it & you will too I'm sure! Good luck - I hope all goes smoothly & comes together! It's really fun exploring a new city!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! That is SO exciting. Atlanta is a great city and I am sure you will just LOVE it there :D

Steve said...

Congrats, and good luck on the move.

Rebecca said...

Coming from someone who moves every 3 years (and sometimes across oceans) I am so happy for you and this upcoming adventure. Granted you might be stretched, exhausted & overwhelmed but more importantly, blessed with a new community, new racing groups and new environment - not to mention better weather!
Praying for a quick sell on your house!

KC (my 140 point 6 mile journey) said...

Well, this only means one thing ...you have to jump ship and join TCoTX for TTT now!! Awesome news for Tom and you, congrats!

Ironman By Thirty said...

If you even THINK about jumping ship to the TCoTX, me, Scott, and MattyO will be forced to drive down to Atlanta and drag you back to the Midwest! haha

Congrats to Tom on the job and good luck to you both during this crazy time.

Unknown said...

Congratulations to Tom! That is so exciting. I wish you good luck with your home sale. I found that part the most stressful. The buying the new house was actually a lot more involved than selling the old from a paperwork standpoint, but I didn't have the stress, for some reason.

And I was just about to ask you which Thanksgiving race you were going to do in Ohio this year.....

Matty O said...

Ummmm so what you are saying is that you have been and will be busy? WHAT?! YOU?! haha.

Awesome. Can only imagine the feelings that you felt placing that sign in the front yard. Aye. I have butterflies for you haha.

So jealous, like, seriously jealous. I heart moving south, big time!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

I am excited for you and Tom. Atlanta is going to be one big adventure. I remember when I moved to Ohio, everything was so new and different. Good luck on selling the house

Heather-O said...

Tear. I'm gonna miss you guys! We just got to know you and now you are leaving us! I know Matt has that effect on people, but don't you think a move to Atlanta is a bit drastic ;) J/K

I am SO excited for you guys! What an amazing opportunity for Tom and a fabulous location to boot! I am definitely jealous! Good luck with everything and try not to work too hard! If you need any help (not that we are that close), but I'm sure we would be willing to do what we can!

Good luck in the race across America, Tom!

Unknown said...

Yay!! What an adventure! We haven't moved in a long time, but every now and then I feel that wanderlust pop up! Good luck with all the details, but you know it will all come together just the way it's supposed to be!! So excited for you guys.

Allison said...

Sad for Ohio-ians, but very excited for this adventure for you and Tom! Keeping fingers crossed that your house sells quickly!

And best of luck to Tom on the race! I can't wait to follow their progress!

Rachelle said...

Wow! Welcome to the south! Its an adventure for sure, in more than one way. Although, I'm liking that I can still train outside in shorts and a t-shirt. Hope the move goes well and that your house sells fast.

Beth said...

Wow, lots of big news! Congrats on the job and move. I can't believe that Tom will be gone for 20 days while you are selling your house, you are amazing!


Congrats! Lots of exciting stuff! As someone who relocated from Erie, PA and frequented Ohio often, I can say the South is a great place to live. And so much warmer. Good luck with everything.

Meaghan said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHH, so exciting!!!! Let me know if there's anything I can do to help out! Yay!!

Christi said...

Congratulations! That is very exciting indeed. I will be sending positive vibes your way in hopes that the house will sell soon!

Molly said...

Congrats!! What an exciting new adventure for you both! Hope the house sells quickly : )

Kim said...

so friggin excited for you!

Unknown said...

New adventures in your life journey! Enjoy every moment. Congratus and good luck with selling your house and buying a new one. I know everything will work out perfectly.

Jon said...

Very exciting! And congrats to Tom for the new position.

You gotta go visit the north Georgia mountains. They are VERY pretty and has a lot of great riding. Visit Helen, which is this Bavarian town out in the middle of nowhere, then head up Brasstown Bald, the highest peak in Georgia. And of course you gotta head down to Savannah to visit. THAT is the south! (I went to school there. SUCH a great little town)

rhino said...

I love ATL and what an awesome ride it sounds like you're having!!

Karen said...

Exciting! I may be partial because I live here but Atlanta is pretty awesome. :) Good weather, lots of running and triathlon peeps, and mountains and beaches within relatively short driving distances. Hope you will love it too!

M said...

Well, congrats on the new adventure - I'm kind of bummed though since I never really got to hang out with you in Ohio!!!

Unknown said...

So much going on! Welcome to team TCoTX for TTT. Don't listen to Kevin, if he drives down South to get you he will never leave and be part of TCoTX team!

And Jon is right about Savannah -- such an awesome little town. I have so many memories from Savannah that I do not remember (-:

Tell Tom to kick some butt running the country!

Alisa said...

Ooooh big changes! I've kinda always wanted to live in the south too. I absolutely loved the time I've spent in the Carolina's. However, since I've lived in both DC and Boston I know my hubby would never want to move that far away again. Our families are in CA and I think we're just destined to be west coast peeps.

Fingers crossed on the house. Can't wait to see all the fun stuff you end up getting to do in HOTLANTA!

Jason said...

That is great news. Congrats to Tom and to you for getting to live a dream that you have had. That is awesome.

Vibes are being sent for a fast and easy sell.

Can't wait to have you in the territory of the TCoTX. You've got friends here!

Wes said...

GOOD CHOICE! If you need any support, don't hesitate to ask!

Anne-Marie said...

Wow! That's so exciting! Your outdoor cycling/running season is going to get a lot longer! :)

Good luck with selling the house!

Carolina John said...

Wow, congratulations that's really exciting! I would LOVE to meet up with you and Tom the next time we're in Atlanta. I used to work there too, and we have lots of friends and family in the general area. so I try to get down there as often as possible. Heck, just being that close to Wes and the Georgia Snail makes the whole move worth it. Please ask if you need to know anything about the city, suburbs, whatever. and start working on using phrases like Y'all and "bless his heart" in conversation.

Gotta Run..... said...

With much less distance between us we may actually meet one day. I am in Greenville, SC and Atlanta has lots of great races.

Hope the move and all that comes with it goes great!

Kristin Deaton said...

All I can say is EEEEEEEE!!!!! Wishing and hoping everyday that house in OH sells so you can get your move on!!!

Beal88 said...

Congrats to Tom on the new job! Atlanta rocks and i'm jealous you guys will get to ride year round!

Matthew Smith said...

Heck yeah! Other than the traffic, you'll never regret the move to the South! Jenn and I will be right behind you as we're moving in May. I'm pretty sure that we know where we're going...Calhoun, GA which is about an hour north of ATL. We'll have to do some blogger meetups at some races. Sawweeet! Congrats on the new job. Good luck selling your house. I'm so happy for you guys!!!!!!

Caratunk Girl said...

Congrats to Tom on the new gig, and to you on the new move!! That is awesome, it sounds like you are really stoked!! I am so happy for you guys! :)

track coach and adorable wife said...

Wowza that is huge! Good for you being so brave!

Alili said...

Psst...I live in the ATL. :) Congrats to Tom on the new job!

Jamie said...

congrats on he move! Our trakkers atl crew is growing!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, Colleen! We're almost neighbors now. You'll love the winter weather, though you'll think it's hilarious that one inch of snow shuts down the city. We'll definitely be driving through in the winter a couple times so maybe Rach and I can meet up with you for lunch or something. Good luck on the move!

Megan L. Killian said...

YAY! ATL is close to STL, kinda. and there are loads of Rev3 peeps there. I will definitely have to make it a destination station in 2012.

Jennie said...

How exciting!!

My fingers are crossed for a quick sale of your current house so you can start your new adventure! :)

Richelle said...

Congrats to Tom on the new opportunity with his company! I hope you sell your house quickly, and find a new place in Atlanta to live. Hopefully it will be a place in an area close to where he works so his commute isn't bad.

Avril Copperfield said...

I can relate with the excitement you feel for moving to a very awesome place. Atlanta is much of a place to live. I bet you are making the most of your stay there! The realtor must have offered you a great payment scheme. Our house is actually on mortgage and the interest rate is very reasonable.
Avril Copperfield

Anonymous said...

Hello Coleen. I wonder how you are after two years. I bet you are enjoying your stay more in Atlanta. I hope you had someone who was willing to explain a transaction’s process and progress, and professionally answer all of your questions with regards to your new property, as that too is a good investment for the future. Keep us posted. Kathleen Salazar

Anonymous said...

That sounds great! It’s cool that you have time to do house searching by yourself. =) I would love to hear that you were able to sell your house at Delaware at the right price, and if you decided to transact with an agent for a new house, he previewed homes before showing them to you as well. So how are you all doing today? Keep us posted, and take care! -Leona Gladen