What? You can't believe your eyes? Colleen's blogging? Did hell freeze over? Are pigs flying?
Yikes, it's been a while. I must say, I've taken a little social media break. No blogging, no blog reading, very little twitter and facebook. I just don't have the time right now and quite honestly, it stresses me out a little thinking that I'm "behind" on social media. I'm going to admit something and I hope it doesn't offend any of you...
I marked all blogs in my google reader as "read".
I'm sorry. It was well past 450 unread blogs and it literally was stressing me out. I love all of you and enjoy reading your blogs, but time just hasn't allowed me and I felt like I was sinking into a black hole.
What did people do before blogs?
So I'm starting fresh. I'm hoping I didn't miss anything too terribly much. If I did, I'm so sorry. I just had to prioritize a little and unfortunately that meant putting you, my favorite bloggers, on the back burner for a bit. But it doesn't mean I don't love you! I do... I promise!
So what's been new with me?
Fundraiser went AWESOME. I think we raised about $63,000 this year for Women's Health at the local hospital. I'm really proud of the event and where it's come in the last three years. It's such a great cause and I feel so honored to have been a part of it for the last three years. We've gotten people talking about it... anticipating the next year and that's very rewarding! Everything came together exactly how we hoped!
This past weekend I was in Chicago with my second favorite team (Trakkers has my heart, don't worry!!!). The Team Type 1 running team was doing the Chicago Marathon. Although this was my "A" race of the season and I was hoping to go sub-4:00, that was put on hold for a later date. I did manage to run half of it (I had a bib, so I started the race and then just walked off the course at mile 13.1). That's a hard thing to do (both physically because at the half marker they have a fence on both sides of the course for a while so I couldn't get off the course and mentally because everyone else is still running and I'm adding a big fat DNF to my record willingly). But it was either that or run alone along the lake that morning. Much more fun to be in the environment and holy smokes was the environment crazy awesome. I'm slowly getting back to running and feeling good. My speed and endurance isn't there (although it never was really there, but humor me), but I'm working on it!! In any event, I loved loved loved every minute with the TT1 guys. They are such an amazing group of athletes, so inspiring people to be around, and freaking hysterical. We laughed... a lot... and let me tell you... they kicked some serious butt at the race. There were a few struggles along the way, but they stuck together as a team. I love these guys and can't wait to see many of them in just a few weeks at the end of Run Across America in NYC. Here they all are outside Maggiano's - the perfect prerace meal!
So I can't make any promises that I will be blogging more, and more involved in social media in the coming days. Things are NUTSO in the Kingery house... more to come on that really soon.
But I'll try my hardest.
I love you all still. And I just wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten about all of you.
I'm incredibily impressed and inspired by TT1. What an awesome group of guys that not only take on the challenges of competing, but laugh in the face of this awful disease.
Lost my dad in June 2010 after he dealt with T1 for over 55 years (with the last 3 being really ugly). I'm sad that he spent too much of his life putting himself in a box of "can't do because" and these TT1 guys just stomp all over that box! LOVE IT!
Kudos to you on your half - no small accomplishment and sounds way better than running alone.
No worries! None of us are going anywhere. We love your blog even if you only blog once in a blue moon. We all get crazy busy and sure enough, blogging, facebook, twitter, etc...are the first things to get kicked to the curb when it happens to me. I can't even open google reader anymore, that's how bad it is. I think i'm doing great with 1 post a week on the blog though! The guilt? Bothers the hell out of me too! Eats at me like a million piranhas!
Hope you are healing well and how awesome a weekend you guys had. I love Chicago.
See you in a little over 3 weeks! Can't wait to meet the Irondiva finally!
Just happy you're alive!
Congrats on running the half. I know you had a hard time stopping at that point, but 13.1 miles is STILL a long way to run.
So happy you were able to get back out there, I don't think that DNF counts : )
When does Run Across America end??? NYC Marathon is in 26 days, not that I'm counting or anything....
Don't stress on social media-- we totally understand! Glad all is good and that you enjoyed your time in Chi- town. Maggianos=perfect pre-race meal!
That sucks that 13.1 was the end of your marathon, but I think you were wise. Chicago sounds like an amazing event, and I may have to do it one day. I hope things chill out in your home soon.
I'm so glad you are getting back into your training!! You played it smart in Chicago, so don't even think about that DNF!!! I hope all is well with the craziness!!
Hey. Sent you an email. That fundraiser is so impressive, seriously!! Best of luck with everything.
Welcome back! Hey, I took some time off too while I was getting married/buying and moving into a condo/honeymooning. You've been missed!
What an impressive fundraiser!
I hope things settle down in your household soon!
That fundraiser looked beautiful. 13.1 miles is nothing to scoff at, it still impresses most!!!! I was proud of my 9.3 this past sunday. :) Glad you are back to blogging but definitely not something to get stressed out with , take your time!
I'll admit, you had a me a little worried. I checked on you and Tom at Chicago and saw you stopped at 13.1. I figured that since you stopped at such an "even" mile mark, you were OK, but you never know with how it was in Chicago.
How are you feeling? Pretty much all healed up or still some aches and pains?
So Ben is pacing the GR Marathon? After running Chicago? I guess this means no slacking off for me at the race! :) haha
Awesome work with the fundraiser!!!
Can I just say that the zebra print on the table setting is adorable! We missed you this weekend, but glad you and the TT1 guys had a great time!
We were watching some racing on Universal Sports last night, and George was cheering on the TT1 guys!!
Hahaha, either one of two things happened when you clicked "read" in google reader...
1. Complete guilt and angst over "cheating".
2. You laughing out loud... SUCKERS! hahaha.
Yeah, I trim my blog roll regularly now. So hard to keep up. I feel your pain :)
Awesome decision on the race :) Seriously, I think that was the best option!!! LOVE the energy at the first half there. Great course and the fans are SUPERB out there.
Glad the TT1 boys held up strong and did their thing out there.
Hope all is going as planned at the Kingery Household ;)
And super HIGH FIVE on the fundraising success, HOLY MOLY! Super Rockstar of the Month Award!
Don't stress over social media! It shouldn't make more stress, but be a relief, I think. Glad you are back!
welcome back love bug :)
So good to hear from you!!
And I saw you at the expo on Friday - I yelled your name, and you must have not heard me. And since I didn't want to be "that girl", I stopped screeching at you :)
Hope you had an awesome weekend in Chicago!
Remind me when the you guys are coming to NYC to see the finish.
1) The fundraiser banquet looked like a ton of fun! Great decor!
2)Congrats to Tom and TT1 for rocking it out at Chicago!
3) Super congrats to you for rocking out 13.1 at Chicago! I definitely agree that it would be more fun to join in the race with an intentional DNF than to run all by your lonesome! Smart decision! Glad you are finally healing up!
Colleen, we will always be here so take a break if you need it. We all understand and more than likely have been there.
I am glad to hear that things have been going well for you.
Have a great week!
Good to see a post from you! Sounds like things are good. Don't worry about 'mark all blogs as read'. I'll often do that with less than 50 unread. It keep the number from getting overwhelming to me and I do go back and catch on some blogs later over coffee on a rainy Sunday morning.
Mark them as read and move on. Do not worry about that. This is a family and I don't call my mother everyday so why worry about missing a blog? It happens, it's life and we all know it.
welcome back - and way to go on the fundraiser!
Welcome back! Congrats on your fundraising and its great to hear you are on the mend.
Those tables look so great! I love party planning.
Also, way to know your body's limits and have the strength to walk away before you risked further injury.
How are your injuries :) I hope everything is on the mend.
Congrats to you and tom
Dont forget I owe the both of you dinner
The blog reader I use has a "Recent Updates" folder, and when I get way behind, I just go through that one. Keeps me sane :-)
Definitely NOT a DNF. :)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets stressed out by keeping up with social media... Sometimes you just have to remind yourself that this is something we do for fun, right?
Congrats on the fundraiser - looks like it was awesome!
Glad the Chicago trip was fun - TT1 sounds like such an amazing group.
I've missed you and your blog Colleen! Glad things are going well and I'm happy you did some of Chicago! Hugs!
I hear ya about being behind with blogs. Do you like how I'm commenting a WEEK after you posted? ;) It's amazing how something so optional can totally stress you out... I know I feel a lot better when I get my unread count to zero!
Congrats on the fundraiser! Love the decor, and with gift bags like that, how could anyone not have a blast??
Congrats too on adapting Chicago to work for you! I'm glad to hear that you're on the mend and feeling better! :)
I'm sorry that you're moving. I'm getting closer to less denial as it looms closer but it's such a big stressful life event!
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