We have 27 days until the half Rev at Cedar Point. More than one person has asked me if I'm happy with my decision to switch from the full to the half. Heck, I've asked myself if I'm happy that I switched many times over. And the answer is always the same.
Now I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel like a bit of a failure at times. I started something and I'm not finishing it. And how much of a hypocrite am I for preaching that times will get tough but you can get through them to all of my friends that have been or are training for their first, second, tenth Ironman? I know all about the peaks and valleys, the walls that need to be overcome. It's probably 75% mental. I know first hand how hard Ironman training can be and that yes, sacrifices need to be made, times will be tough, but in the end, there's no greater glory than crossing that finish line. It all comes together.
So how can I be happy with my decision?
I know that my heart wasn't in it, I wouldn't have been able to honestly give it everything it deserved. I have done the Ironman training and races three times now... I have a HUGE amount of respect for the distance - enough to know when I'd be foolish to half ass my way through it. I'm loving training right now. I still do long stuff - 40 miles of running planned this week, a 17 mile run last week that was by far the best run I've had in a loooong time, 85 miles on the bike last Sunday, etc.. But I'm doing things on my time because I want to, not because I have to. I'm going into the half in better shape than I've ever been, and I know that my fitness will carry me to the finish line, and then to the finish line of the two marathons in the following 4 weeks, and then to the goofy in January.
And while I guess I could feel like a schmuck for telling people not to give up when the going gets tough, I feel like I've finally made a smart decision that will help me in the future.
I mean, Ironman Florida 2012 is already in my mind and I'm going to blow the socks off that race.
Just wait to see how great you will feel after 70.3. With an increase in our volume this year, we felt AMAZING this year at the finish line. It actually felt like we just had a long workout.
Gotta keep the mind and body happy... at the same time :)
Nice numbers!
"Now I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel like a bit of a failure at times. I started something and I'm not finishing it." Ya, I have this thought weekly, if not daily.
"I feel like I've finally made a smart decision that will help me in the future." This is what I really need to be reminding myself.
This is life, not a single race. I'm glad you are enjoying the training and I can't wait to read the race report.
Ur gonna wreck the 70.3!!!!
I don't "know" you very well yet, but it sounds to me like you've averted potential burnout by trusting your gut.
In anything we do, we have to be in w/ our heart or it all goes south very fast. Running, jobs, relationships..
You may have to carry my untrained ass across the finish line! Do they offer a 5k?
You will do amazing at the half! I agree, a full is way to much work to do without your full heart into it. I was having a hard time with not doing a fall marathon this year, and just doing a half, and there is nothing wrong with it. A half is still a huge achievement.
I'm glad you feel comfortable with your decision to switch. It sounds like that's what you really wanted, and no body knows that except for you. You're going to dominate this 70.3. It's going to be awesome! Your training sounds like you're just cruising along and enjoying it, so keep up the good work!
I hard to make a very hard decision about an event I wanted to be a part of following IMKY. Those types of decisions can be a roller coaster but in the end I know I am right in what I decided.....and so are you. ;)
Youre going with your gut on this and you're gonna rock it!
I think you made the best decision you could for you and that's what counts. Just think with the distances you've been putting in the half will be kick ass.
I am glad you are okay with your decision to do the 1/2 instead of the full. I mean, it's YOUR DECISION! Sometimes we got to re-evaluate the situation and no matter what others say, when it comes down to it ... you gotta listen to your heart. :)
Definitely sounds like the right call! PS, my friend Ian said he had met one of my Trakkers teammates down at a race at Alum Creek! Can't wait to meet you myself at REV3!
It's obvious from everything you wrote that this was the best decision FOR YOU .... and that's what matters. Evaluating the situation and revising goals is just part of the process. Rock it!
you totally know you made the right decision - and you will CRUSH the 70.3. so excited for you!
Hey Colleen. My 70.3 at Steelhead became a 69.1 because of a cancelled swim so I needed a redemption race. I've just signed up for the Half Rev at Cedar Point! Maybe I'll get to meet you in person?
Let me say this: We tell people to push through but we tell them to do so wisely.
What you have chosen is to push through wisely. That is a hell of a race schedule and the wise thing was to choose the shorter (funny to say that) distance at 70.3 so that you can race the marathons and goofy challenge all that are right around the corner from Rev3CP.
It's about being smart not about being a bruiser b/c that will only lead to injury in the long run.
You are going to totally kick ass at the 70.3!!! I am so proud of you!!! YES it was the right freaking decision!!
So VERY proud of you - you did the right thing, and this post proves it. You are going to march right into that race, kick it's ass, and walk away knowing you made the smartest decision you could have. You're a rockstar :)
I "get" what you are saying and totally respect that decision. It makes sense in every way. You have lots of races ahead and sometimes you have to adjust a few things here and there. We would never question you for making smart decisions that in the end make you happy and allow you to train with less stress. Win-win situation I say!
You are going to crush the 70.3! No doubt you made the right decision for yourself! Way to be strong and stick to your instinct! I am just glad you will be there cheering us on after you finish. I will definitely need the help/support!
We each need to do what's best for us and it sounds like you are really in tune with that. And you're keeping things fun which is so important, right? :) I'm now tossing around the idea of IMFL '12 too... :)
You did the right thing, just be happy and enjoy the race. Plus this means you'll be on the rollercoasters that much sooner!
Love your attitude!
With your training you are going to crush the half at CP!
Very good choice. Those times when I didn't listen to my body are the times I've gotten myself in trouble.
You are going to do AWESOME!
in most cases, as in this one, yourn is the only opinion that matters :-)
Blow everyone away at the half rev this year and IMFL next year? sounds like an awesome plan. Do it!
It's amazing how much your head and heart dictate what goes on with your training. I think you're being very smart about your decision, gotta keep that "want to" spark vs. the "have to"
It totally sounds like you made the right decision!!
Absolutely no reason to feel like a failure - you have to know when to push through tough times and when to follow your heart elsewhere.
Looking forward to meeting you and racing with you at Rev3 CP!
you sound like me going back and forth. You made the decision to do the half and you are going to do great so just go with it and don't look back! :)
i think you are so wise. Ironmans are brutal on your body, not that you couldn't do it but it wouldn't be as enjoyable. ya know?
Smart choice!!
you know you and i respect your decision. sometimes it is easy to let the ego dictate and this shows you are smarter than that.
go kill it at 70.3 girl!!
Sounds like you made the best choice! You'll totally kick butt at Ironman Florida next year!
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