First and foremost, I'm good. On the mend. Some days I feel like it's slower than hoped, but really, we can't all be super picky can we? I wish I could say that the swelling and bruising has subsided, but it hasn't... to the point where I'm a little concerned and heading to the doctor in the morning. I was going to post pictures, but my husband advised against it. I think he knows best. Let's just say that my upper thigh ranges in colors from red, purple, blue, green and yellow and my back is kind of the same. Remember hypercolor shirts (am I dating myself because I used to think those were super cool and thinking about them now... gross? They changed color when your body got warm. So places like your armpits were always a different color. Or under your boobs. Luckily I didn't have to worry about that when they were in style - phew... that makes me feel a little better). In any event, that's kind of what my "spots" remind me of. And of course they have all kinds of weird marks in them because I've been icing, or wear clothes that used to fit but are a little tighter now due to the swelling. It pushes all that "stuff" around. Anyway... I'm getting off topic.
Because of the location of the two impact points (my thigh and my lower back), sleeping has been uncomfortable. Which makes me cranky. And I can't confirm or deny that I haven't cried more than once looking at myself because, well, it's not pretty. I used to cringe at the permanent white tri suit I wear (does anyone else don one of these?) and now I wish that's what I was looking at. I have to keep reminding myself that these aren't permanent (cause that white tri suit doesn't ever go away...)
But then I think about it and I'm pretty damn lucky. Nothing is broken. I didn't lose layers and layers of skin from skidding across the pavement, which burn every time I shower. Heck, my clothes didn't even rip (although Tom doesn't want me to wash my jersey because of the cool crank mark implanted on the back of it). My brand new Kestrel that I love so dearly - one little scratch on the brakes and Oval bars (always fall under the bike so that it doesn't get damaged... you can heal, carbon can't). So why am I getting all crappy about the way I look? So vain...
I guess I'm a little bummed that a week out, I haven't bounced right back. The trainer riding is going fine, but no chance I could run or swim. That's a bit rough because of the half marathon that I was hoping to run this weekend. I think I'm going to walk it because the medal is kind of cool. Oh my gosh though... have you ever walked a half marathon? Yikes... I may need a stiff-drink after that! :) And the REV3 Cedar Point half is still up in the air. I guess we'll see what the next week brings. I might be a cheerleader the entire day. And if you know me, I'll have a blast doing that too. :)
I'm not looking for sympathy because it's all a little pathetic, the way I'm feeling. I know that. But this is me... being honest. Next time, I hope to have a better update!
Oh... and all of you asked about Keith. I know he reads this blog (he said my last post actually helped him piece some things together about it all). He's doing awesome and I can't thank you enough for your extra thoughts and prayers for him. No broken bones after all for him (which is shocking). Already has the stitches out from under his eye. Nice little shiner though. And lots of bruises and road rash. He was clear to get back on his bike once he feels up to it. He said that he doesn't remember anything after thinking he was going to hit me which quite honestly I'm thankful for. I know that he and I will soon ride again together. Probably side by side. But for now...we're healing together and I know that I'm glad to have him as a friend! :)
Hey I walked/barly jogged the back half of the NYC marathon last year telling myself I would get that medal and not let Al Roker beat me
You can do it
You women are so hard on yourselves for how you look. Don't get it. I don't mind walkers waling a half mary, but you are not a walker, from what I gather. Rest up. You'll have your day. :)
Hope you and all your friends heal up quickly. :)
I've been thinking about you a lot this week, and I'm glad you're healing. I would hate to try and sleep with the uncomfortable pain from your wounds. It's great to hear that Keith didn't break anything. I hope you're able to get back on the bike and ride without fear. Oh yeah, and I'm REALLY glad your bike is ok! :)
Happy to hear that the healing is coming along and that Keith is doing well also. Can he or can you say you should see the other guy/gal? Maybe both of you can say it now and laugh without too much pain.
More healing vibes being sent up north I just hope they are clear to pass through the border.
I'm glad to see an update...and again so glad you are OK as well as your friend. Take your time and heal up - you may be totally fine for the race but if not, there will be other races. Feel better soon!
Wow! I missed that you crashed. So glad that you are OK. And hope you heal quickly.
I am the worst follower...
how did I miss that you had been hurt.
I am so sorry that you are in so much pain.
I dont know how bad it is ..good idea not to put pics I think. I had a nasty ski accident about 12 yrs ago. no broken bones but I was like you describe yourself. It was bad. It did take a while to get better. I know this sucks. Be patient. It will heal. You should see the Dr to be sure all is ok though. Hang in there!
You can hang with Annie on race day if you need to sit it out OR you can walk slowly with me if you decide to give it a go (-:
Good to hear your friend Keith is doing well. Was wondering about that, thanks for the update!
Great news Keith is doing okay. Great news you didnt get hurt worse.
Def dont wash the jersey, the crank mark implantations sounds really cool:)
go easy and make smart are on the rebound!
OMG...I didn't even know you were in a bike did I miss that post?! I'm sooo sorry I didn't know about it! But, I'm glad to hear that you're doing alright. I hope your dr. apt. goes well!!
I am definitely sending healing vibes to you and Keith!
I hope you feel better soon. A crash during a group ride is one of my biggest fears. I can totally relate to how you're feeling and hope that you heal quickly!
I hope that if you don't do Cedar Point you still go because I would really love a chance to get to meet you!
SO glad you are OK.
Hang in their Coleen! Hope everything goes well at the doc tomorrow.
I say if you decide to walk the half marathon, have the stiff drink at the beginning.
I am so glad you are seeing a MD. Take care of yourself and take all the rest you need.
Yes, I look like I wear white bike shorts year round :) I take it as a badge of courage at swim.
Ugh sorry I wasn't here sooner. So sorry about the crash. speedy recovery!
The bruises will heal and the swelling will go down just give it time and keep your head up! You are one tough lady! Keep on fighting the good fight!!!!
Waiting is the hardest part of healing, but I am glad to hear you are on the mend!
Thanks for the update. It will get better, and takes time. Ryan's two closest riding buddies have both had BAD accidents this year, one was actually in an accident with Ryan. Neither are 100% yet. Kent was in the hospital for several days after hitting Ryan. You are so fortunate that you are doing as well as you are! It is hard being injured, I can attest to that, but you are strong and will get through this. Hugs!
Unfortunate that you are still bruised, but at least it is just bruised.
Could you at least post an image of the cool crank mark on your jersey?
So glad you're okay and healing (albeit slowly). I can relate! When I fell off my bike last year I had a large hematoma that was really swollen, I nicknamed it the "alien water balloon"---do you have one of those? Mine eventually went well but it did take time--I was able to bike and swim after a couple of weeks but I couldn't run for nearly two months =(. I hope you don't have one of those it wasn't pleasant but I also got through it. Sending healing thoughts!
so thankful you are ok and no fractures or anything... sending happy-healing vibes your way. would love to meet up at Rev3. Please email me at
It sucks that it is taking longer than expected for the bruises to heal, but like you said, they will heal. As for the white tri suit... wear that baby with pride! I do! haha
I admit, I sort of chuckled at "you can heal, carbon can't".
Rest up and hope you heal up soon!
Where have I been? How did I miss this? I am so glad you and your friend are ok! I know it always sucks to be on the sidelines and I definitely understand the loathing things on the body. I always used to love bruises though, called em war wounds. I felt they seperated me from the sissy pants girls!
I hope the doc confirms that the bruising is all normal, nothing more to worry about so you can get along with your healing. Be sure to post an update! And I'm so glad to hear Keith is doing well, too!
Ha, ha - loved the comment by Marcus Grimm about having the drink before the half. I totally agree!!
Somehow I missed your earlier post & now your comment to me makes perfect sense! Sending healing thoughts your way (happy to hear the Kestral is okay!)!! And I know if you walk for that 1/2, you'll cherish ithat medal almost (if not more) than others because your getting back on the horse & doing it your way!! :) stay strong lady!
Hang in there, this has got to be tough. I hope everything checks out ok at the doctors. Yes, walk the 1/2! I did it when I was pregnant. I had every intention of running and got a side stitch minutes into it. IT took me over 3 hours but I will always remember that and that I prevailed! I wanted that medal too and a finish!
lady, i am so glad you are on the mend. also happy to hear that keith is healing as well. thinking of you.
I believe that honest updates are the best kind. And very important to the healing process as well. Keep plugging along.
I have only one request. That if you are full time cheerleader at REV3... that you save your voice for when we come barreling down the shoot!!!!!!!
And, honestly, I could NEVER walk 13.1. At glass city I had issues watching people pass me as I was crippled by my achilles... which was why I sprinted to catch up to you haha, walking is very very mentally taxing. If you have someone there with you it is MUCH more enjoyable.
But, I get it, that medal is all it takes to get me out there too haha.
Wow--I missed this post! Sorry you crashed..had to have shaken you up! but you're right--you are lucky, so try to focus on the positives. A little more downtime and I'm sure you'll be back in the saddle (literally!). Rest up!
I've been thinking of you guys. Glad to get an update - and it's not silly at all about how you're feeling about appearance. When your physical identity is changed - even if temporarily - it's shocking to the self. But so glad you are working through it and have great support. Sending lots of healing vibes your way!
Sorry to hear it has been slow. I know when I crashed this summer, those first couple weeks were a struggle mentally. Wishing you the best of luck with your healing and at the very least know that you have some things to look forward to including REV3, even if you are the cheerleader!
Hopefully, we'll see you out competing on the Rev3 course, but if not, we're looking forward to having you cheer us on! Get better soon!
Slow healing just means your body is getting it right the first time :D I hope you are feeling better soon and body and spirit. Thinking about you and sending lots of healing vibes!!! Thanks for the update! and if you are a cheerleader in Cedar Point you are going to be one kick butt cheerleader!!
So glad to hear that you are doing OK. Glad the bike is OK too :)
You are NOT being pathetic! Try and take it day by day, and I think it's completely normal to be emotional about what you went through. Hang in there, happy you and Keith are on the mend : )
so glad to hear that both of you are free of broken bones. Phew! And i know you will fast, and even stronger. The hardest thing is waiting and healing.
Glad to hear there were no broken bones or serious injuries... but sorry to hear you're still in pain and so many different colors! (It took me a minute to get the 'permanent white tri suit' thing but yep, I have one of those too!)
It's frustrating to not be healing as fast as you want to, but just keep focusing on the positives! :)
Sounds like we are both on the mend. Very sorry to read this and hate that you will miss a race this weekend. I have 5 more weeks before I can think about running or swimming. The trainer is my only option so I WILL TAKE IT ;)
Glad you weren't seriously injured! It's tough but you WILL get through this! Looking forward to hearing more about the recovery.
we'll take you and keith back and healthy over any dumb ole race any day...
SOOOOooooo happy to hear you are on the mends and convalescing both physically and emotionally. Psychologically, I am still recovering from my crash this summer. Crashing hurts. I have to say, there are moments that I still get a little "uneasy" going close to 40 m.p.h. down a hill with my head six feet in the air. Be careful out there.
The scars will heal... and you look terrific with or without them!
I second everyone elses comments. Take advantage of this downtime and recoup slowly. Your body will thank u. Stiff drink def before walking the half!
Recovering from a crash takes time, I'm so glad to hear it wasn't worse!
The permanent white tri suit... hadn't heard that before, love it :) I have a racerback tattoo.
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