As I was being wheels away yesterday in the ambulance, the EMT said "there are two kinds of bikers... those that have gone down and those that will go down". A wise man! Lucky for me, for the last seven years I was the later. Last night I became the first kind. :(
I've never been scared of my bike. I feel comfortable on it - more comfortable on it than on my own two feet sometimes.. I like riding in a group and although I ride my TT bike, I never go down in my aerobars (unless I'm pulling). I tend to stay toward the front of the pack. We only ride two wide. I'm super nervous getting close to the person in front of me so I probably leave more space than I need to. We always yell out for gravel, potholes, roadkill (we are in the country), and anything else that might cause a wreck.
I don't know what I hit last night. All I remember is talking to Kelly and then saying "Oh Shit" as I'm smacking down on the pavement. I was only the third rider in the line and that meant a whole slew of riders behind me. Before I know it, someone hit me and went flying over me. As I cringed, another person hit me. Then it just got crazy. I didn't know if I should cry or what. Could I move? My left leg was still attached to my pedal but my right leg was somehow stuck around my handlebars. I immediately think I'm alright, just shook up. But seeing Keith lay in front of me was the scariest thing ever. He's my buddy. When he hit me and went flying, I saw him smack the ground and he wasn't moving. As a matter of fact, he was barely breathing and our friend Mel looked scared to death as she sat with him. I got untangled from my bike. Nothing felt broken. Someone sat between me and Keith, probably to prevent me from seeing him. He was pretty beat up. I was able to move. Just a little bit of blood. No tears in my clothes. I got off to the side of the road and just sat there. And that's when the tears came. I think I was so scared for Keith... this was my fault. I tried to stand and just felt really dizzy so I laid down. The quads came and although I could move everything and only had a little bit of pain where Keith's tire had hit me, I couldn't stand without being dizzy so they suggested that I get in the ambulance and get checked out. Turns out no broken bones. I have a little bit of road rash on my arm, but the blunt of my fall was felt on my left thigh which is really swollen and a smurf shade of blue - it's not pretty. My back is really swollen from the impact of Keith's tire I'm guessing, and very bruised. I'm kind of walking like an old lady.
I know that at some point, everyone will go down on their bikes and I am very fortunate that nothing was broken or seriously damaged. I keep replaying the incident in my mind, wondering what I did wrong, or what I might have hit. I keep picturing Keith flying over me and landing on the pavement. I'm glad to know that he is home and safe... some stitches, a concussion and maybe some broken ribs. I feel horrible for Tom because he was in front me of, heard the crash, looked back to see it was me and then saw the two bikers hit me as I was laying there. He's been replaying what he saw over and over too.
One thing that struck me was how many people said "Thank you for wearing your helmet". I would never consider getting on my bike without it. And today I threw mine away because it was dinged up from me hitting the ground (not to mention the mysterious blood in it even though no one could find a scratch on my head). I have another and when I get the courage to get back on my bike, it'll be the first thing I put on.
Thanks for all your comments on facebook, your texts, your calls and your emails. It means so much to me that so many people care about me! Be safe out there... I thought I was doing everything right and look what happened.
I know I'll always be the kind of rider that has gone down. Hopefully it's out of my system and I can move on.
Colleen, I am soo sorry to hear about your crash. They happen...I should know as I look down at the scars on both of my hands as I type from my crash earlier this summer. You will be back on your bike in no time!
PS-it always in scary when those things happen! We are all lucky we wear our helmets and do what we can to look out for each other!
You'll be back before you know it.
Oh man! So glad nothing is broken and that your friend is also okay!
After I crashed I was really scared to get back on the bike mostly b/c I was afraid of falling on my HUGE hematoma (which just recently went away a year later). But I did and I did some of my best rides after my crash. I know you'll do the same.
Weird about the helmet thing, I wouldn't dream of even thinking about getting on my bike without it!
Hope you heal FAST! Thinking of you and sending healing vibes.
Oh no!!! I'm so glad you are OK. How scary.
I've crashed a couple times, one of them pretty hard going over my handlebars and bouncing off both hips, then being run over by my friend (her choice was head or body so she went for the body). And then we were 20 miles from our cars so we had to get back on the bike and ride again.
I hope you recover quickly and getting back on the bike feels OK. Helmets are a blessing!
So glad you are okay! That is SUPER scary!
I just got back on my Mt. Bike last week after a fall I had a couple weeks ago... I was nervous at first but you get over it and start enjoying it again.
Good luck with the healing, be gentle to that thigh :D
Oh no! Sorry to hear about the crash. Sounds like the memories did/are doing more damage than the physical wounds...which is good and bad. Good that it wasn't more serious. And bad for obvious reasons. I've been fortunate that the two times I have "crashed" on my bike, I was going 5mph or less leaving only bruises and a few scrapes. I hope to never be in a crash this serious. So scary.
You'll be up and riding before you know it. Show that bike you're not afraid. You got this!
I'm soooo glad you are ok!!! Heal up and you'll know when it's time to get back in the saddle!!
Again, so sorry to hear this happened, especially so close to Cedar Point. Glad that you are ok and your friend is mostly ok and on the mend.
Once the physical wounds heal, I hope that you can regain your confidence on the bike quickly. I think that is the thing most people don't think about after a crash like that.
I know you will bounce back! Rest up!
I'm so glad you are ok. I was thinking about you all day after i saw your facebook post. I actually saw it around 6 am this morning. Tried to comment via fb on my phone but didn't look like it went thru. Crashes happen and they suck and yes, you get post traumatic stress from it. You'll see it in your head for awhile. Helmets do save lives. I've cracked a few in the last couple of years. As cyclist, there is only so much we can do, sometimes there are things completely out of our control, like debree in the road and you don't see it until you are already hitting it. I hope you feel better soon. I'm going to continue sending lots of healing, positive vibes your way and to Keith also.
Whew! Glad everyone is okay. Was thinking about you today as I was out in the country doing work so was glad to see this post.
Get some rest and take care of yourself!
Disturbing how many of these posts have been written in our little endurance community over the last year?
Dad and I are ever so thankful for your minor injuries in the scheme of what could have been. I know you've been worried about your friend, Keith, and I'm certain he doesn't blame you for what happened. Thank God for the helmet. Thank you, Tom, for calling us right away. It's a call like that all parents dread, but we were so happy to hear your voice, Colleen, from the emergency room. We love you both...stay safe, ride strong and be careful. Mom xoxoox
Terrible! Glad all are OK.
Oh crap! Thats awful, as I'm also scared on the bike. I'm so glad that you're both okay. Stay safe sister.
Holy Cow Colleen, so, so happy you're okay. Hope you can get some rest, feel better soon!!!!! xo
oh my gosh! so glad that you are ok, and your friend is too!
Wow! I'm so sorry you went down, but I'm really glad you didn't get hurt worse. I'm glad Keith is doing ok although it sounded like he got it pretty bad. Way to wear that helmet...I always wear mine too. I hope the bruises and road rash and scratches heal quickly.
So glad to here that you and everyone else is going to OK. Sounds like a totally awful experience.
Rest up and hopefully Tom pampers you ;)
I've only had one crash and it was pretty minor as I was the only one involved, but still, I was a little shaken up afterwards. I'm sure your confidence will return just as your wounds will heal.
Oh my! That is scary! I'm glad you are okay. I keep knocking on wood that something like this never happens, but I know it will...when I least expect it. Rest up
Glad you are doing well! Keep on wearing that helmet, girl!
So glad you walked away from that!! Packs are my fear and I just stay away because riding scared is not fun. Helmet - yes! Amazing how some people don't think twice about NOT wearing one - ugh. Hope you heal up fast and find a need to hop back on the bike again soon.
I've had two rides end in the emergency room myself. Please get your bike checked (especially the fork) since often there are micro cracks that could impact you later. In my first crash I didn't have much of a choice because my frame shattered but even though it looked ok, I replaced the fork just to be safe.
Good thing you are on the road to recovery. Feel better and feel safe.
Really glad you & your buddies are OK. It is a scary thing. Hope you have a speedy recovery & can get back on that bike soon!
How scary! I'm so glad you and your friend are alright! Hope your scratches and bruises heal quickly!
Yikes! That is scary stuff Colleen. Glad it wasn't any worse. Bruises and broken bones all heal up.
Take your time getting back on the bike. No need to rush it until you feel confident on it again.
So glad everyone is OK. How scary... Hope you are feeling better soon.
So glad to hear you're ok.
It's funny. I volunteered at a kids triathlon this morning and got to chatting with one kid's father who is an Ironman. He had wiped out at 50mph up on the Lake Placid course with his family driving behind him. He went to the ER and was alright, but one of his sons is scared to ride a bike because of it.
I know you'll be back on the bike in no time and the whole thing will be a story to tell, but I do agree with the EMT's words of wisdom. And thank GOD for common sense amongst athletes for wearing a helmet!
Hope the recovery goes quickly for all involved!!
What a scary experience - I'm so glad to hear that everyone is okay.
Holy crap, Colleen, that is so scary!!! I'm so glad you and your friend are both okay. I know you will feel strong enough to ride again soon, but in the meantime, big hugs from me!!!
My best to you and Keith..
Luckily for me I have Arnie and he is usually the crash car dummy in our group. Since he is the faster rider, I get to practice my evasive menuevers.
It happens so quickly, you just never see it coming.
Just realize it comes with the territory and that's why we wear protection.
COLLEEN!!!! How did i not know about this!?! So glad to hear you are okay! I am terrified of those falls but I am glad you are no too injured and yes, you wore your helmet. Thank GOD!
I second everyone else in that I am super glad you are ok and have no serious injuries. I crashed in 2006 on my first ever triathlon in the rain on a curve - screwed up my rotator cuff for a year. So now here's to having our dues paid and no more crashes, right?
I have no worries you will be back on that saddle in now time. These types of challenges only make us stronger athletes.
Wow, I'm just getting around to reading this now!! I'm so glad to hear you are ok!
Thank goodness for helmets! Take care of yourself......and take it easy...
So glad you and Keith are ok! Bike crashes are so scary! Take care of yourself and I hope you heal up quickly! You are a tough girl and will be back in no time I am sure!
I'm so glad you're alright. I'll be keeping you and Keith in my thoughts and prayers for speedy recoveries for your injuries! You'll be back in no time!
I don't really know you, but I checked out a couple of your posts, as we read some of the same people.
Glad you are o.k. though. I know that is scary.
oh added you to my list too fwiw, so you have another reader. :)
I'm glad you're OK. You hit something and went down. How is that your fault? We all take risks every day. We know what they are. We accept it. The smart ones amongst us do things to mitigate that risk, like wear a helmet.
Get back on that bike...
So glad you are okay! That is really scary! Hope you are back in the saddle soon!
That's the strangest part of going down like that - you have to throw out your helmet and get a new one. Glad you're ok, I know taking a crash like that isn't easy.
Scary, scary stuff. Happy you are ok and not only wearing a helmet but I also know that you are wearing your Road ID these days too.
How is Keith doing?
I am glad you are ok, I hate to hear when people go down on their bike, so scary. Good to hear Keith is going to be ok too, I was watching the US Pro Challenge and saw the TT1 guy go down.
Oh goodness!!! I am so glad you are okay - and Keith, too. How scary. Wow. Sending lots of healing vibes your way. SO glad you are okay.
Phew, everyone is ok. That was all I could think about all weekend, when riding in a group, someone always turns into a ramp and those dang skinny tires have to hurt.
Not sure if I am the only one who asked yet, but are you still doing Rev?
I feel for Tom. As a husband, I would have been devastated seeing H get run over.
Hang in there and I agree with you 100% on the helmets. They make them for a reason.
Rest up and I have heard that ice cream helps the healing process ;)
I’m sorry to hear you crashed but glad that everyone seems to be ok! I went down for the first time a few weeks back and hit my head hard, I can’t thank my helmet enough it saved me a trip to the hospital if not my life. Hope you recover quickly and are back out on your bike soon.
shoot, just catching up on blogs now and just seeing this. I'm SO glad you are ok.
I don't get the people that won't wear helmets, I see them all the time and think they are just being stupid. I have seen the aftermath when my swim coach was killed in a bike accident and she had a helmet on, why on earth wouldn't you wear one.
I'm glad you are ok (I know I already said that but it needs saying again).
oh my goodness - so sorry to read about this... super scary! And it's incredible how quickly it happens.
I'm glad to hear it wasn't any worse than it was though, and thank goodness for helmets!
Hope you (and Keith) are doing better!
Now I read the full story. scary. I am glad you are all alive, not broken and home. I wish you and Keith a speedy recovery. This has to be hard on you. It was an accident. Dont be too hard on yourself now. You will have the courage to get back on the bike, I am sure of it.
holy shit, how did i miss this post colleen?!!!! im so so so glad you are okay. thinking about you. xoxo
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