So I'm holding down the fort while Tom is out running. The guys started running on Thursday night and have been going 24/7 since. Right now I think that they are somewhere in Arizona (at least that's what the map says). I haven't talked to Tom all that much... maybe 3-5 minutes each day. From what I know - they are doing well, keeping strong, very sleep deprived already, climbingclimbingclimbing, good control of their diabetes and just moving forward. Great update huh? :) They don't have much cell signal so our chats are very brief, mainly to see how he's holding up mentally through all of this because I worry... He just has so much on his plate right now that he's dealing with - throwing 15 days of little Internet access, little sleep and running 14-28 miles every 24 hour period is going to do a number on him. :( Keep sending him messages at - he said that he is reading those and loves reading what people are writing. And if I get any more updates, I'll let you know. Oh... one thing that was cool. Last night he was interviewed on a live radio show by "Paul friggen Huddle and Bob Babbitt" (his words via text). If you are a triathlete, you'll know how cool that was for him!
So what have I been doing while Tom's gone? Working, shopping, sleeping, shopping, visiting with my friends and family, shopping, catching up on reality tv and working out. Priorities people...
I ran a half marathon on Saturday. It was one of those "I'll wait to see how the weather is on Saturday morning before I sign up" kind of runs. I woke up to sunny and low 30 temps (okay, that's a lie... it was still dark, but the forecast said sun). I decided to make the trip (2 hours northwest) to this tiiiiiiiiiny little town called Elida for the Meals 'til Monday half marathon - great little organization that gives kids meals for the weekend who might otherwise not be able to eat between heading home on Friday after school and getting back to school on Monday. Anyway, I paid my dues (I think the lady was a little surprised that I registered for the half on the day of the race) and just waited until the start. It was announced that the start would be at the crosswalk to the school. Awesome small races.
The half lined up and there were 45 of us. That's it. :) I wasn't running for a goal time or anything... heck, I'm still wrapping up my bike accident wounds when I run because they are still painful (yeah, I know... it's been 9 weeks and I'm not healed) and I am slowly getting back into any sort of training. I took off at a nice pace. First mile was 8:16 - whoa nelly... that's a tad too fast. But I quickly settled in. Nothing but cornfields. And headwinds. In any event, it wasn't a very action packed race. I was running third female for the first 8 miles, passed the second place woman and then was passed by the now third place woman. I dug hard to keep that third place spot. I ended up running behind a guy in cargo swim trunks and vibrams (yeah... no need to say anything). The finish was literally a spot in the parking lot that you crossed and they said "you're done, great job". hehehe - I went inside where they were serving hamburgers and hot dogs (the race started at 10am so it wasn't one of those weird finish line food option / time of day things (you know...for instance when you finish a race at 9:30am and they are serving beer and you have to question if that's alright). I waited around for awards and ended up snagging 1st in my AG and 3rd Overall Woman. Gotta love small races.
So here are the stats:
Finish Time - 1:54:31
3 of 23 women
1 of 6 in 30-39 age group
12 of 45 overall
It definitely wasn't about what place I came in. It was about getting a run in, supporting a good cause, and knowing that if it hurt a little, that was okay - at least I wasn't running across the country like my crazy husband! :)
So now I'm counting down the days until I get to participate in some shenanigans with Mandy, Kristin, Matty-O, and Heather, cheering on all the people at IMFL. Oh.. it's gonna be a good time! Are you going to be in PCB? Let me know...
:) Sounds like you have been BUSIER now than when Tom is even around... which is bad because you guys were already SUPER BUSY!
Love the last minute race, those are always the best and most enjoyable, topped off with o/a finish.
Hopefully when you are shopping you have everything shipped directly to georgia ;) less you have to pack up later!
We will let you know how the beaches and weather are tomorrow ;)
girl, you totally rocked that half-mary even it just being a training run and you not even trying!!!! way to go friend. one day, one day hopefully soon i will break the elusive 1:55 barrier!
Is Tom holding you back? All that shopping and running 1/2 mary's as well.......
Can't wait to read about the shenanigans in PCB. Wish I could be there with you all but take TONS of photos.
Great job on your 1/2 mary!
Can't WAIT to meet up with you guys in PCB! We're actually staying in Destin but heading into PCB every day for ironman activities. Call or text me 919-710-6738 to let me know when you want to get together. We're driving down wednesday and have all day thursday and friday to meetup.
FUN! Sounds like you are making the best of it all! Enjoy the weekend!
Congrats on taking your ag and 3rd oa, that is awesome
Glad the injury is healing more and more!
You make me want to drive up to PCB.
Any floor space available?
SO impressed with what Tom is doing! I hope it continues to go smoothly for him. And so jealous of your IMFL weekend. You guys will have a fantastic time!!
Way to go with the half marathon! You ROCK! Nice work! I've been tracking Tom a bit. Those guys are terrific! I hope you get back to 100% soon from the bike wreck injuries.
Congrats on your race. That is a pretty good time, considering, you are not near 100%.
Good luck to your husband, and the crew, that does sound nuts. :)
it's amazing what Tom is doing. Will def send words of encouragement!!
congrats on a great race--love the cause too. It's really sad when our kids don't have enough food :(
That is a lot of shopping - makes me afraid to ever leave Annie alone for 20 days!!!
I can’t believe after “very little training” you can throw down a sub two hour half. You are amazing, great job! Sending happy vibes to Tom and his teammates!
Congrats on that placement and have fun in Florida!
Great job with the half marathon! It must have felt great to just get out there and run. Sounds like an awesome event for a small race. Sometimes the small races are the best.
Totally missed that we could send messages to Tom. I'll definitely have to send him some words of encouragement. I have loved seeing all the pictures on FB.
Have fun in PCB! Go easy on MattyO and make sure he doesn't overdose on estrogen ;)
Nice job with the half marathon. It's funny I always shy away from smaller races b/c I'm afraid to be close to last. =)
Tom's adventure sure is amazing, I'm glad you're able to get updates even if they are short and sparse. Wow, what a feat for them.
Have fun spectating in FL. Spectating is one of my favorite things to do. I get so much energy from watching my friends and other folks do their best.
congrats on your half marathon! It sounds like you're coming back from the bike injury!
I'm so in awe of what TT1 is doing... I can't imagine running that much on back to back to back days! You've gotta be proud :)
Congratulations on your stellar half marathon finish! I love races that support worthy causes!
Have a blast in Florida!
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